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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 39 minutes ago, Bookman said:

    About the whole wall thing, I wonder if Trump understands that in Texas the border is a river.

    I’d encourage anyone who’s curious to watch this, but to your point just skip to the part with the golf course.

  2. 5 hours ago, Chrispy said:

    What’s there to address? It’s the same talking points I’ve heard for over ten years. Everything he listed could be copy and pasted from MSNBC.

    Visa overstays are the majority of illegals! We created this mess! Republicans hire them! The unfair drug war! 

    It’s all the same recycled garbage. 

    I don’t even watch MSNBC, but you knew that and you also knew the only reason you said that is to plant that idea into the minds of a very confused subset. You also know full well they hardly make any of those points, of which you straw manned them beyond recognition. I’ve yet to hear so much as one talking head from any of those cable networks refer to that ICJ case in 1986, and likely never will.

    Anyways, it’s “garbage” to you because you don’t want it to be true and you’d rather live in a Make Believe and Pretend fantasy world that turns the victims into the victimizers and vice versa. You, just like icono, have been wrong about everything here and you’re seriously deluded enough to think you command the level of intellectual authority to dismiss very accurate statements with a broad stroke one liner that’s borne entirely out of wishful thinking. There’s no way you could possibly believe a word of what you say. All you’ve posted are delusions, logical fallacies and outright lies. This has to be a charade.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Firemans4Horn said:

    Need wall. Give me wall! 



    I'm glad that clip was only a few seconds and didn't include the bewildering inanities that both preceded and followed it. I really don't know what's more tragic: that buffoons like this exist, or that they have people as gullible as they who not only follow said buffoons, but actively cheer them on. This is moral barrenness at its most extreme.

  4. 50 minutes ago, SKJ said:

    By all means, don't reply next time if that's your reply.

    You're obviously confused, so I'll help you:

    I'm perfectly aware that Marx understood that capitalism has an endpoint. That's not to what my very accurate accusation of him being a con artist was referring. My issue with Marx was his rallying cries. His propositions on how socialism/communism were installed were utterly indefensible. He argued that the way to implement the Communist Tomorrow was to work it within the confines of the government. All of his predecessors (Winstanley, More, Rousseau, Owen, etc) as well as his "colleagues," if one is vile enough to refer to them that way, (Bakunin, Kropotkin, Guillaume, etc) strongly refuted such notions. In fact, Bakunin's feud with Marx was rather legendary to anyone who actually reads about socialism/communism and not just Western critiques of same. Bakunin maintained, correctly, that Marx was "from head to foot, an authoritarian" whose "instinct of liberty is lacking in him." History bore him out to be correct, and deep down Marx knew it at the time, and that's why I say he was a con artist. He was to socialism what today's neocons are to capitalism.

    I'm no admirer of Adam Smith's either, but I've never disputed the notion that he knew of capitalism's vulnerabilities as well.

    And I'm fully aware that Marx' invocation by the previous poster was at least somewhat in jest, but still, I just can't fucking stand reading Marx' verbal effluvia.

    • Like 1
  5. 22 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    I did about a year as a kibbutz volunteer over there. I am not Jewish, nor is my English ex-wife, who was over there with me. 1993-94. That was a different Israel. Rabin was in office. There was the Oslo handshake. Things were looking pretty good the whole time we were there, even if everyone was carrying an Uzi and there were fighter pilots busting the sonic barrier overheard on the daily. And there was the odd security alert on both of the two kibbutzim we were on -- flares and shit like that, signaling the possibility that we were being bombarded by rockets from either Jordan, on our first kibbutz, or Syria / Lebanon, on our second. All false alarms. 

    The Israelis told us that fighters were of no consequence. But helicopters? That was different. I remember the very day my ex and I left Kibbutz Kfar Blum, a long line of choppers came chuckling south out of the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, carrying the remains of an IDF platoon that had been ambushed by Hezbollah. It was right before Purim, and our Jewish friends and acquaintances  were urging us to stay, because that is a very fun holiday. However, this year, it set off Baruch Goldstein, who within days of our departure, went to a mosque in Hebron and mowed down 29 Palestinians.

    And then, another intifada.

    And then, the assassination of Rabin.

    And now, it's still a fucking mess. 


    The second intifada was in 2000, 5 years after that lunatic Yigal Amir gunned down Rabin

  6. 30 minutes ago, SKJ said:


    I think he's just about as much a con artist as all the others. 

    You think Adam Smith never understood the endpoint if capitalism? That is, where capitalist societies become wards of plutocracies?

