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Certifiably Surly
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858 Surly 10%

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  1. WW3 is probably the only thing that can cure the current political situation that has been building here. The downside is, the earth will no longer be habitable and we'll all be dead.
  2. And she's single now...
  3. How long until we are in that group? What's to stop them at this point?
  4. Still snowing down here in Iowa Colony (south of Pearland).
  5. This is actually unbelievable. It's happening now at breakneck pace. If Trump doesn't condemn this at all (he won't), that really does mean we are in the end times. Motherfuck
  6. Did Lando's or Stroll's logo come first? They are very similar.
  7. Agree on all fronts here. I would love to do Suzuka, but convincing my lady to do Japan would be nigh impossible. Spa would be more doable, and while there, may as well visit the Nordschliefe. It's only like an hour and a half away.
  8. Any chance these are arson? How often do these happen close to the city like this?
  9. Aww fuck, I was hoping that wasn't the case.
  10. I used to race over at K1 all the time, I think I have over 100 races there. Stopped going after the karts kept getting shittier and shittier, also had a clearly drunk guy crash into me. To hear that COTA karts are worse is sad but not surprising, considering what thread we are in.
  11. Thought I read somewhere that Jos and Carlos Sr. hate each other and that was part of the reason it didn't happen. Really would've loved to see Carlos in the RBR instead of the damn Williams.
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