I hear you. Growing up as a conservative I-won-the-lottery-when-I-was-born WASP, the mental gymnastics to justify my ingrained positions was exhausting. After awhile you stop trying. You just dig in your heels.
While I get the anger (and I certainly have a healthy dose of it) it so liberating to see how fucking obviously Marjorie-esque most these people and their positions are. I feel liberated a bit TBH. Also as growing up as a Reagan Republican (well I was not even a teenager yet but still it was formative years) I noticed how much more humorous the "leftists" were. Why was that? Well because the jokes are easy and write themselves. It was another iteration of Don't Look up, The Emperor has No Clothes, etc. These idoits are transparent.
Anyway dude just take an Ambien and watch a comedy. This sim is powering down soon...