    You’d been better off checking my avatar than responding with that.

  7. 1 hour ago, The People’s Elbow said:


    We're trying to be funny, but we've unfortunately got a few here that are trying to argue like inmate #06452017.


    6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    It will be counterproductive and end up encouraging illegal border crossings. Then you still have every right to make a claim of asylum and remain in the U.S.


    That’s not going to stop him from playing Make Believe and Pretend.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    Well there's a certain contingent in this country that still want to lynch people.  So they vote for people who feel the same way.  

    Exactly. This isn't about stopping lynchings. This is about isolating/exposing politicians (or people with political aspirations) who support lynchings and it just makes it easier to whip them in elections. Years back, Bill Maher mocked Karl Rove and said that the next Bush that ran for office would bring with them some completely stupid issues like "let's put Reagan and the fetus on the $1 bill" or "no fucking on Jesus' birthday." This is pretty much the same thing, albeit far less embarrassing and more dignified (at least on the surface).

  10. 22 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Yet another thread that has been turned into an abortion because people won't stop feeding the trolls.

    They have voiced support for Donald Trump, which by definition means that they are incapable of understanding actual issues. That's all it really comes down to: a rather shocking example of an en masse Dunning Kruger Effect

  11. 7 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    Also,  no love for Cedar Park, eh? I’ve besn out of the loop for a little bit with high school football, but I know Cedar Park was always in the mix for a state championship while I lived in Austin. 

    Ok, so 3. Congratulations.

  12. 49 minutes ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    The thinking before Fox Sports and Jerry got involved, the UIL was charged to making sure these championships were conducted in a manner which is takes into account travel, cost, etc...attendance was the furthest thing on the mind of both coaches and the UIL alike.   I think if it were left up to the coaches, they would rather have the old system.  

    The latter is only true because coaches don't give a shit about those things. They're freaking cavalierish gamblers and when it's left to a coin toss, they'll take their chances. That doesn't mean it's "fair."

  13. 53 minutes ago, Lonestar88 said:

    So you needed DFW schools to drive up attendance in Houston? Both 6a games had Houston area superpowers in them, that should've been more important since the games were in Houston. 

    Then explain to me why the following is true:

    2015 6A D1: Austin Westlake (168 miles away) vs. North Shore (12 miles away): 28,841 in attendance
    2017 6A D1: Allen (46 miles away) vs. Austin Lake Travis (200 miles away): 43,191 in attendance

    2015 6A D2: Austin Lake Travis (182 miles away) vs. Katy (28 miles away): 43,718 in attendance
    2017 6A D2: Cy-Fair (250 miles) vs. Waco Midway (100 miles away): 23,172 in attendance

    2015 5A D1: Mansfield Lake Ridge (243 miles away) vs. George Ranch (33 miles away): 15,743 in attendance
    2017 5A D1: Highland Park (25 miles away) vs. Manvel (300 miles away): 24,975 in attendance

    2015 5A D2: Frisco Lone Star (268 miles away) vs. Cedar Park (172 miles away): 13,479 in attendance
    2017 5A D2: Aledo (33 miles) vs. College Station (185 miles away): 28,163 in attendance

    In other words, only one of the 4 big games in Houston did better than Arlington, and that's largely because that game in Arlington featured two teams that had 100 and 250-miles drives to get there compared to a game where one of the teams was less than fucking 30. Yes, DFW teams travel better than the Houston contingent. And again, notice the broader historical picture. 2015 had 3 teams from the GHA, 3 from Austin, 2 from DFW. That's not normal by any means. 2015 was just a weird year, and it showed up in an ugly way. And by the way, I'm being very generous to the Houston contingency by comparing 2015 to 2017, because if you use 2016 instead of '17, it's even worse. 

  14. On 12/17/2018 at 2:35 PM, Iconoclast Texan said:

    As I figured, I’m a hypocrite in your eyes not because of any contradictory statements or actions that I have made but rather because I violate YOUR ETHICS of how YOU THINK I SHOULD FEEL OR ACT with respect to the caravan all the while ignoring MY EXPERIENCES AND FEELINGS as a 2nd generation.  I have an aunt who left Iran after husband got in trouble with the Iranian government but did so LEGALLY and immigrated to Canada instead of the US because they were able to get a visa and permanent status easier there. Everyone I know with Iranian heritage here immigrated legally. Why the fuck should I be sympathetic to these people proudly and defiantly breaking our laws? If the members of the caravan are too stupid, uneducated and/or poor to navigate the means of legal immigration then that is even more reason to discourage hordes of poor, uneducated people who don’t speak English from coming to this country! 

