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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 29 minutes ago, slorch said:

    many people have already forgotten what a fucking beating it is when aggy is around...cept for the scoreboard.

    That’s my position. Back in the late 90’s Mack Brown wanted to get a feel for the culture and he asked a simple question: “Who would you rather beat: Oklahoma or Texas A&M?”

    My answer to that question has always been “Oklahoma is the team that you want to beat, Texas A&M is the team that you cannot afford to lose to.”

    Seriously, there’s no real upside in beating aggy. They’re historically a Tier 2 team, despite what their deluded fan base thinks about it, they’re goofy as fuck, and they talk more shit to Texas fans when they win than OU fans do when in the identical situation. It’s probably because beating Texas is a foreign concept to aggies, but still, they’re too fucking loud for the caliber program that they are. All you want to do when you play them is to quiet them.

    With OU? Beating them is a euphoric occasion, and they’ll tell you the same damn thing when they speak of beating Texas. So to the person who said that the majority of Texas fans want to see the rivalry resumed, show the evidence. Seriously, who are these people? To the extent they even exist, it’d be very few and they’d be people whose formative years were the 1980’s when aggy was cheating their way to victories over and over. What those people don’t get is that the 1980’s were a historic aberration. Besides, we more than sufficiently corrected the error in the 2000’s. To quote Kylo Ren, let this past die.

    • Like 8
  2. 31 minutes ago, Thermos H. Christ said:

    Do you seriously have the slightest doubt that the game would instantly sell out and become a really hot ticket on the secondary market if they scheduled it? Or that it would do big TV numbers? People want to see it. They want to see it quite a bit more than they want to see most of the games played by either of these teams.

    He's asking for you to give him a reason to believe you. You're just reiterating your own suppositions.

  3. HP 28-20

    Very deceptive score as HP had 2 trips inside the 8 yield 0 points in a second half that saw them got on a 21-0 run until CS finally scored with 30 seconds left. Scots outgained them by nearly 300 yards

  4. On 11/22/2018 at 8:12 AM, NowThis said:

     common occurrence where Israeli occupiers demolish a home in the occupied west bank.  And the Arabs are angry for nothing? 

    Well that's the mentality here because here, it's just given that the Israelis actually have a right to do such things, and there's no end to the depth of the morally depraved apologetics that defenders of such barbarism will offer. 

    • Like 2
  5. 11 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    If my board memory is accurate you are a coach, right?  I simply have seen a shift in the last 10-15 years where every rule change has favored the offense.

    And if you were to count them all on one hand, you’d have superfluous fingers. That’s the point: it’s a very minor amount of “changes” and you guys pitch a shitfit every time it happens and it’s embarrassing to watch.

    And you completely missed the point of what I said. I posted that in a broader historical perspective. Over the years, offenses kept getting the short end of the stick even when they were introduced some courtesy. 

    “Ok, you can throw the ball but it’s a turnover if it’s incomplete.”

    “Ok you can throw the ball, just not to everyone.” 

    Those changes are far more restrictive to what an offense should be able to do vs.whatever changes that you feel are restrictive to a defense.

    What has never changed is defensive players, coaches, and fans who prefer defensive-oriented games is always find something to bitch about. 

    “The pass isn’t real football”

    ”Chuck and Duck”

    ”The no-huddle isn’t fair”

    and my favorite 

    “let’s make a rule that prohibits the offense from speeding up the game.”


    I like good defense, and I feel it is being legislated out of the game.

    Defense isn’t being “legislated out of the game.” The fact is that offenses have evolved and defenses haven’t kept up.


    Why should the offense get to substitute whenever they want to, but the defense is only allowed to substitute when the offense chooses to? 

    The rule is that the offense can snap the ball whenever they want if they don’t sub where as they have to wait until the substituting defender gets in his position stance if said substitution is in response to an offensive sub. There is no rule in football that says a defense cannot sub unless the offense does. Absolutely none whatsoever.


    Good offense should consist of more than trying to snap the ball as quickly as possible and hopefully catching the defense slightly out of alignment due to the fact that they only have 5 seconds to line up.  

