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About hpslugga

  • Birthday 02/09/1984

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  1. She is never going to be paroled. Her family put out a documentary series about a year ago and she was still maintaining that the gun, a fucking .38 special, just accidentally went off.
  2. I mean…let’s just start with that ridiculous 7% cap…
  3. What else would you expect?
  4. It did in his own pathetic mind. He thinks he did well. He thinks he made good points. He thinks we took notes and learned lessons from him.
  5. [Elon Musk]BUT FREE SPEECH!!![/Elon Musk]
  6. Exactly, they were the elite that rejected him. Buying an NFL franchise, contrary to what that fucking dumbass probably thought, isn't like going to 7-11 to get a pack of fucking gum. You have to make a showing to the rest of the NFL owners that you're financially capable of running a team. When all you do is use words like "bigly" in lieu of showing concrete numbers, they tend to just laugh your ass out of the fucking room. It's the same reason Rush Limbaugh's little group wasn't approved to buy the Rams some years back. What I was told was that he handed him a $5 bill and asked if he had change. Well yeah, some of them could barely afford to keep the lights on and he promised them to the moon and the fucking stars. When they "won" that lawsuit, they never heard from his chickenshit little lying ass again. It amazes me that after almost 40 years, even one person could continue to fall for this shit.
  7. See Generals, New Jersey
  8. That’s precisely because they are not interested in governing. They’re not interested in creating a robust economy. They’re only interested in doing favors for their donors. In the late 1970’s, the idea of Trickle Down was seen sort of as a taboo. That’s why GHWB called it “voodoo.” The thing is, he was right to call it that. The entire premise of it was built on that stupid Laffer curve, which postulates “when tax rates are low, revenues will be low because the government doesn’t generate enough money. When tax rates are high, revenues will be low because people are less motivated to work or invest.” Totally ignoring the complete arbitrary nature of what it is for tax rates to be “high” or “low,” or how high they have to be to disincentivized to work/invest, or how tax rates are rarely if ever applied uniformly, does anyone not notice that the GOP always admits that this stuff is bullshit? Oh sure they don’t say it’s bullshit literally, but they say it in their actions. They say it when they pass tax cuts to the wealthiest people and then sweeping budget cuts. Well yeah, because they’re not really interested in finding this so-called “sweet spot” on the curve because what that does is lower required revenues while also lowering taxes. I’m sure 3-point percentages in the NBA would increase dramatically if they make the no-charge circle the new 3-point arch and if they lower the basket to 7’ instead of 10. That’s not gonna compel me to call those guys “great three point shooters,” though. Anyways the whole nominal point of the Laffer curve was to assume expenditures as a given (relative at least) constant and finding the most effective way to raise revenues to pay for them. The curve was never meant to be a mechanism to shift the goalposts. So again, why do they shift the goalposts to make it look like trickle down works? Because they know it’s bullshit. And you’re never going to see them make economic progress while they worship bullshit.
  9. We’re talking about the very obvious and grim reality that this lying shit-weasel of a president and his chickenshit little circle jerk of economic “advisers” are going to lead this country straight into a recession at the very best, full-on depression at the very worst, and you just will not shut the fuck up about 3 NCAA athletes at inconsequential programs with marginal inputs on insignificant games. That’s just fucking cowardly and goddamned shameful. You really need to stop because you’re getting the absolute fuck kicked out of you and you’re acting like you’re dunking on everyone. You haven’t dunked shit. You ain’t about that life. And speaking of things you need to quit doing, stop using the word “leftist.” You haven’t the foggiest clue of what that means, or really anything about the political spectrum for that matter.
  10. Drip your faucets
  11. That’s been my takeaway as well. Yeah Incognito is probably/generally the piece of shit people have been saying he is since before this Martin stuff came out, but it’s inappropriate to cast Martin as some sort of victim. And the thing is, Incognito was not the only one these accusations went against. He was merely cast as the ringleader
  12. I mean there are tons of other outlets that are reporting it. The quality of writing hardly seems relevant.
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