    Immigration to you is an abstract concept while I have lived it through my family. Your position as you have stated numerous times is to let ALL of them in. From my experience, that is a ridiculous stance since my family and friends didot legally. Finally, my own family didn’t flee shit. My parents came here 5 years before the Revolution. I have said that numerous times yet you never pick up on it because it doesn’t fit into your imagined narrative about me.

    Wait, so what sort of "trouble" with the Iranian government? That's a detail that you just conveniently glossed over, and I can't help but think it's to overcome the perception of abject double standard on your part. And notice, you said that this case was 5 years before the Revolution. Again, what sort of trouble was she in with the Shah's government, which again was imposed on the Iranians against their will by the US? And regardless of whatever answer you fancy, you need to understand that was 44 fucking years ago, a point to which I'll return to regarding how difficult immigration is today. And if it was really some bullshit that was cooked up by the Shah's government, you can thank good ole Ike for that one because the Shah wouldn't have even been a hair on a bullfrog's ass if it weren't for him and the CIA. Again, I'll return to that in a bit.

    And was this aunt a person of relative means? Because these people from Central America are not. They come from places that we've ravaged over the last 200+ years (with a very much heightened emphasis on the last 64). In fact, the ICJ has a 32-year old verdict against the US that demanded we pay restitution to just one of the countries for the damage we caused, and we responded to that verdict by intensifying the very criminal act of which we were already convicted (unlawful use of force, which is an antiseptic euphemism for international terrorism). That's like being convicted of murdering one person, not reporting for sentencing, and then going on to murder TWO people just to show the court how big and fuckin' bad you think you fuckin' are.

    We are the fucking Willie Horton of the international scene, and you have the temerity to deride these caravan people for "breaking our laws?" You're out of you're fuckin' mind. There is seriously no way you can possibly believe a single word of what you've typed here thus far. There is no way that you're this unaware that you've been absolutely wrong about absolutely everything you've said here thus far.

    Legal immigration to the US is both cost prohibitive and time intensive. It ain't cheap, and it ain't easy. My mother-in-law came to this country in 1986, did everything she was asked to do, and she's only been a citizen since 2012 despite the fact that she has a completely clean criminal history and was working two jobs for the majority of that time, even when she had two small children to raise (my wife was born in '87 and her brother in '88). But seriously, 26 fucking years to obtain citizenship. Yes, that's citizenship, which takes the longest, but obtaining visas is insanely difficult, too. It's not like me getting one to go to Mexico. All I need to go to Mexico is a passport card and a visitor's permit, all of which costs $200 and take about 3 weeks to obtain. That's not how it works with the inverse. You knew that.

    But even if I disregard the cost prohibitive and time-intensive aspects of the shit, that still brings us back to a moral point, which far exceeds your moral and ethical standards, so it's probably too lofty of a concept for you to understand: these people come from places in living conditions we imposed on them. We imposed the plight of Nicaragua on Nicaraguans, imposed the plight of El Salvador on Salvadorans, the plight of Guatemala on Guatemalans, etc. These people are not born with an innate desire to live in the US, and to pretend otherwise is just to straight out lie through one's teeth. Hondurans, for example, would like to live in Honduras for their whole lives. But they can't, and the biggest of reasons is (in that case) we assisted their military in deposing a perfectly, legitimately, democratically elected President who had mild reformist positions that sought to turn around a country that was still suffering the effects of what we imposed on them in the 1980's (we practically turned their country into a military base), and we deposed him on highly dubious grounds. They have a 2-term president today who has done nothing but absolutely wreck the economy for average Hondurans (2 out of every 3 Hondurans is below the poverty line and they have a 7% unemployment rate), and that's what leads them to take drastic measures like fucking walking from Tegucigalpa to as far as Tijuana...which is almost 3,000 miles. Again, 93 out of 100 working-age Hondurans do have a job, and yet even 61 of them are beneath the line of poverty. This had led not indirectly or unnaturally to the fact that Honduras has one of the highest murder rates in the world. That place isn't as unlivable as Gaza, for example, but it's close enough to where no one is shocked when they leave in droves. To be shocked by that is like a proctologist coming home from work and saying "OMG I did nothing but look at buttholes all day!"

