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Certifiably Surly
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1134 Surly 10%

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  1. You could have just mentioned you are right-handed Quagmire
  2. I had a close friend staying at the Royal Sonesta. They had already gone in and are fine. She says her youngest daughter is pretty shook up. Blue flag thingies on the right is the Royal Sonesta.
  3. Y'all cheering for Walmart Aggie need to find Jesus.
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2015/02/03/us/detroit-man-walks-21-miles-for-daily-commute/index.html
  5. Put my first user on ignore. It's not the political leaning that I have a problem with. It's that the posts are supposed to be humorous.
  6. Inka, 956, others...you guys are fucking awesome. I love getting thoughtful updates without having to navigate reddit and others. I will be talking tomorrow for a few hours with my Ukrainian students. (conversational English) I Iook forward to it as they are very smart. We Telegram things to each other throughout the week and I love the music and food ideas they send me. Unfortunately. they do not like spicy foods. So we just have to agree to disagree on that.
  7. Would it be accurate to describe our incoming govt the love child of oligarchy and kakistocracy? Did Russia actually win the Cold War?
  8. It is extremely alarming. I've heard chatter they would even go after Admiral McRaven? Like Trump could recall him and prosecute him.
  9. Not trying to gainsay you, but I don't see anything tracing the motive to being a Trump-hater. Certainly could be. Other reporting might expound on this. I could be wrong. Ever happened to you? Has happened to me many times. Regardless, a terrible tragedy.
  10. Ok everyone pipe down. He has to stop posting now to prepare his Sunday School inspirations of what all Christofacists espouse now, which is inclusion and helping our fellow man. You know, like that guy who was homeless, worked with his hands, and sacrificed everything suggested we do.
  11. I know what it is saying assbrain. It is completely skewed. You smell like...another poster who was constantly ridiculed...could not compete in ideas. Showing up thinking they are dunking. New handle, obviously enlightened. When at best you are being allowed at the child's table.
  12. The Daily Wire is a well-known POS. Try harder. Or don't.
  13. Yeah, they are. Did you just crawl out of a sewer?
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