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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by faps

  1. Duvervay could've dropped the TD. But that's about it.
  2. Just wondering, does Mueller have a protection detail assigned to him?
  3. All I know is, all of this will make for one hell of a 10-part Ken Burns documentary.
  4. Could Grosjean be sacked midseason and Leclerc brought in to replace him? Seems possible.
  5. Sounds like those old Kangaroo TV handhelds you could get at GP's in the early-mid 2000's. Sweet!
  6. Whats funny is I feel like that is something Lewis would wear to any gala. Not just an over the top one like the Met.
  7. On the Slaughter Creek mountain bike trail weekend before last. My pants were nearly shat.
  8. I am doing this in June. Has anyone done an REI backpacking trip before?
  9. Yeah, had a blast too. Loved that racing. I need to try out that go kart track they have out there too. I love and have done K1 many times, so I am interested to see how it compares.
  10. Former aleon, now mcbrisket. Vettel's "lucky" win delayed the coming Merc domination to start this season I am afraid. I had been getting F1 races through other methods because I much prefer the Brundle commentary. I do love Hobbs and Matchett, but Diffey annoys me. If anyone was watching Speedvision F1 races 15 years ago or so, Rick DeBruhl was one of those stand in guys that annoyed the shit outta me back then too. When is F1 TV supposed to launch?
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