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Redneck Mutha

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Also, if they do end up cutting a check because she can't decide what to do or procrastinates, she has 60 (?) days to roll it into an IRA without having to pay the 10% early withdrawal penalty + taxes.
  2. He was trying to say "concussion" but it came out "croissant".
  3. Rolling over my remaining list from last year, with subs for Doherty and Simmons: Demi Lovato (31) Shannon Doherty (52) Diddy (55) Corey Feldman (53) John Daly (58) Todd Bridges (59) Michael J Fox (63) Vince Neil (63) Tanya Tucker (66) Hulk Hogan (71) Richard Simmons (75) Terry Bradshaw (76)
  4. Tied for 10th in receiving TDs all time at A&M. "Good riddance".
  5. Congrats on your MVP trophy, Scatbrah. Enjoy polishing it next Friday night while you're watching the Cotton Bowl.
  6. Right before the snap on the slant to Wingo that got us from midfield to their 25 late in regulation, I was screaming at the TV to hit somebody in the middle. Fortunately, we did. Unfortunately, Bert choked.
  7. Reminds me of Quan Crosby (sic). Hopefully Golden has a similar play vs the couch burners next week.
  8. wowowowowowoowowowowowowowo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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