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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. I've often wondered if it would be a good idea for every House district to be gerrymandered for maximum competitiveness. I'm sure there's some negative ramifications I'm not thinking of, but it's an interesting thought experiment. According to Wikipedia, he got married last December.
  2. @shadow_operative2.0 holla at ya boy if you're interested. I need to make some roster decisions.
  3. There's always good money to be made by being Democrats' favorite GOP presidential candidate. That fact will earn him exponentially more media coverage than his infinitesimal polling numbers would otherwise warrant. This guy has zero shot to ever be the GOP presidential nominee or hold statewide office in Texas and he knows it. He's raising his profile and bolstering his anti-Trump bona fides in hopes of one day being appointed CIA director (in a Democratic administration, naturally) or something along those lines.
  4. Are they pushing all their chips to the center for Simmons, then? Or is my reading of that situation incorrect?
  5. Simmons is a pure NIL recruitment and they lead big. I bet they have plenty of O&G money in their fanbase that will do what needs to be done.
  6. Just threw out a bunch of offers, hoping to get some action. Willing to trade one of my stud OF for a top SP. Surely someone's gotta be interested.
  7. The three most effective Pixar feels moments, IMO: Bing Bong sacrifices himself for the sake of Riley's long term happiness - "sing louder, Joy, sing louder!" The gang accepts their fate together in the trash incinerator in TS3 Anton Ego eats something so good that it transports him to another time and changes his outlook on life
  8. I'd like to trade a bat for a front line starter... since I'm now down to 3 healthy starters, one of whom is old as shit and injury prone.
  9. I'm definitely in the "Pixar has fallen off" crowd. I have young kids so I see these movies a bunch. I'm not saying the newer movies are shit, or unwatchable, but they're just "fine", whereas several of the older movies are truly magical. Last truly great one IMO was Inside Out in 2015. Coco, TS4, and Soul were all very good. Everything else since then has been just OK. My kids liked them, they're well made, it's a pleasant enough way to spend 90 minutes, but ultimately forgettable. Haven't seen Lightyear or Elemental yet. Compare that to early Pixar: TS1, 2, and 3, Nemo, Incredibles, Ratatouille, and WALL-E. Holy shit what a run. Even Cars and Monsters, Inc. have a freshness to them that the newer stuff doesn't IMO. In a way, they're victims of their own success because they trained us to expect something fucking amazing pretty much every time for the first 15ish years. Maybe it's just nostalgia as people my age have gone from the target audience for Pixar movies to parents now. I don't think so, though. We actually just rewatched Nemo the other day, and as a grown man - that is just an incredibly well made movie. Something like Luca or Turning Red just isn't even in the same ballpark.
  10. There's several clips in there where you can pinpoint the exact moment that the defender's soul leaves his body.
  11. 5 star WRs from central Texas seem like our kryptonite
  12. No commitments yet? Fire Sark and disband the program.
  13. tokamak

    USMNT 2023

    Didn't Pulisic come out pretty strongly in favor of him pretty shortly after the World Cup? I admit to not following this as closely as many on this thread.
  14. tokamak

    USMNT 2023

    The Berhalter thing is mystifying to me. The timeline makes me wonder if they developed a short wish list, but were told no thanks by everyone on there. So they said, "fuck it, none of these 3-4 guys wants the job, so lets just stick with the known quantity that the players like".
  15. Never thought he was Ryne enough anyway. Let’s go find a guy that’s Rynest.
  16. "Look, I don't necessarily agree with everything he says or does, but I have to vote for Trump because woke public schools are trying to turn my kids trans." There, wrote the article for the WSJ. I'm like ChatGPT for bullshit (actually that's just real ChatGPT, I guess).
  17. Wait are pissed off Bernie Bros still a thing? I literally forgot all about them. Might be time to grow up. Is there talk that Biden might cut Harris loose? That hadn't occurred to me, guess it might make some sense though.
  18. On June 11 last year, we were on page 180. Lefau and Shannon were in town for their official visits. Arch was on hood OV to Bama.
  19. All Trump has to say is “shut the fuck up fatass, you lined up to help me get elected twice and you’ll do it again after I mop the floor with you in Iowa” and that will be the end of it.
  20. Saudis brought their cash and told the PGA to go get their fucking shine box. Simple as that.
  21. He's missing that Morath and Miles are good friends. Here's the game plan. Anyone can come back to this post in 3-4 years and quote me. Morath appoints his buddy Miles to a sweet $350k+/year job after unnecessarily firing a superintendent that the community liked and had things moving in the right direction. Miles' track record is pretty mixed. He's supposedly a real "my way or the highway" hardass. Maybe that works in lots of situations in life, but he's being forced on a community that's already extremely skeptical of this process and mistrusting of the TEA. He wore out his welcome in Dallas and since then has been earning big bucks running a charter school network/consultancy, which is totally a thing that someone committed to public education would do. Miles is gonna come in and take some big swings. To a lot of people, this is going to look a lot like gradually winding down HISD as a functioning entity and turning the education in the city over to charter school networks, many of which Miles was working side-by-side with like, yesterday. Whether or not Mike Miles has kids' best interests in mind here is up to the interpretation of the reader. It's not going to be terribly popular with parents or teachers though, especially given the aforementioned abrasive style and general air of mistrust. After a few years, once the mission is largely accomplished and people realize what's going on, Miles and the state will unilaterally declare victory, pat themselves on the back, and wash their hands of HISD entirely. Miles writes a book about all the "pushback" he received in his heroic one-man quest to save the innocent children of Houston or some shit like that, blames the parents/community/unions/libs/anyone with dark skin for every problem he encountered, makes a fortune, and becomes a darling/prominent grifter of the national charter school/school choice movement. "ThIS iS wHy PuBLiC SHooLs aRe bRoKeN!!"
  22. Honest answer to this is a bunch of pretty bad foreign policy and stuffing the judiciary with ideologues. As far as domestic policy, I have no idea. Monstrous deficits via tax cuts for the rich?
  23. Uh, Ben? Literally no one on the planet thought they’d be less gross this time.
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