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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Goodman

  1. Yes Sir! The powers that be should send you a COOP statue for that room.
  2. Coach starts around min 19, he likes this team.
  3. Lacrosse should be a priority imo. They can play on the soccer field until Angela wins a title since it seems her recruiting is just too good to part ways with at the moment.
  4. Just like that, Sark outs the mole. 10win Sark's on another level.
  5. Looks like we will be a WIlson ball club, I'm ready for some Goods bombs at the Disch. It's still wild for me that our program is now led by Schloss, best UT news of the year for me.
  6. Meh, kid is good but it's nice not to be worried about the qb room. Even if the dville qb sticks to bama, I think we'd still find a worthy qb. Curious how the Sark c-suite would react since they seemingly decided to stick with KJ as our guy.
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