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Everything posted by AeroHorn

  1. He needs VY's length to do that
  2. Can the announcers be any more captain obvious saying one more 1st down ices the game?
  3. such a thin crowd is having so much effect?
  4. Miami O has abandoned what worked for them in the first drive.
  5. Diaz adding time management skills to his tackling expertise resume?
  6. I am not following this thread, but just want to comment on academia and politics. Would you consider someone like Chomsky political? He has clearly defined opinions that fit his academic work but fall under government policy. I personally am a supporter of people who have well thought out and principled opinions and are open about them, even though they may be controversial and wrong in certain situations. What makes us human is taking a moral stance on an issue, rather than being a disinterested expert which is amoral, or be caprice-driven and a liar like Trump, which is very immoral. I love that Chomsky, Sanders, and apparently from reading this page, Warren, have advocated for their principles-based beliefs. As long as they are sincere and well thought out, they have every right to evolve.
  7. Bernie was trying to say that there is lack of diversity in terms of who benefits economically, but he didn't make it clear.
  8. Democrats need to learn to focus. If you, as a head of R&D, present a new roadmap/product line every six months, you will be out in 12 months. Republicans know how to take one item (abortion or "law and order") and generate party consensus. I would be very happy if Democrats work on delivering just Medicare for all over 2020-2024 timeframe. One line item MBO. Go for it. But every candidate has to take on everything imaginable right away, which I see as having no chance of getting through because that's not how you get an agenda through. You do one thing, you prove it works and more importantly that you can be trusted to make things work, and then you get a chance to do another thing. Coming to college cost, this is a multi-faceted problem, just like Medicare for all. Just like Medicare for all is not about government taking on everyone's premiums, but actually pushing the drug companies and insurance companies to manage costs, the college problem should also be not just be about forgiving this or reparation that. In the same way that we can think of many layered solutions, including high tech ones, to "border wall", there exist many layered solutions, including high tech ones, for higher education. Harping on trillion here and trillion there makes Democrats sound just like Trump and his wall.
  9. 🙂 Total = lim (x-> 0) [ Bernie ] [ the rest ] where [ Bernie ] = 5 / x [ The rest ] = sin (x) = Warren - Tulsi + Beto - Biden + Kamala - ... (Taylor's series expansion)
  10. Doesn't this method blunt your preferences rather than accentuating them? Wouldn't this make it harder to separate the candidates? This is giving square root values, whereas you should be giving square values to separate candidates. Typically what I do when ranking things across a bunch of parameters is to multiply the values rather than add them. For example, you have 10 candidates. Have people value them by giving a value of 1 to 3 (meh, good, googly-eyes) or 1 to 5. If you just add up scores from all the people, the candidates will not stand out. But if you multiply the values each candidate gets, then you will get a very nice separation. Since this is multiplication, the range should start from 1 rather than 0. If you want to get more fancy, you multiply each value by a weight factor for that parameter based on what you think their importance is (5 for corruption, 3 for foreign policy, etc.). This will yield a fancy table with weighted scores that will show what people collectively think each candidate is good at, etc.
  11. Toronto is playing team ball, what GS is known for. Even Kawhi is not one-man-showing there.
  12. You are right. I thought he did well later in the primaries but was hampered overall by starting off behind. I guess not.
  13. Somewhat related question. Why do the primaries start with small less-diverse states such as Iowa, New Hampshire, etc. It is as if they get to decide the first cut among the candidates. In other words, the remaining candidates have passed their approval. If the primaries started with California, Texas, New York and Florida, for example, Bernie would have been way ahead of Hillary in 2016.
  14. that was an impressive performance by Toronto
  15. yeah, that double dribble was egregious.
  16. Kawhi dribbles little bit like Drexler, looking down ready to be picked by double teamer.
  17. the first lower seed to beat a higher seed
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