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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. I don't think they're poisoning people, I think it's actually toxic outside. Holston took his helmet off outside and still died. I don't think the old mayor was in on any of it. Mayors are elected, I think they're just a figurehead. The IT guy is the real guy running the show and his successor is chosen by...himself apparently through the shadow system. Agree that shit's gonna have to resolve quickly next season because she probably doesn't have that much air and zero food/water. I bet she either runs over to the next silo, knocks on the door, and sweet talks her way in, or some sort of vehicles pull up and grab her, confirming my suspicion that there's something going on outside the silos.
  2. I don’t recall the property tax bills ever having teacher pay raises. They might’ve, it’s possible. The senate tied teacher pay raises to their voucher bill, in hopes that it would force the house to pass it. House didn’t bite on that, so while we didn’t get vouchers (yet!), teacher pay raises died along with it.
  3. I don’t think it’s so much a school going crazy and buying a whole class a la aggy 2022. It’s more like we’re now at risk of a particular program deciding that they HAVE to have a particular player and raising the bidding to a level that doesn’t make sense to us any more.
  4. I can’t even figure out who came out of this deal looking like the bigger bitch. Putin because Priggy shot down Russian airplanes and literally nothing happened to him? Or Priggy because he rebelled and Putin told him to shut the fuck up and get his ass back to Bakhmut?
  5. not sure if we're still doing spoiler tags or not...
  6. OK I just read a bit more in depth article on NYT where it is made clear that what Zelenskyy is asking for is a clear plan "once the war is over". I had been reading headlines and stuff and thinking that he was literally asking to join right away.
  7. I get that Zelenskyy wants to be a NATO member like, yesterday, but isn't that literally impossible? If Ukraine joins NATO at any time while Russia still occupies parts of Ukraine, doesn't that immediately trigger Article 5 and we're instantly in a real Russia-NATO shooting war? I feel like I'm missing something really obvious.
  8. Don’t mind me over here just googling “Estonia pm” and clicking images.
  9. I don't think so. The suggestion I saw was that it would only be available to pretty low-income folks, and they'll probably have to do something like send in their federal tax return and sign an affidavit for verification. It's gonna be an administrative clusterfuck. On the school funding, @bluto said it better than I did. State money to make school districts whole has a time limit on it. When that money runs out, are we thinking that the state lege will raise taxes back up to fill the gap for schools?
  10. The gist of it, I think: homestead exemption going up from $40k to $100k approximately $12bn in school district "rate compression". This is the state forcing school districts to reduce their tax rates for operations and the state uses its money to make them whole. Public schools aren't getting fucked...yet. No word of course on what happens when the state money runs out. Some unspecified cuts to the franchise tax. Introduces a pilot "circuit breaker" program where the property tax bill can't be higher than a certain percentage of income. Details very light on how this will be implemented (most states that do it have a state income tax, so they know how much income people have) Here's the Trib's article: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/07/10/texas-legislature-property-tax-cuts-deal/
  11. House and Senate reached a deal on property tax cuts. Seems like it's basically Patrick & the Senate's plan that won out. Has Abbott said if there will be more special sessions? I was kind of hoping the tax cut stuff would continue to drag out, so there wouldn't be time for any additional fuckery.
  12. Why doesn't the largest DL not simply eat the other ones?
  13. Guys OU really is on the upswing. I’m predicting that we only beat them by 6 touchdowns this year.
  14. This affects websites where more than 1/3 of the content is "sexual material". For every real video on PornHub, they should just upload two blank videos, title them "DONT WATCH THIS SHIT LOL", and suppress them in search results. Problem solved.
  15. To be fair, the kind of person that plays the game is also the kind of person that really, really likes baseball. But yeah, bitches be cheating.
  16. I’m sure this has all been covered in 8 pages I ain’t reading, but goddamn social media is such a fucking beating now. I don’t want to actively use or have an account for any of these things. What I do want is to find out what time the rain delayed Blue Jays - White Sox game last night is going to start. I used to be able to Google that and find it on Twitter, get the info I need then close the fucking tab. Now Twitter is shut down or what the fuck ever and there’s like 3 replacements. Jesus I’m getting old, I guess.
  17. tokamak

    USMNT 2023

    I looked at some contracts after I posted, and it seems like in the Premier League at least, the big majority of contracts are in the 4-6 year range. The analogue of CP here - a talented player who has underperformed a big contract - would play out his deal and then sign a 1-year "prove it" contract in hopes of rebuilding his value. What you said about CP wanting to move on makes sense, but it seems like there's significant risk for him in signing a new deal. Right now he makes 7m pounds/year. If he signs with Milan or Lyon for, say, 5 years at 3m/year, then returns to form, he's stuck during his mid-20s - his prime earning years - making less than what he's worth.
  18. tokamak

    USMNT 2023

    Seems like the big difference is that the contract does not transfer with the player, like it does in American sports. It is still strange to me that 1) more players don't opt for "free agency", and 2) contract terms aren't nearly as publicized as they are here.
  19. Yeah some of that didn't seem like it was for public consumption.
  20. tokamak

    USMNT 2023

    I don't really understand soccer transfers and contracts. Regarding Pulisic, so does every professional player have a defacto no-trade/no-transfer clause? He can just say, "I'm not going to agree to a new deal with Lyon" and prevent the transfer from happening? I don't see why any player getting 1st team minutes would ever agree to a transfer if that's the case. Just play out your deal and then sign with the highest bidder, like free agents do in American sports.
  21. Season 1 is fucking magic. I haven’t rewatched it so I don’t know how it holds up, but it hit with the right message at the exact right time and they nailed it. Season 2 and a lot of season 3 were pretty mediocre but they totally stuck the landing. Like it or not, that’s a recipe for a fondly remembered TV show.
  22. FSU guy for 247. Also, the creator of Doc McStuffins according to Google. Very eclectic resume.
  23. Little known fact: Alex January is actually 4 months older than Moro Ojomo.
  24. Some of y’all are way better at the history than I am. If it’s not a current player or a legend, I usually got nothin’. The names of decent but not great players from 2 decades ago may as well be the combination to my junior high locker.
  25. It’s an intriguing sci fi/mystery premise with a lot of open questions at the end of S1. The production value is good and Rebecca Ferguson is easy on the eyes. In my opinion, the middle episodes kinda dragged but the season started and ended well.
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