    People like you cannot accept these realities because you cannot accept the fact that your country has played the most significant impact on their plight. I've very often read from statist apologists (aka bullshit artists) that "well if we left them alone, they'd be either as screwed up or even more so," which is a completely fraudulent and baseless conjecture, so bother me not with that inferior drivel even if that's what your petty little instincts are moving you to do. If you are unwilling to hold up the mirror, you've no right to baselessly judge these people as if you could identify with what they're enduring.

    Bottom line, if you really are that bothered by those people coming over here, your first recourse isn't to prosecute or to punish them; it's to tell your own government to stop fucking with them, stop meddling in their affairs, and stop thinking that it somehow benefits those countries when we turn them into US military bases. If you don't want them to have a reason to come here, don't give them a reason to come here. If you're not willing to take that first step, you've no business talking about this because you don't live in reality and you can only live in Make Believe and Pretend because you'll never understand that until we stop fucking with them, and until we make amends for the shit that we've done to them, we have an absolute duty to every single person to which we have imposed hardship(s). You would say the same if the US was habitually molested by some other foreign power, and you know that full well. Conversely, I would be making something similar to your argument if these people were fleeing to countries that had absolutely nothing to do with their plight. I do not, for example, think Mexicans should migrate en masse (legally or not) to Australia. Why? Australia had nothing to do with their plight. We, however, did. You're as unaware of those realities as you are to the fact that you've been getting your ass kicked here. You do not want to think, know and accept; you want to react, make believe, and pretend, and THAT is why you fail.

    • Like 5
  15. 4 minutes ago, Escapedgoat said:

    It comes as no shock, as I said before many times, that the roots of Jeff Fisher being here come all the way from Bud Adams hiring and keeping him around. When he fired Jack Pardee, another inept man that had no business being an NFL HC,

    He had a lot more business being an NFL HC than fucking Fisher, and that's kind of the point: Adams' fixation on Fisher was just some weird fetish of which he could never overcome and rid himself.

  16. 18 minutes ago, futureman said:

    6A title game?  el paso team?  

    I know it’s a ludicrous notion, but that’s kinda the point. When you look back 20 years, DFW is the only constant of the whole thing. When Lake Travis or Westlake don’t make the final, Austin sends no one. When Katy or just a couple others don’t make the final, Houston sends next to no one. And if a meteor doesn’t hit the stadium when Austin and Houston play against each other, San Antonio sends no one. So why are we even talking about the state championships outside of the context of “at minimum, half of the 6A and 5A games will have DFW teams?”

    That's precisely why the UIL doesn't consider anything else:

    1. It's fucking stupid for higher classification teams like HP and Denton Ryan to play in ho dunk shit little shoebox stadiums like Tyler's in state championship rounds (that year was a major factor when the UIL was deliberating this)

    2. There already was a well-established imbalance in distributions between the major areas both in terms of titles and appearances that overwhelmingly favored DFW when this was being deliberated

    3. When the Houston area got its first chance to do the same thing, they pissed down their leg and embarrassed themselves even though they and areas close to it had a strong presence in those games.

    4. Austin? Again, stop it. Without LT and WL they have no one to speak of.

    5. San Antonio? Ha. Right, one year of Converse Judson, one with freaking Cibolo Steele and one with HP South...er Alamo Heights, and they're supposed to be in the rotation?

    Oh right "fairness."

  17. I should have added, even if this playing on Wednesday morning thing was as great of a crime as @Mac8111 is portraying it, there's a very simple solution and you don't even have to take it out of the Jerry/Cowboys/DFW system:

    Play the 1A, 2A and 3A games at the Star in Frisco on Friday and Saturday with the same timing schedule (11/3/7 triple-headers), and keep the 4A, 5A, and 6A games at the Death Star in Arlington on the same days at the same hours. Those 3A and below games would be well served by the 12,000-seat venue in Frisco (in fact, those 2 3A games last year would have sold out the Star with barely any overflow). 

    But sure, go ahead and tell me that I'm wrong. Go ahead and explain to me that it would make sense, for example, to force a 6A State Title game between an El Paso team and a Houston team to be played in fucking Sonora because that's the proper geographic midpoint. 

  18. 8 hours ago, Mac8111 said:

    No way there should be a state championship game on Weds at 11am.


    8 hours ago, futureman said:

    were the semifinals on saturday?

    Their semifinals were played on the December 6-8 weekend. They were essentially given a bye before the final. It's a non-issue.

  19. 53 minutes ago, WBT said:

    What does any of that have to do with what is fair?

    Who said that “fair,” which in itself is a very convenient term for those who use it, was even a consideration? Hell that wasn’t even a consideration in the pre-2009 system

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