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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 5 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Because you said so, it is not fucked up?

    It actually has jack shit to do with what I think.


    There should be no home field advantage. 

    Well it wouldn’t be near as much of a home field advantage for those other major metro areas to host because their teams don’t qualify for the state finals near as often as DFW has in the past 20 years.

    And you can pretend that attendance isn’t a  major factor, but far away from The Land of Make Believe and Pretend, it is. And I don’t think you’re totally delusional, so that’s why I say that you already knew that.

  2. 3 hours ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    Travis county is floating closing 12 schools due to lack of funds. Travis county champions having two full second language programs all the way through high school in two districts. 

    What is the cost per student?  Illegal immigration has consequences. If you are cool with children footing the bill, Ok, Hookem. 

    Go study.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ravishing Rick said:

    Alvin Shadow Creek made the state final in their first year and plays Highland Park. I know Shadow Creek is right next to Manvel (and in the same Alvin isd) but are there any players from last years Manvel team that now play for Shadow Creek?  Last years Manvel vs Hp was perhaps the best game I’ve ever seen. 

    IIRC that Manvel team was very senior-loaded. I’m sure there are guys from the roster on SC, but I can’t imagine any of the impact players are. That’s not at all to dismiss them as a team, but I just don’t see this as a “rematch.”

  4. 4 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    Well it was like the Cam Newton payoff-- with Cam, we knew that the LOSING bid was $180,000.  Similarly, we knew how much ED and CJK5 were passing on, from other schools.

    And I certainly agree that ED is as stupid as CJK5H, no disagreement there.

    It was actually considerably more than Cam, all told.

  5. 18 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    I didn't, because we all already knew how much SMU boosters paid him and Eric Dickerson to become amateur football players for their school.  FCJ.



    Actually the “how much” question on ED was a well kept secret until that 30for30 came out and he was shooting his mouth off about how he’d never tell. ED is as stupid as CJ

  6. On 12/12/2018 at 12:01 PM, satyanash said:

    "Regular season games don't actually matter in college football. Now excuse me, I'm going to advocate for a system where an 8-4 Northwestern team that lost at home to Akron is one win away from contending for the national title."

    No one is advocating such a system. Northwestern could never get into any 4-team model, and you know that.

    And as to this hysteria about 8-4 teams even sniffing the title game, this is a flat out fraud that's worthy of Alan Dershowitz' scholarship.

    How many 4-loss teams have won an FCS title in the 40 years that they've held their tournament?
    How many 4-loss teams have won a Division II title in the 45 years that they've held theirs?

    Not a fucking one. Worrying about a 4-loss team even sniffing an FBS title is like worrying about Mongolian invaders crashing your Sunday BBQ. And even if that could happen, it speaks only to those with finicky and neurotic tendencies that it would bother. Mature adults do not consider these to be real tragedies.

    On 12/12/2018 at 10:49 AM, CastHorn said:

    That’s alot of games to ask from an amateur student athlete.

    Except it isn't, and what you just said is a Zombie Lie. That's another one of those arguments that's rooted entirely in the power of pretend. There is no evidentiary basis to make this claim whatsoever. High School teams have to play as many as 16, FCS teams have to play 15-16, DII teams play 14-15, DIII teams play 15, and NFL teams have to play up to 20. Does an athlete really gain that much stamina/durability between the ages of 22-25? The fact is that there is no reasoned argument free from ignorance, bias, and/or emotion that can explain that a line has to be drawn between 15 and 16 games for 2 FBS collegiate teams, especially when high school already demands that many, and that the pro's demand significantly more. 

    I appreciate that some here are very tradition-minded, but it's really time that some of you stop trotting out the same old nonsensical, not to mention discredited, arguments about this subject every year around this time. 

    • Like 3
  7. 8 hours ago, bolverk said:

    You might be talking about Escriva. He was Mr. Pro Brexit over there, and I seem to recall he claimed some economics credentials. I halfway think Escriva = Zavala over here.

    I always referred to him as Dunning Kruger

  8. 1 minute ago, Helobious said:

    I think it was jt last year that was earnestly trying to argue that anyone who didn’t want HP to beat Manvel was racist against whites. I applaud you for not being anywhere near that level of stupid, but fuck I’d really like to see any other team than HP win it this year. 3 in a row is overkill. 

    That is a lie, sir.

  9. 12 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    President Bush was a remarkable man.  And an honorable man.  The handful of you shitting on him in this thread are almost certainly pathetic losers in real life.  

    You wouldn’t know anything about it

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  10. 17 hours ago, Kyle said:

    I get your snowflake sycophants will congratulate you on your brilliant ad homs...Let's be honest

    You’re attempting to be anything but, and you’re doing so via the power of pretend. You’re pretending to desire some sort of civil discourse, which is why you playfully imagine “ad homs” coming from Brisket, and feign disgust over same, while simultaneously using a pejorative term that’s linked to Trump voters.

    And just as an aside, it’s hilarious that Trump voters have a psychotic fixation with using that word when their poster child for hyper-testosterone is actually one of the most effeminate losers in the public sphere. Seriously, hardly anyone can out-sissify Donald Trump.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Whet did he say?

    That nothing said in Georgia's favor was in any way convincing. That they lost to a 9-3 LSU by 20, that they blew that lead and lost to Bama, and that there were 2 other P5 champions that only had 1 loss. Seriously, Georgia only had a case in the Land of Make Believe and Pretend.

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, SimonBolivar said:

    The important thing changes on what school they want to put in. Remember when you had to win your conference so they put in tOSU over TCU? 

    And I'd have less of a problem with it if they'd simply put it in those terms instead of dressing it up with this post-modern pseudo-technical nonsense like "eyeball test."

  13. I like how they've managed to craft a brand new concept with this thing they like to call "the eyeball test."

    There is no such fucking thing. All that shit is is "feelings, emotions and biases" wrapped up in a more technical sounding phrase so as to remove the anti-intellectual stigma that group of words conjures up.

  14. The contingent of Texas and OU fans that would like to see this game moved to Arlington (IIRC, spanky recently became a spokesman for that pissant little movement) is small, but after the experience today, they have an obligation to admit that they are absolutely wrong about absolutely everything entailed in that ridiculous position. That atmosphere compared to the State Fair is like comparing Manny Pacquiao to Muhammad Ali. Home and home is a stupid idea as well, but it's far less stupid than that.

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