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Everything posted by Guitarman

  1. He went full Greg Schiano. Finishing the tackles during the game would be nice.
  2. Guitarman


    I came here just to say Fatterson.
  3. We're set with him. Very solid.
  4. He should be quoting the Art of War. But if it has to be about killing rabbits, a reference the Holy Hand Grenade would have been nice. There are other inspirational rabbit murders he could have discussed. Elmer Fudd sang about killing wabbits to Wagner. Aerosmith said the rabbit done died. Dorothy Stratten was killed by her pimp husband; her tits were very inspirational. And now Tom Herman has killed one in a presser by sheer will of his mensa powers. I suddenly have a need to go to specs.
  5. Which one of you is responsible for the weather delay? Thank you.
  6. Way overrated from day one and trying to capture headlines now that it's (finally) universally agreed upon that he sucks ass. However, his best publicity stunt since his anti Tay Tay stunt at the Grammys. Hell even /pol/ loves him now. Useful idiot.
  7. I went to the new Orleans jazz fest 2018 and saw zero jazz.
  8. "I knew it!!!" Followed by "that's it; I'm calling the cops!!" A white girl with half an arm screaming at her white boyfriend who was hitting on a black chica sitting next to me. 10 minutes later, confrontation and a take out box splattering all over my drink and arm. Ranch dressing. Yumm. not so bad. That's when the half arm girl said she was calling the cops. 10 minutes later 4 occifers descend on my lonely area of the bar and talk to the one armed bar fairy. The paddy waggon shows up. Let's see if I get a discount.
  9. I reluctantly joined and yeah it's about plumbers, lost dogs, mail thieves and petty neighbor grievances. I'm waiting for it to turn racial and sexual like everything else on the interwebs. Re the "girl": that's about par for atx nowadays. 'cept she's smiling.
  10. Oh damn Yucatan liquor stand. Such hedonism for a young guitarman.
  11. Guitarman

    Gym Pet Peeves

    Whew man, where to start: 1. Taking up two or more stations. 2. groups mostly talking and occupying a station. 3. Music on speakers or relatedly, singing songs out loud. 4. The perfume thing or really out of control BO. 5. Slamming or dropping weights repeatedly. 6. Grunting loud during reps. Usually same guy as in no. 5. 7. Using the bench for anything other than bench press. (Not the porto benches). 8. Sunglasses. ( No joke) 9. Selfie nonsense. 10. Using a station to text. 11. The perv who runs off the hotties. That's not me I promise.
  12. My old bankruptcy professora. Sat in the front row everyday. Great prof, up there with Guy Wellborn, Mike Tigar, and Charles Alan Wright. I was surprised to see her run for the Senate. Would be pretty cool if she ran for prez.
  13. Nah. That teacher, who was from Arkansas, looked like Paula Jones. I ended up at some honky tonk drinking straight kettel one.
  14. I'm a Monty Python fan and the encounter with Tim the Enchanter is one of my favorite scenes. Hell, the whole movie is favorite scenes.
  15. Drinking with a female friend last night in downtown Houston when a drunk douche and his girl park themselves by us. He gets way too chatty with my friend and ignores his girl who is stone cold sober. He never talks to me. It's clear this is an internet date going badly...for her. Suddenly he annouces he's buying all of us shots. I don't need a shot. I've had essentially an entire bottle of wine. (Portillo malbec, which was good). But i want to be a good sport so i drink it. I slam it down. He sips it making some excuse. He quizzes my friend about her employer. His date is a teacher. Then he asks if there are openings because he's been out of a job for a while. The look on that poor girl's face. And yeah the teacher picked up the shot tab too.
  16. RIP. He helped make the 9th circuit the most progressive circuit. It has always been criticized but also followed. It was/is always about 10 years ahead of other circuits.
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