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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Goodman

  1. Who said aggie money is running out? If you're referencing ctj, that could mean lots of things. Saban shinning a light that way caused everyone looking at them closely. It could pause the process they had, it could cause cold feet by folks not wanting a risk they did not understand if it was sold as now being legal, it could mean any of real world scenario for folks who simply thought they were safe since johnny sharp is one of this states best fraud/conmen...
  2. Man, this is hard to believe. Hopefully it's a summer agreement to make everyone happy.
  3. I’ll keep it going, love this kid. Here’s to one of the greatest Arizona movies ever made.
  4. This is the first I hear of a Private School being held back for baseball. Usually means they can get anyone in and funded. Curious is this is more about the program & staff budget along with facilities.
  5. Love once again being the side with leverage in recruiting.
  6. Agree. The only proper response to that is: "Fuck your mother", we're partying tonight.
  7. Mandel hates Texas, I love how much he hates us. He is such a snobby bitch.
  8. Hook'em! I'm going to be a f'n raisin tomorrow morning.
  9. Gerry makes it sound like it’ll be a new name or someone who didn’t have us as a serious contender. Top 50 type player.
  10. What’s this have to do with Tulo?
  11. I agree with the logic but Tulo and his family are not your average ones trying to make it as a coach. I have zero doubt he loves it and he grinned here along with always being a company man for Pierce. I'm thankful for Tulo spending time here, it greatly helped Pierce and our program. Now Pierce has to show us that he's got "it". By it I mean matching our program expectations, winning some conference titles and winning the big one.
  12. lol, he was not moving his family to that armpit to be an assistant.
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