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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. Listening now on Spotify. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Careful, now. He might tell his mom that you're talking shit.
  3. I'm willing to admit that I'm one of the few people on Earth that doesn't currently have a strong opinion one way or another on SJL. Of course I know her name, but I don't actually know much else about her, other than she gets people awfully stirred up. Reading about Whitmire, he seems pretty uninspiring IMO. "Republicans' favorite Democrat" kind of guy. Feels like we should be able to do better.
  4. The kids name is Dalton Buckingham? Jesus Christ.
  5. Same poll had Whitmire way ahead of SJL in a 2-way race.
  6. Agreed. UTMB really, really overreacted. Honestly, I can understand aggy investigating a professor that had been formally censured by another state institution. Sharp's play-by-play text updates to Patrick are wildly inappropriate, though.
  7. The Houston Chronicle article on this talked to 3 anonymous students who were at the lecture and all three were hard pressed to even identify the statement that was "controversial". Apparently the lecturer pointed out that the Lt. Gov's policies had made it harder to fight the opioid epidemic (e.g., ban on fentanyl test strips) and that was pretty much it. Can you image sitting there trying to be a serious medical student and one of your classmates pulls a chickenshit stunt like this? I'd be fucking LIVID. She's going to do the same thing to UTMB professors as soon as they say something she doesn't like. "Vaccines are safe and effective"...."moooooooooooomm!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  8. My fear is that democracy in Israel is a lost cause. The intensity of the protests is encouraging, but the reality is that voters have returned Netanyahu to power again and again and again. Even the opposition is more centrist than left-wing, tiptoeing carefully around the question of settlements, etc. Labor has fallen from being one of two main political parties to a complete nonentity. Anything but full-throated Zionism is a nonstarter in Israeli politics at this point.
  9. He doesn't need to debate. He doesn't need to have rallies, or even really campaign. All he has to do is be Donald Trump, keep his name in the news, and 50% of the Republican primary electorate will show up to vote for him. That will be more than enough, considering that nobody on Earth likes Ron DeSantis and there's 6 other garden gnomes all siphoning off 3-5% apiece.
  10. I'm caught up on season 2. Not really spoilers, but just in case
  11. I cannot for the life of me figure out who the fuck would be supporting Mike Pence right now and why.
  12. I’m watching episode 1 as I type this and I have no fucking clue what’s going on. I can’t remember shit from season 1. The “previously on…” montage should have been about 30 minutes long.
  13. To me, the fact that relievers get random wins is an argument AGAINST wins. It’s too random. Also think it’s dumb that a lot of times a closer will get a BS and a win if his team comes back to win it. Shouldn’t get rewarded for that.
  14. I literally just a few minutes ago got a spam email from a picture framing company asking me to check out "Barbie-inspired picture frames for [my] Dream House". Barbie could be a great film. Probably is. Lots of people seem to think so. It's also, at it's core, a commercial exercise. Kudos to Gerwig for pulling it off. That's enough of my unmitigated cynicism for today. Sorry for fucking up the thread about a completely different movie.
  15. I haven’t seen it so maybe I’m being unfair. I assume Gerwig has enough skins on the wall to make whatever movie she wants. Don’t see why there’s any reason for said movie to be attached to a massive IP aside from some corporation saying “hey let’s use this to sell a shitload of dolls”.
  16. The Barbie thing is very surprising to me. It’s a two hour commercial, for fuck’s sake.
  17. I turned it on in the 60th minute and was entertained. Credit Nigeria for trying to win when in reality they’re probably thrilled to get a point.
  18. VAR spots a deserved red for Nigeria but there’s only seconds left in the match
  19. Canada’s defense kinda fucking around here. Will they find out?
  20. Old park was maybe a little hokey when it opened with the faux old style, but it had aged very well IMO. A very nice place to watch a game. God damn it was hot out there sometimes, though. New place is nice but lacks any character whatsoever. They just Googled "blueprints for generic 21st century ballpark", hit print, and started building.
  21. I think I could get that working, but I can hear my wife yelling at me that "the TV isn't working" already. I hadn't thought of this. Just so I understand you - forget about doing it at the router level, get a cheap Roku/Chromecast/whatever, and set the VPN/DNS at the device level and just switch the TV input? That seems pretty reasonable. I think I have an old Fire TV sitting around somewhere.
  22. I'm thinking about getting a VPN or SmartDNS so I can watch MLB.TV. Would apply it at the router level. My question is, will this fuck up my Netflix (and/or other streaming services)? I read that Netflix is cracking down on geolocation because of password sharing.
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