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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. Immaculate Grid 91 5/9: ⬜️⬜️🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜️⬜️
  2. Not on the official site I think. If you Google though you can find some 3rd party discussion. And yes, it’s fairly easy to cheat and judging by the public stats, plenty of people do. Personally I don’t get it, what’s the fucking point if you cheat?
  3. A little like Wordle for baseball. New puzzle every day. I’m having fun with it. Try to fill in a 3x3 grid with players that meet the criteria. You only have 9 guesses. Here’s me today: Immaculate Grid 90 5/9: ⬜️🟩⬜️ 🟩⬜️🟩 🟩🟩⬜️ https://www.immaculategrid.com
  4. Fuck if I know anything about web traffic analytics, but yesterday was quarter close. I think the $9.95ers were teasing bullshit all day to get those click numbers up.
  5. I thought they were gonna figure out a way to 'ship Ted and Sassy when she showed back up for no reason in the last episode. I think they intentionally left Ted's love life ambiguous in case they want to do a season 4 or a movie or something and explore that.
  6. more random questions/thoughts this morning
  7. Since we're all excited about the Wingo Fong (cool band name), I looked up who else is currently Fong'd to us and uncommitted. Livingstone (6/25) JJR (6/22) Myles Davis (6/18) Jordan Washington (6/18)
  8. Prigozhin to Russia: "my troops are being slaughtered in Syria and Ukraine, this will not stand!" Prigozhin to his troops: "I'm peacing out to Belarus on my private jet, y'all are on your own lol"
  9. I have no idea how the fuck some of y’all are doing like 60% quality starts. I had 4 good to great starter matchups tonight and went 1-for-4.
  10. “Rain” is pretty much a perfect 8 minutes of television.
  11. Y'all really gonna take the bait on that Tech tweet all day long, huh?
  12. Did Kibble take Saina's spot, or did USC just beat us for him?
  13. My kids liked it. It's fine. Beautiful animation, of course. Plot is pretty by-the-book. Much more of a love story element than any other Pixar movie I can remember. They really hit you over the head with the message of the film, not subtle at all. Strangest thing to me was that it's not funny. A few small chuckles here and there, mostly targeted toward parents, not kids. There's no comic sidekick or anything like that.
  14. I think there are a small number of relics that are registered and legal, like Rebecca Ferguson's watch.
  15. Man C7 looked so fucking cool, and then…
  16. One thing that's interesting to me in all this is that the Russian media/propaganda machine hasn't brought up the West that much. So far in this war it seems like everything - everything - is a Western/American/NATO plot according to the official Russian line. But as far as I can tell, that hasn't entered the conversation around Prigozhin's little adventure.
  17. It’s a typo. What he meant to say is, “my school can’t match Texas’s NIL machine so now I’m a salty bitch on Reddit”. Just a simple slip of the fingers, really.
  18. I think I offered Arozarena to literally every other owner for a SP, hoping to get a taker. I was down to 3 healthy ones, one of whom is Kershaw who is gonna get shut down at some point. That’s what I get for drafting deGrom.
  19. Damn we got a flurry of trade activity all of a sudden
  20. Am I dumb? Sayin is supposed to be in Tuscaloosa this weekend and he tweeted from there this morning.
  21. We're through episode 5 right now. Seems like it's turning from an interesting sci-fi premise (why are they in the silo? why can't they go outside? what's the backstory of the founders/rebellion?) to a not-super-interesting murder mystery. It's like the show completely changed premises and even actors after episode 2. They hired Rashida Jones and David Oyelowo just so they could kill them off immediately and never mention them again?
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