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  1. I have seen this ad multiple times but don't remember what it is selling. Hats? Also, who sweats more, Pearl or Patterson? At least Patterson is out in the sun.
  2. Are they embarrassed by their school name? They try their best to avoid A&M on their uniforms.
  3. I see comments here about ads that I don't see, and now I realized that the stream I am watching is TSN, a Canadian channel. Was wondering why there were so many Canadian commercials.
  4. Mahomes + pressure = Ewers
  5. KC not taking timeout?
  6. KC needs 5 yard completions and mix in runs. They started with short completions.
  7. KC is focused on stopping Barkley.
  8. Looks the Windows Mobile (Windows 8?) UI guy found a job.
  9. Aggy should be playing Tech for the third best TX team trophy and OU should be playing USC for returning Riley under warranty dispute case.
  10. It is like the Groundhog Day movie. I periodically check out this thread by clicking the last page and it reads the same as the last time I visited. I suspect this thread will be in this mode long after our season is over.
  11. Since the home team doesn’t keep any ticket revenue, what’s stopping the home teams from pricing the tickets at the minimum allowed value ($100)?
  12. This is the more sophisticated version of the Colorado experiment with Sanders. We may as well remove all references to the football players being students.
  13. Just look at the clarity of those figures. Even the real size Madame Tussaud’s meticulously made sculptures do not match. How can one think that they are the pictures of ornaments? I guess the Princes of Nigeria have got to eat.
  14. If they have to do this charade, my suggestion would be to just put up a fake score showing aggy winning every game, some in thrilling and some in very convincing fashion. Let the dogs be happy and not be miserable. It is not as if they get espn.com in their graves. Unless Lassie dies and reveals the bad news to the other dead dogs that, no, the aggies haven’t won the last 10 national championships. Does the aggy lore include dead dogs talking to each other?
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