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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walser

  1. My hope is that he is removed from office either by losing the election or an air-tight impeachment process. Alternatively if he chokes to death painfully on Ivanka's diaphragm I will not complain.
  2. That Thoros. Always resurrecting bitches.
  3. I don't know what amazes me more - the video or the fact that every time I see these Asian or Indian videos the driver never stops to check on the person they just ran over. Asian or Indian? Steve Miller is that you?
  4. Mueller report submitted to Barr.
  5. 85, 86, whatever it takes.
  6. Georgia, you just made the list, buddy.
  7. 25% of that brisket was cut with the grain. BCS would not approve of such a low percentage.
  8. Was at the game. Pops is a Tech alum so I have been to a few day games with him over the years. The stupid and trashy really came out on Saturday night. Things heard in the stands from Tech fans: "Yeah that new guy of ours was timed at at 4.1 forty. He's probably the fastest guy in the big 12" "Trump gave Babe Ruth the Medal of Freedom posthumously. Back when baseball was good before the blacks were in it" "Texas sucks. Their whole team is all five stars and we are all 2 and 3 stars" Standing in line and this guy turns the corner and knocks over a black trash can. "He must love him some of that <n-word> ass" Whiniest cuntiest fan base I have seen. Everything was Texas paying the refs and Texas is cheating blah blah blah. They spouted out complete fabrications as facts. Gonna have to tell Dad I'll go to the game, but I'm sitting in the tiny Texas section.
  9. 36 hours as well. IT outage like it sounds like a bunch here have been subject. I didn't even take a break until hour 32, and still didn't have anything to eat. I'm getting too old for this shit. Re-figurin' it was only 34. Furk.
  10. I think that was one of the boats on the Bud light party cruise I won on 101x back in the late aughts. But as this is Sydney it hits both close and far from home.
  11. All I know is my gut says maybe.
  12. you just made the list buddy
  13. I think we should allow them to decide their compatibility.
  14. I'll bet you $2000! Sorry, I wasn't following this thread, just thought your statement was dumb as fuck. Colt had a terrible sophomore year. Carry on.
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