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Dr Phil WIth Hair

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Everything posted by Dr Phil WIth Hair

  1. Man, coaches outsmart themselves too often... But it worked out OK in the end.
  2. That crap call is directly on Kevin Mar.
  3. I worked with Dr. Pizarro in his other profession. Great physician too. I always enjoy highlights with him at the mic.
  4. A 10-2 Iowa team is Exhibit A that all conferences/schedules are not created equal.
  5. Who's the color guy? The quality of play is killing him.
  6. Only if Worthy was running with the ball. Oops, wrong thread.
  7. Are we riding the backs of 12 dead kids to sell wine?
  8. Right now there are Aggies all over Texas yelling at their dial-up connections...
  9. aaaannnnnddd the torches are now out. Good Lord. I think I saw this scene in O Brother Where Art Thou
  10. But they're not a cult...... Uh huh.
  11. "Build bonfires for your entire lives!!!" "Build the HELL outta bonfires!!"
  12. Can't take my eyes off of it............ Dude just said: "Can you feeel the tingle?" Waiting for this stack to fall too.
  13. I don't suppose there is a way (no pun intended) to get Craig Way's call of that last shot? What a weekend for Craig, by the way. Ames, IA to NYC in 18 hours with two thrilling sports events.
  14. Shadeur doing the Tebow on the sideline. I don't think he is praying. He might want to start praying since he has to play behind that o-line.
  15. Only Drama left: How drunk will Spencer Tillman get during the game (he giggles after every 3rd play or so) How many mentions of Deion being sick Will Shadeur Sanders live through the game
  16. I started taking a drink every time I hear them say "Senior Night". I am starting to lose the feeling in my face.
  17. Why is this TV guy fellating Joey McGuire. "They will be teaching this last 30 seconds 30 years from now" Huh?
  18. Rule of thumb I was taught is 3-4 years, depending on age of onset and complicating health factors such as emphysema or cardiovascular issues.
  19. Joey's going to regret actually punting. If TCU scores, Joey won't even bring a punter to Austin.
  20. Ah. Interesting I guess.
  21. I wasn't really paying attention.....what's with the tire?
  22. Jeez, Spencer. What is the record for intentional groundings in a game?
  23. And WVU ain't exactly the KC Chiefs. This game has the same vibe scoring-wise as Iowa-Northwestern.
  24. Does anyone have the numbers called on Texas?
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