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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by tokamak

  1. It's a good essay. Same deal with Liz Cheney. She's conservative as fuck, but they had to have an enemy to gang up on, so out she goes.
  2. NYT currently showing him with 212 Only change from vote #6 (and 5, and 4) was Gaetz voting for Trump.
  3. NYT tracker has a couple of the hold outs not voting this time (Donalds and Perry). That helps McCarthy, right?
  4. Does "neurologically intact" have a specific medical meaning? Or does it just mean that he's not a vegetable and the rest is TBD.
  5. the what? The only end to this is McCarthy sitting in the office with "Speaker" on the door, but Matt Gaetz truly running the show.
  6. Joining the thread for the first time. I don't understand McCarthy's play here. Why not just cave to the loonies and give them everything they want? It's not like he's some sort of moderate that gives a fuck about policy or anything - literally all he wants in life is to be speaker, everything else be damned.
  7. tokamak

    USMNT 2023

    SIAP - I can't see Twitter embeds at work. Here's The Athletic's full story:
  8. I don't think a portal RB is imperative. I figure the plan is to get all of Brooks, Baxter, and Robinson plenty of carries. Would only need a 4th guy if there's an injury and Wisner is not ready to contribute for some reason.
  9. ESPN just needs to throw on a fucking classic game replay and run a ticker at the bottom of the screen. What’s the point of making the desk talk about this without knowing a damn thing
  10. I don’t get this. We return our entire young and talented OL, and the three B’s + Robinson should be an excellent RB room. Our WRs on the other hand will be a huge question mark unless we really make some big portal moves.
  11. If Penix was as good as his hype, we'd be down like 28-3
  12. They should limit replay reviews to like 10 seconds. If it ain’t immediately obvious, fucking move on.
  13. Do we know yet if there are photos from the night of? I don’t give a fuck about any statements. I want you see pics of her neck and they better be smooth like baby skin.
  14. The stuff with Peyton Bowen is eye opening. I know, I know, fuck ND and all that. I assume that ND has their NIL shit together relatively well. That's a very large, well-connected, and motivated fan base. Still, Oregon swooped in at the 11th hour and took their chain. Basically, if Oregon decides that they really need a player, they're going to get the player, and there's nothing to stop them. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that ND is currently with Under Armor and Nike schools would be off limits, but personally I have my doubts about that. Also, something I've been meaning to ask, since it's come up on this page. Are we supposed to drop Burnt Ends and send those dollars to Texas One now? Are they the same thing? I'm confused on that point.
  15. This mf looks different in every pic I've ever seen. Are we sure that 'Tom Herman' isn't actually a role that gets recast occasionally, like Colonel Sanders or something?
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