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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walser

  1. "When he left Tuscaloosa last month uncommitted, that was very good news to Texas." Wait, I thought it was agreed he wasn't worth it?
  2. Thanks for the insight Al. I didn't realize a lot of Iowans had a Dangerfield complex. Also thanks to ISUCyclones. My only experience in Iowa was when I flew to Minneapolis in the late 90s to buy a car and immediately drove it back to Austin. In Iowa I was astounded by how the drivers in the left lane promptly moved over to the slow lane as I approached, every time. It was enchubbening. I was at a happy hour yesterday with some former co-workers and the new IT director was there. She has an I-State logo tattoo on an inside bicep. She named her first son Ames, which isn't bad IMO.
  3. Nice soaking in 78749 right nao
  4. Turn your phone you fucking barbarian.
  5. Nice Chicken. Good looking vehicle and will last forever.
  6. You know, it's ok to loathe these people. There's so much life in you, and so much emotional larceny in these others.
  7. Is Trey Biddy related to Tree Fiddy?
  8. Gawd what a bunch of olds. I didn't get my haircut there til 94'.
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