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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Goodman

  1. Goodman


    Appreciate the feedback and it makes sense. Any recs on receiver/speaker's for a solid-beginner setup?
  2. Goodman


    15. I'd say under 1K total setup. By what I've read, this could go in a number of directions but I'd like to target "reliability" if that is achievable. Open to any and all feedback, thanks in advance.
  3. Goodman


    Looking for a good,"reliable" set up(record player and speakers) for my kiddo. Appreciate the feedback from you experts.
  4. Back to back Elite 8's and AAS have Danny Davis asking if Vic some great ones. Now that you have an offense, will you go away from playing defense? Aren't you ashamed of hiring your daughter?
  5. We are currently living some hard times, i'm not blaming anyone for taking the highest bid. We'll get ours, if Sark learns how to win we'll get most.
  6. I'm glad she's attempting to figure this out vs. in 2 years, although it would be rare she gets it right on the first retry.
  7. Keep your country club buddies away from our community, we don't like strangers messin' with our people.
  8. Good luck keeping up with Hakeem's family tree. He is a legend on & off the court.
  9. I'm not ready for a sunflower showdown conference championship game.
  10. Every November my kids hear me talk about TJ’s crew terrorizing Houston, I’ve never witnessed anything like that traveling circus for hs basketball in TX. TJ with the ball in his hands was must watch.
  11. Left with the triangle of lard that is Danny, Ced & Kurt. Bellmont might not like it but the Tower is celebrating this one.
  12. No updates since pre-rona, still going to give squib's list a run. TY & Hook'em!
  13. The TX-ou Friday night game would be most excellent, I hope we start while they suck and we stomp their heads in.
  14. I love the home court advantage these vb only facilities build, reason I go mad when Elliot talks about playing in bigger arenas. I know, old man yelling at clouds but regular season college vb still feels like a college-amateur sport. I hope it remains as long as possible. El pato quoting Stanford as a rowdy crowd is comical, maybe for water polo but Stanford is a great place to take a nap during games.
  15. Elliot fancies himself a savant, wants our program to be big business and the money/power that drives. He should prove that he can manage it all, i've hated his excuses in the past and don't care to hear them this year. What I thought last night proved, we need SKT to not have a bad game vs. anyone good. She was fantastic down the stretch last night. Pending outcome in Lubbock, i'll replay this match in our house all weekend long. Winning is fun.
  16. That seems to depend on what team you cheer for.
  17. These challenges are ruining my boner.
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