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Redneck Mutha

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Redneck Mutha

  1. T-Moff ya stupid sips!
  2. Double N had 4 or 5 TOs when they lost to the Cajuns. Wonder if he's ever gotten over Tupac.
  3. The blanket is a little stiff?
  4. One piece of flint with angry bevo and another piece of flint with sec logo strike and lights a bonfire shaped $76m on fire, heat from fire causes mark stoops trial balloon to rise, balloon hits needle with texags logo, confetti from balloon falls on kyle field spelling out "don't care, got melk??"
  5. Anywhere between Jan 2nd and Dec 31 on this calendar, except for November 27th.
  6. And because of proximity and instituting Bjork's new shoestring budget travel policy, they can just roll in the day of the game and leave right after. Walla! No pesky hotel room or meal expenses!
  7. If Sark wins it all this year, I am on board for a Jimbo-sized deal.
  8. Ain't meant to be. Furk
  9. so fucking lucky on the snap
  10. good call. Fuck bowden
  11. Red? Blue? It don't make a shit.
  12. I've seen our offense.
  13. They'll go pro in taking ass beatings.
  14. Ewers say "Welcome to the Pleasuredome".
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