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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. I wonder if the future is kind of like what pro sports has (mostly) become - push your chips all-in for a short title window, then dial it back and "rebuild" for several years.
  2. So on this day and age, after he’s already transferred once.
  3. Bobby’s questions really don’t seem that tough. No They know what they have with Brooks, hence the focus on the other guys. Baxter for sure will get carries. Red mostly depth this year. Who cares? QE’s ready to rock in his contract year. Doesn’t matter, all three will play a bunch. It’s the spring game. Probably some 2nd or 3rd teamer that gets everyone excited because they play a bunch of snaps, then we hardly ever see them this fall. The only truly interesting question. Should be some good battles if they get any snaps against each other.
  4. Harris County done lost they got-damn minds.
  5. @Biff Tannen is right. A story like this has no emotional punch. "Let's have a discussion about norms and precedent and the reasons why the governor shitting all over the criminal justice process is disastrous for our democracy" doesn't get people's blood boiling. If this was an election year, the Dems (assuming they have any brains) could put the victim's girlfriend on TV every single commercial break - "Daniel Perry killed my military veteran boyfriend while he was lawfully exercising his 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, got convicted by a unanimous jury of his peers, and Greg Abbott let him back on the streets immediately" - and really make it stick. But Abbott's not up for reelection for 3 more years. This will be long gone by then.
  6. Boy do i have a deal for you. Oneill Cruz has SS eligibility sir! Let's put a pin in that and circle back in August. What you really want to do is trade me Lindor and fill his spot with Correa.
  7. I'd like to trade an OF for someone with SS eligibility. 3B might work also but priority is SS
  8. well at least he didn't get the QS
  9. TBH, if the concept of public libraries never existed, and someone proposed them in the year 2023, that person would be attacked viciously.
  10. Disagree. Prefer QS to wins because the pitcher has complete control over it.
  11. We're also about to have 2 RB drafted in the same draft, including a first rounder. I'm sure that ain't hurting.
  12. I fucking hate it when your guy cruises for like 5 innings and then melts down. That's like a plane crashing during landing. If you're going to crash this motherfucker, just go ahead and crash it on take off so we're not all wasting our time here.
  13. Make public education shitty on purpose "pUbLiC eDUcaTiON iS FaiLiNG oUR KiDs!!!" Dismantle public education entirely ... Profit!
  14. Enjoy it. Probably the only pitch he’ll connect with all week.
  15. Springs got pulled with a no hitter though 6 and just 81 pitches because Rays. At least he got the QS I guess.
  16. TEA moves to appoint conservator over Austin ISD. This was their first step toward taking over Houston ISD. State coming for all the big city school districts eventually. A big attack front right now - it’s the reason specifically cited for the AISD conservator and it’s coming up a lot in the education saving account plan - is special ed. The big public districts have been starved of resources so they all have big backlogs of evaluations and overwhelmed teachers. Clearly they’re failing our most vulnerable kids! Better blow up the system and give all that money to private schools! No mention of the fact that many private schools just straight up won’t take special ed kids, or where all these new private special ed teachers are going to magically appear from.
  17. My rule of thumb is that if someone is trying really, really hard to sell me a particular something, it's because it's a good deal for them, not for me. Free nights/weekends, half off all summer, and all that kind of stuff definitely applies.
  18. I don't think EO is for people who know that Power To Choose exists and don't mind doing a little research. That's not most people though. The average consumer signs up for TXU to get a "free" Amazon Alexa, then doesn't even realize a year later when their contract ends, thus ending up on a 28c/kWh month-to-month plan. EO is a great deal for that person.
  19. What even is the point of being Jerry Jones if you can't have JW Blue for breakfast every morning?
  20. So we just need 5 dudes that can score from everywhere and play good defense? You've convinced me. Let's do it.
  21. Are you Whybrew? I'd love to get my hands all over some of your girthy 3B depth.
  22. Zuckerberg and Musk are at least nominally responsible to U.S. (and European) regulators and courts (seriously, you can stop laughing now). Big part of the problem here is that there's essentially no rule of law in China beyond what party leaders dictate. Furthermore, the possibility of whistleblowers from within ByteDance/TikTok is nil. Remember that a whistleblower is what exposed Facebook's Cambridge Analytica fuckery.
  23. The TikTok bill may be shit, I have no idea. But that Twitter account posts a bunch of weird pro-Russia/Putin shit, which makes it impossible to take them seriously.
  24. I could use a 3B or SS that’s worth a damn.
  25. We gotta kick Henry hill out of the league if he’s not playing. It’s gonna auto draft a team for him
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