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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. There's pros and cons to both - and let's be honest, I'd probably bitch either way - but the reason I like QS is because in theory the pitcher has complete control over it. Can't say the same for W. I do think you have a point about shorter starts. MLB teams are way more cautious about workloads than they were when these stats were invented. Feels like a huge deal these days when a guy goes even 7+ innings.
  2. Here's the Trib's article on it: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/24/texas-legislature-housing-crisis/
  3. One more thing - it's wild to me how quickly the business wing of the Republican party just folded. What a bunch of cowards. Don't they have an interest in a well-educated workforce? Not a peep during this session.
  4. I'm a straight, white, cis male. I own property. That's a shitload of privileges. I've always figured that if anyone needs to stick around and keep voting, it's me. But fuck, I have school-age kids. It's plain as day that the state government is openly hostile to secular education at this point, and actively seeking to undermine it. I've got to do what's best for my family first above all else, right? Of course, that's the point. I'm sure that state leaders are more than happy for any voter that doesn't agree with them to pack up and leave.
  5. I think you're kidding but at this point I'd bet money on the ability for people to opt out of school property taxes if they don't have a kid in public schools at least being discussed in the next session. That's where this thing is headed. The religious private school crowd would love it.
  6. If you're a standard-issue Trumpist like Tim Scott, what even is the fucking point? What a colossal waste of time and money.
  7. How about when your starter gets knocked around by everyone on the other team EXCEPT your hitter. Goldschmidt 0 for 4 with 2 Ks against Kershaw today. Everyone else teeing off like beer league softball.
  8. What’s frustrating about the QS thing is that since we have a limit on starts, any start that isn’t a QS is a net negative for your team. Hunter Greene just had a QS but they left him in for the 7th and he gave up one more run.
  9. Are we trying to do a two-man class with Gibson and Clark? Or is that a first guy gets the spot situation? Looking forward to these OV weekends. This cycle has been a fucking snoozefest so far.
  10. Newsom has said he would appoint a black woman to the empty seat.
  11. Fuck, I just got the 5.2 IP near-QS. I actually prefer QS to W, but that does kind of sting.
  12. Chasing Strider out of the game and then fucking blowing it is pretty awful.
  13. It's pretty wild that the guy in these videos had a promising NFL career as a 290-lb DT (unfortunately derailed by an ACL).
  14. Hopefully they lean into the empire storyline in S2, because the other two stories are boring as shit. How are they managing to waste Jared Harris?
  15. This year’s OV edit is not our graphics department’s best effort, TBH
  16. In London, where Southampton Row passes Russell Square, across from the British Museum in Bloomsbury, Leo Szilard waited irritably one gray Depression morning for the stoplight to change. A trace of rain had fallen during the night; Tuesday, September 12, 1933, dawned cool, humid and dull. Drizzling rain would begin again early in the afternoon. When Szilard told the story later he never mentioned his destination that morning. He may have had none; he often walked to think. In any case another destination intervened. The stoplight changed to green. Szilard stepped off the curb. As he crossed the street time cracked open before him and he saw a way to the future, death into the world and all our woe, the shape of things to come.
  17. I was the big gainer yesterday mainly because Goldschmidt went supernova. Don't worry, my team will get back to its customary 0-for-4s right away.
  18. Yeah that trailer is legit. This is going to be great.
  19. The guy that literally had no interest in playing football?
  20. Every hitter on my team that doesn't play for the Rays is fucking useless. Every day it's just a parade of 0-for-4s and a .550 team OPS. Thank God for my two Tampa Bay _andys.
  21. Yeah whoever is perceived as being in 2nd place after spring of '24 is gone. There's no point in Murphy transferring before the '23 season, unless someone makes him a big NIL offer, which probably won't happen. He was highly ranked, has a giant arm, put some nice things on tape in the 2023 spring game, comes from a known quantity development-wise, and has been a fine citizen so far. If he can show some good stuff in mop-up duty this year and next spring, he'll have mid-tier or better programs falling all over themselves to hand him the keys to the kingdom for the '24 season. Our backup in '24 is not currently on the roster unless Wright just really, really fucking loves it here and they've offered him a nice grad assistant gig when he finishes. Much more likely, it will be a grad transfer that wants to play school, or maaaybe Trey Owens if he's an early enrollee. We'll be hunting 5-star recruits for the 2025 recruiting class. All this assume that Ewers leaves. Doesn't seem like a foregone conclusion to me, but a lot of smarter people than me seem to think so.
  22. Christian Walker has 3 homers in the last two days, while sitting on my bench.
  23. Murphy is fucking RAKING this year
  24. His intended audience either never hears or doesn't give a shit about the "and then..." part.
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