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Everything posted by Watashi

  1. Even without makeup and wearing a ballcap she looked good. A few wrinkles around the eye, but she definitely stayed in shape.
  2. https://www.google.com/search?q=cigarette+ad+blow+in+your+face&oq=cigarette+ad+blow+in+your+face&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l2.13957j0j8&client=tablet-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=zDZCTRhtqxo8DM:
  3. Talked with George Brett at the San Antonio airport. He was there to check on some prospect playing for the Missions. We were both waiting on a flight to Tampa. When one of our boys was little we ran into David Robinson at a restaurant. Naturally he wanted an autograph but I redirected. David came by our table before he left, talked with our son and signed an autograph. Used to regularly run into Greg Popovich at Air Force Academy events. I'd assist kids through the admissions process as an additional duty and after I retired from the Air Force. Have run into Cheryl Ladd several times at the Boerne HEB.
  4. Do you find a big difference in taste between PVW and the rest of your lineup?
  5. None of this aggy stuff gets old, but this is a particularly good one
  6. Looks sharp with the jubilee band
  7. Had a chance to meet Coach Reese in 1980. You could tell then he was building to something special. Well done.
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