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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walser

  1. He's right, it was a dickhead move by me. I just have a special dislike for that school. Guess we could say Liberty is getting...its Bell rung. I'll see myself out.
  2. It's not politics. It's a well-documented fact that they are Baylor-ly with coverups. I also think I will go where I please.
  3. They are, for sure. The problem I have with them is their Baylor-esque hypocrisy and hiding behind their private status to sweep scandals under the rug.
  4. Sorry that reality is uncomfortable for you, Hurk.
  5. Because Liberty Biberty is ground zero for Christofascists. Coach better.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BinH9aMYro4
  7. It still blows my mind how there weren't more deaths. Those traitors got off easy and I wouldn't have shed a tear if many more had gotten shot, for, um, trying to violently overthrow the government because they were dumbasses. Weren't half the deaths due to gravy seals overexerting themselves and having heart attacks? The LEOs showed extreme restraint. Now, if the assailants were black or dogs...
  8. Really? I like you guys and everything but we can use differing opinions in here now and then. Or do you just find him/her annoying?
  9. This is a great book on the subject: https://www.amazon.com/Kingdom-Power-Glory-Evangelicals-Extremism/dp/006322688X Recognize some of my family in it...
  10. "one card only Visily" Missed this the first time. I am also a fan of packet internet network groping.
  11. Is it Festivus again already? I have a lot of problems with you people!
  12. Put a hundy on WKU. After 0-28 I turned it off and went about my day. Just saw the final. Merry Christmas to me.
  13. When you look at it, it's all about mailing in the last two weeks of the year and religiously watching horrible bowl games where there are more people on the sideline than in the stands. And I lofe it because CFB.
  14. No shit. Where was this frankness when we fucking needed it.
  15. I am halfway through the book "The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory" and what I've read so far is great. It's an expose of what many of us encountered growing up in evangelical families in Texas. The hypocrisy and the elevation of country over Jesus' teachings. Mixing politics and religion. I believe Christ was very clear about giving to Caesar what is Caesar's and I hope you know the rest. As someone said (unsure of the source) "Our parents spent decades warning us of the antichrist. Then when he shows up they can't wait to line up to vote for him."
  16. I wonder if the Z man went home and spun his new menorah
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