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Redneck Mutha

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Redneck Mutha

  1. Closest he's been to getting on base in.... quite some bit
  2. Hey that's great you can keep busting 100, but can you mix in a strike every so often?
  3. Glad we scratched one but shit that had so much promise. Send big balls back out there.
  4. Gallen's a fucking hack, let's go bust this bitch up.
  5. Wait, what the fuck was that? No RISP for the, is that allowed? Nate muthafuckin Eovaldi!!!
  6. The offense is having.... major issues the last 11 innings.
  7. Holy shit. When the dipshits last night were talking about all their fans still hanging around in a 10-run game, my wife said "yeah it is pretty crazy those fans are all still there". I asked her if we had paid $500-$1000 per ticket to be there, would we be leaving early?
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