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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. Fucking hell. I'd rather watch 100 Trump rallies in a row than read anymore of you assholes arguing about lawyers or fucking whatever. GTFO with that shit.
  2. Was just looking at that. After Charles Woodson in 1997, it's been pretty rough. Number of Pro Bowls in parentheses. Maybe???: Newton (3 + 1 MVP) Good-but-not-quite-Hall-worthy: Ricky (1), Palmer (3), Ingram (3) Meh: Dayne, VY (2), Bradford, RGIII (1), Winston (1), Mariota, Mayfield Terrible: Weinke, Leinart, Troy Smith, Tebow, Manziel Non-existent: Crouch, White Jury's still out: Henry (4), Jackson (3 + 1 MVP), Murray (2), Burrow (1), DeVonta Smith Cam's on the outside looking in, but I guess it's theoretically possible. Current trajectory looks promising for Henry and Jackson. Henry's likely done as part of the "best RB in the NFL" conversation, but if he squeaks out a couple more 1,000 yard seasons it's probably a done deal. Jackson's gotta stay healthy and a Super Bowl win wouldn't hurt. Interestingly, Henry and Jackson were drafted 45th and 32nd overall. A lot of the rest of these guys were high first rounders. To be fair, there was a big string of crap before Woodson as well. Heisman winners being bonafide NFL stars pretty much ended with the 80s.
  3. Yours stops for 3 years at a time? What's your secret?
  4. The whole thing was weird. If it's not Ketch, why didn't he ever just say "I'm not Ketch, wtf are y'all talking about"? If it is Ketch, why didn't he disappear and come back under a different name when people started calling out literally every post? My personal theory is that it's some random 80-year-old dude that shuts down his Compaq after every post to save electricity. He's going to call the Geek Squad tomorrow to ask why his Surlyhorns screen stopped working.
  5. Some dude named Wade Harman is listed as a "Senior Assistant" on the defensive side for the Dolphins. Setting aside for a minute that that doesn't make much sense because he's a career offensive guy, he was Sark's TE coach when Sark was OC of the Falcons. Maybe he put in a (really) good word? I'm honestly pretty curious how this guy even made it on to the radar.
  6. Just finished watching this on Netflix. I had never seen it before. Great show (obviously). The concentration camp episode was a real gut punch. My only complaint is that, aside from a few main guys (Winters, Nixon, Donnie Wahlberg, maybe a couple others), I never had a good sense of which guy was which and what their rank/role was. There's a ton of characters and a lot of the time they're wearing helmets, faces are super dirty, etc. For example, Michael Fassbender was in an early episode I was like "oh, cool, early career Michael Fassbender". Then he disappeared (I guess?) and I forgot he was in it, and he reappeared in one of the last episodes. Not a big deal, just a nitpick, but I did feel like there were quite a few scenes where a character is portrayed as "one of the guys", or they're really sad about his death or something, and I'm sitting there thinking "wait who tf is that?".
  7. I do not care who it is, what the hat says, or what the context is. It could be a picture of the late Fred Rogers wearing a hat that says "Vince Young = GOAT". But wearing a ballcap with a suit will ALWAYS make you look like a cunt.
  8. What a business model. Yeah yeah, our planes are death traps designed by accountants. But also! Consider this! The market for our product is a duopoly and our competitor is backlogged and we're too strategically important for our government to let us fail, so.....fuck you, pay up. Maybe these MBA geniuses are on to something after all. They probably fly Gulfstreams, so no harm no foul as far as they're concerned.
  9. Sark looking at Terrance Brooks after Jabbar Muhammad visits: Sark on Terrance Brooks after Will Johnson becomes available:
  10. I’ve seen a ton of “I don’t care about Trump, all I know is I could afford groceries in 2020” type stuff on Reddit, which skews very young. It gets shouted down, but that train of thought is definitely circulating among younger people, and like some fuckhead said: if you’re explaining, you’re losing.
  11. Right off the bat, I thought we already knew that the plug came from Spirit loose so that Boeing could open it up during assembly? That guy claims it comes in the final configuration. Which is it? edit: read it again, and it sounds like someone who has access to those record keeping systems but doesn’t actually know how things work out on the assembly line. A supply chain middle manager or something like that. He read the associated tickets and filled in some gaps and made some assumptions. Interesting info, but I take it with a big grain of salt. Better watch his cornhole, too, because I guarantee they have a record of who accesses those systems and when.
  12. Good call. I know we all expected better from Tim Scott.
  13. I dunno if it works exactly this way, but NYT’s current results numbers imply about 320k total votes.
  14. NYT has it 53-45 at the moment. That feels like a good result for Haley to me. Is that about what people were expecting?
  15. Seems insanely hard without a big push from a deep-pocketed government. Bombardier tried, actually built a pretty nice airplane, and it bankrupted them anyway.
  16. I got nothing against Joe Biden. I think he's done a good job. Voted for him once and I'll damn sure vote for him again. But it's hard for me to see his decision to run again and not step aside as a damn near unforgivable act of pure ego.
  17. "Institutional investors are broadly against (an airplane manufacturer) developing new airplanes" is such an absurd statement that I just can't get over it. The only remedy is a salty, ball-breaking regulator. Every time I hear CEOs or politicians whine about "job-killing regulations" I'm going to mentally replace the statement with "door-plug-fastening regulations".
  18. I don't understand the difference in @YGIFS's group 3 and group 1. Group 3 is just...Republicans, Trump or no Trump. Either they were already Republicans, or the modern conservative media ecosystem has convinced them in the last 10 years that Democrats and liberals are evil. When I feel like wringing my hands, I think about Latinos of both sexes and Black men. I'm worried that those groups have seen something in Trumpism that they like. They tend to be more conservative on social issues than the average Democrat, sometimes significantly so. Trump has dropped a lot of the traditional "fuck anyone who isn't rich" GOP messaging on economics and replaced it with populism. Even if Trump's actual policies and actions were pretty much business as usual, messaging is important. Maybe this is who YGIFS is talking about in group 3?
  19. I think he’s on the Scott Walker career path. Don’t think he’ll actually lose like Walker, but once he’s done as governor, that’s it.
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