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Everything posted by AeroHorn

  1. This Baylor team reminds me of the UNLV team from 20 years back, except that they played like one in the finals too.
  2. As a foreign "immigrant" (I put immigrant in quotes because I was just applying for graduate schools in a place known for good graduate schools, and more importantly, was getting paid in the process; never considered myself an immigrant because I felt, maybe naively, that I belonged equally here), I can unequivocally state that there are many things that make US an envy of the world, and why people like me want to come to US. The basic societal rules are the most important, and these are what make US great. The fact that there is, for the most part, essential equality in buying and selling, moving and settling, working and playing, being treated about the same regardless of how you look or talk, form own cultural/religious circles, shout on streets and stand for elections, etc. is very very very important. Even in the smallest of towns, there is essential camaraderie after a brief hesitation by the majority of people. There is relatively lot less exclusivity and exclusion. Only in US can you be very different, form your own circle of difference, and everyone will just let you be. For example, even though my ancestors have been in southern India for thousands of years, if I say or write a text that the government thinks is critical of them, they will throw my Muslim ass in jail without any recourse. Even the most liberal of western European countries do not tolerate, let alone celebrate diversity as US does, except of those "diverse" aspects that they have decided are part of their identity. Then they are not really diverse, is it? No country gives the same platform to so much diversity as this country. Of course, this country has the slavery history that it weaned out from in fits and starts, and continues to marginalize the Black community systematically. As an "immigrant", I owe my life experience in the US to the sacrifices of the Black community. They have paid and continue to pay a heavy price so that we can be doctors and CEOs. I get Brisket's points, but his observations are not unique to US, but more a state of the world. Show me a place where intolerance, authoritarianism and inequity isn't on the rise. Whether the rich (US, east/west Europe, Australia, Israel), middle (Turkey, Saudi, Brazil, China, Russia), poor (India, Iran, Egypt) or insignificant (Myanmar, Sri Lanka, most of the Arab countries, central Asian *stans, Balkans, central America, sub-Saharan Africa), the world is hurtling towards organized fleecing and populist vigilantism. Ironically, the only country that is slightly limping in the other direction is Pakistan. Their PM is a good guy, but of course all the surrounding goons (Modi, MBS, Netanyahu) hate him. If he cannot survive for long, they will fall back to military rule. tl;dr: I agree with Brisket's gloom, but it is worldwide, and US is still the best of the lot.
  3. I could be wrong, but having grown up in India and only reading about these cases since I have lived in nice suburbs with educated parents in the US, I think there is a cultural element that is in some sense American; an inclination to individual expression/rebelling and finding ones own way as opposed to valuing conformance to set values and be part of the rat race found in most other places but particularly Asian countries. India is a very poor country and 90% of the schools neither have the infrastructure nor the teachers that the worst schools in US have. But even a laborer with kids playing in the sewage while he/she works, while illiterate, yearns to send the kids to school without knowing anything about what a school is because he/she wants their kids to learn and knows that learning is an enormously valuable commodity in itself. And those kids if given a chance will apply themselves even though they would be lucky to get in the bottom school of the aforementioned 90%. Tens of millions of college graduates come out with most of them not finding a job, but they in turn will push their kids to learn and the kids know that learning is their job as a kid. tl,dr: kids and parents have to see that learning is cool. When you know it is cool there are a million options outside school.
  4. This looks like something Bollywood does to make their movies 3 hours long.
  5. Their OL is bad, but Mahomes is negating that somewhat with his moving around, but besides on the last drive, he has thrown only to covered guys, mostly Hill. He is looking, but not finding other receivers.
  6. The difference, besides the flags on KC defense, is the other KC receivers not stepping up with Hill locked down. More than KC defense (besides iffy penalties), it is their offense that is lacking any imagination. Without Mahomes scrambling, they would be 0.
  7. ND QB was basically their offense. His throws while moving around the pocket were impressive.
  8. People pulling their masks to speak in others' faces never fails to amuse me. Why wear a mask then?
  9. His silence could be because, being a narcissist hypochondriac, he is too busy complaining about not getting the service a sick soul needs to worry about the outside world. Anyone who has dealt with a hypochondriac drama queen knows that, having a "legitimate" reason for demanding attention, the patient will completely shutout everything else because the immediate and the near is of the highest urgency.
  10. I agree with ndawg. He is a guy who, having way high regard of himself, would ask for every cure, just to be safe. An example is him going into his bunker because of a few peaceful protesters way out there with more security people carrying military hardware between the protesters and himself.
  11. Whenever I read the name Bowman, I say it in the voice of Smaug.
  12. That TO makes no sense. If you want to call TOs call on the previous play.
  13. Mond is passing for ally oops to 7 footers
  14. Yeah, he sounds like someone who gets his information about California from Facebook memes. I am in Silicon Valley and all of our power outage has been due to risk of fire. As someone commented, solar is popular (I have it too) and it helps quite a bit in addressing peak load situations, which are typically 2pm-8pm (reflected in high utility rates) and match with peak solar production. I was surprised to see Tesla offering $1.50/W solar with installation (after rebate). I paid $3/W (after rebate) in 2016 for my 4.25kW installation. Maybe a good time to add more capacity since it is so cheap, but I don't really need it. Don't have EV, have FCV (Honda Clarity).
  15. Much worse. Barry Switzer is the Barry Switzer of human race. Donald Trump is the Barry Switzer of Barry Switzers.
  16. Yes, despite our well-deserved whines about GDGD, Mack usually stumbled upon good DCs then, and that combined with good recruiting and his in game management, the games were a blast. The special team blocks and last second FGs were almost expected, just as frustratingly his "withstanding the surge" against OU, which only made the surge worse.
  17. I don't think secession will happen, but if it were to happen, it will be more along the lines of Scotland's attempt and Brexit; a long drawn out political process that will rival the conference realignment in fantasized combinations and permutations. In other words, there will be OR/WA joining California (safe bet), Phoenix area trying to dump the rest of the state to be with LA area (similarly TT latching onto UT), the red portions of CA/OR/WA whining like Nebraska/aggy but knowing that they are net takers and hence better make a deal they don't deserve to be part of the blue coastal coalition, the immediate red neighbors (AZ/NV/UT/ID) seeing the future on the west and literally nothing to their east will try to form an independent coalition while trying to have a most favored nation deal with the west, the midwest desperately trying to hang-on to the northeast, and the south happy to be what they are and proud of it (better 155 years late than never for them). This leaves Texas to form its own coalition out of NM/CO/KS/OK. Again, it won't happen, but if it were to happen, it will long and messy, and will be a political dissolution rather than an abrupt civil war, IMO.
  18. Another way to see it is to replace the circle B with a point. Now, the circle B is just turning around a point that is located on its circumference (the common point between the two circles in the diagram, call it C). Now, the circle B is going around point C, but during the full rotation, the point C hasn't moved. So, a circle going around any path adds one extra rotation to the number of rotations corresponding to the distance of the path. You can also see it by replacing circle B with a square. When the circle A reaches a corner of the square, its point of contact doesn't move but it rotates by 90 degrees. It crosses 4 corners amounting to an extra full rotation (360 degrees).
  19. I don't know about the location, but one of the pictures has the street name, and here is the street view of it. https://www.google.com/maps/@28.3921791,-96.8446633,3a,75y,28.6h,83.35t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sR6mTFlXyGTDffR4J_kH2Sg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Edit: Maybe not. Though the building looks the same, the details are different.
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