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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 11 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    This type might be the worst of all.

    Lifelong Republicans who claim they knew how bad the President could be, but went along because of Team R and the prospect of what that would bring.

    Actually that's half of the issue with them.

    The other half is that they were indoctrinated from birth to believe that they were the "mature, responsible, professional, adult" people (think Alex P. Keaton on a large national scale), and they've been anything but that since no later than Clinton's 1992 election, and they've gotten exponentially worse ever since. No "mature, responsible, professional, adult" person views politics within the prism of "this is basically a team sport, and we like the red team no matter what."

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    No, see, Icono said he was bringing FACTS. You are clearly fake news.

    And people have the fucking nerve to wonder why I say he’s a walking, breathing example of the Dunning Kruger effect.

    • Like 5
  3. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    Stahp. The gop has given up the ground on any discussion where facts play a role. If you want to understand the rise of the current political milieu, look within. 

    They gave that up about a generation ago. What they gave up recently was the ability to construct a pretense. Like they were full of shit before but they could make excuses that would fool the average person, but now they're just full of shit and don't care what you think about it.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Fico said:

    Lol some of y’all are so fucking clueless.

    You know who started this? Nate Boyer. Yes, that Nate Boyer. Anyone with their faux outrage needs to tell an army green beret why Americans shouldn’t be able to protest injustice.

    The athletes have a stage and they most definitely made the country discuss an issue more than it would have if they did not do what they did.

    /End Rant.

    Beat me to it. Colin started this by just flat out sitting down and it was Boyer's idea and recommendation to him to shift it to kneeling.

    • Like 6
  5. 39 minutes ago, Magus Ossis said:

    The guys behind firing him at Tech not only still talk like it was the right choice. They claim it was the only choice.

    That's what you'd expect from a gang of racketeers that staged a hoax of that magnitude. 

    Seriously, the fucking kid admitted in his deposition that he wasn't locked in the electrical room and went in on his own accord against the explicit directive of the athletic trainer, who confirmed the directive.

    So Leach is presented with this letter that has a guilty admission written between every single fucking line in it, refuses to sign the letter that basically forces him to admit to a fake incident that never took place, and Tech's "only choice" was to dismiss him rather than expelling the little bastard that staged that nonsense, firing, and possibly recommending to the AG's office in Austin to pursue perjury charges against the Chancellor who, by lying in his deposition about 1) the "locking incident" and 2) the grounds for terminating Leach, was complicit in the fakery of that incident. Yes, THAT was the "only choice." For fuck's sake, what are we talking about here?

    • Like 5
  6. On 2/11/2019 at 12:38 AM, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    For those against asylum seekers coming here, let me ask you this: how bad does something have to be before you would relent and be open to the idea of granting asylum to those in need?

    Dude, even the US was, for a time at least, refusing to let in Jewish refugees escaping fucking Hitler, and that was under FDR's watch. You really think that there's ANY level of depravity a group must face that would make these MAGA idiots re-think any of this? 


    Let's run through a very real scenario that happens today and compare the positions. North Korean asylum seekers flee North Korea into China because of the extremely oppressive nature they face at the hands of the government as well as the fact that there is little if any food and no possible way to grow economically as an individual within North Korea. If someone is captured by the Chinese then return to North Korea, they face among the hardest conditions of anyone on the planet just for trying to find a better life.

    Again, to the MAGA crowd, this is Cry Me A River City. They don't care.


    So the question is this, do the people that are coming here in the caravans from Central and South America need to be facing the same kind of scrutiny and oppression as that of the North Koreans before you would change your position? Or are we actually going to be better than that and recognize that these are human beings and we are supposed to be the world leaders of acceptance and diversity?

    Here's what they'd view as the difference:

    In North Korea, their leadership is "the bad guys."
    In Latin America, their leadership is "the good guys," and therefore no one should be leaving.

    I mean did you not watch Elliott Abrams kicking and screaming like a petulant child the other day when Ilhan Omar was grilling him? He was actually, among other things, defending the US' embrace of Duarte and insisting that he brought "democracy" to El Salvador in the 1980's...you know, the period where the closest parallel to a Nazi state was ever replicated. Well when you say things like that, people who take it at face value end up with the impression "geez, it's a democracy? THEY SHOULDN'T BE COMING HERE! THINGS ARE FINE FOR THEM AT HOME!!!"

  7. 2 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    The Arabs were 90% of the population, so it's no mystery why they rejected a Jewish state, not because they were Jews but because they were outsiders. They would have rejected a state of Italians as well, not that they just hate Italians just for being Italian. 

    Hell even Benny Morris has been admitting that much for years. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

    Can you link me something regarding this? 

    I'd be interested in finding out more. Seriously.



    "this same diplomat still behaves in a way as a historian when he says in this book that Camp David was not the missed opportunity for the Palestinians, and if I were a Palestinian I would have rejected Camp David, as well."


    "if I were a Palestinian, I said many times, I would not have accepted the deal, whatever this deal might have been because as I’ve said before, there were different interpretations of what was put on the table in Camp David. But I admit that that was not sufficient for the Palestinians. That did not meet the minimal requirements of the Palestinians for a deal with Israel."

    I have to repeat, these are the words of Israel's Foreign Minister (aka their lead negotiator at Camp David).

    I've written on the Camp David topic numerous times, as have many other more qualified writers. If you're looking for a print source, I'd suggest reading Clayton Swisher's The Truth About Camp David: The Untold Story About the Collapse of the Middle East Peace Process. It's a great read that paints a very clear picture of both the Camp David as well as the Taba negotiations, and it's a much different picture than what the American press likes to paint.

    EDIT: I'd also suggest reading Ron Pundak and Shaul Arieli's analyses, specifically Pundak's map and what a joke it was compared to the fictitious map that Dennis Ross likes to show off whenever his usual gallery of all of 8 people will listen to him. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, NowThis said:

     In fact, Israel has plans to move in another 1 million Jews into the West Bank. 

    With Trump and Netanyahu in charge of their respective countries, I'm surprised the number is that low.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

    Yeah, that could be.

    But does it mean that it is necessarily wrong?

    In this case, yes. It's absolutely wrong about absolutely every contention that it makes and/or implies. There's an ample documentary record to show it and it's beyond scandalous that anyone could believe a single syllable coming from the mouths of the Dennis Rosses of the world.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

    As referenced above, Arafat should've taken the deal. But he didn't. Why? Who knows.

    Oh just about the entire international community, and again it starts for the reason that was admitted to by Israel's lead negotiator: it was a bullshit deal that no Palestinian could reasonably be expected to accept. You're just regurgitating things you've heard in the American media.

  12. 1 minute ago, Lagunamadre said:

    I guess the better question is, what could an unarmed one-legged man possibly do to warrant an assassination from a sniper? 

    Probably the same things that Kamal Zgheir could have done.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    They should have taken the deal Clinton brokered in 2000.

    Yes, they should have taken the deal that even the lead Israeli negotiator admitted on public airwaves was bullshit.

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