    It does consist of more than that. Merely operating at a frantic pace doesn’t make an offense good. Just look at some of the rankings and you’ll see some pretty fast-paced ones at the bottom of the list. It’s true that the better ones are too, but that’s not the only aspect that makes them good/elite. That also has to do with talent, execution, coaching/scheme, etc.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Hard disagree. At least with PI, there are general visual guidelines officials can use to determine a violation.

    If a player legitimately has the wind knocked out of him, and comes back in two plays later with no ill effects, is that something refs are going to be able to consistently determine in real time? I doubt it.

    That’s not how the fake ones go down tho. They’re obvious. They look over to the sideline for a play call then they just fall. It’s a very wouldn’t-you-know-who-won-the-pony tactic.

  7. 5 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    Personally, I think we’ve passed enough rules that favor the offense in the last 10 years.

    Oh cry me a fucking river with that pissy bullshit.

    First it’s “oh wah wah wah, they all have to be perfectly still except for one guy who can to sideways when the ball is snapped”

    Then it’s “oh wah wah wah, they have to have precisely and exactly 7 guys on the line of scrimmage.”

    Then it’s “oh wah wah wah, they can’t use slot players to cover up end players.”

    Then it’s “oh wah wah wah, they can only throw it forward to five players.”

    Then it’s “oh wah wah wah, they can’t cross the line of scrimmage and throw it forward.”

    Then it’s “oh wah wah wah, they can’t throw it forward twice even if both passes are behind the LOS.”

    Then it’s “oh wah wah wah, their ineligible players can’t cross the LOS when a forward pass does.”

    Then it’s “oh wah wah wah, they have to declare eligibility via referee announcement or jersey number ranges.”

    And THEN, one fucking rule gets passed with the intent to protect both the deliverer and the recipient from fucking brain damage gets passed, and people like you think there’s a goddamn conspiracy to help offenses.

    This is the same reaction that was seen when the forward pass was made legal/mainstream. In fact, the best comparison I have to this was when Cornell coach Gil Dobie said “we won the game 13-0. Passing is not football” in response to their 62-13 loss to Dartmouth as the Indians’ QB Andy Oberlander amassed 477 total yards and 6 TD passes.

    That kind of reaction is rooted in the same type of bitchassedness that would compel someone to oppose effectively outlaw injury faking. Even soccer has rules against taking a dive (albeit not very well enforced ones).

    Personally I wouldn’t go the Gundy route. What I would do is give the refs discretion to discern when or when not is a player really faking an injury, and if it’s determined he is, tack on a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct. That injury faking bullshit has absolutely nothing to do with football. And if the same player is caught doing it twice? Eject his ass.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    They have a committee in each region who selects the top seven.  Some of their decisions are really questionable and some teams get left out like Midwestern State who got the shaft this year.  

    That Commerce game was a portent of really ugly shit that waited down the road for them.

  9. Just now, Pancho Negro said:

    Trying to find the tweet about how gerrymandered that state is, but I’m the meantime, there’s this:


    Ah yes, the fake moral crusaders strike yet again.

  10. 8 minutes ago, futureman said:

    you remember when Colby was about to run it in for a td at the pylon and Matt Fawley came across the field and knocked his ass sideways out of bounds at the one yard line?  that dude was a beast. 

    IIRC that actually happened twice. Unfuckingbelievable

  11. 37 minutes ago, futureman said:

    you like me peelin off that scab?  you like that?  ROB MARTIN. 

    What pissed me off about that fucking game was that there was a point in the 4th quarter or the OT where our All State RT, Kyle Williams, got banged up and had to come out when we were near the goal line. Instead of running Colby right behind him for an easy TD, Randy Allen made probably the only truly boneheaded decision in his career when he he tried to run him behind Williams’ backup (forgot who it was) instead of something else and we got stuffed on 3rd down (instead of calling a timeout so that Kyle could go back in). Settled for 3 instead of 7 and that gave those dicklickers a breath of hope.

  12. 25 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    I would take anything mandel says with a grain of salt. He said KU would be competing for the conference title under Gil. We all know how that turned out. 

    I was never sold on Gil either and I’ve no idea why he was. I do not say that Mandel is some sort of authority, but I’ll recognize when someone is correct. The only way miles doesn’t fail here is if that rhetoric about him changing his ways offensively is really true. If he thinks he’s going to bring that power grab-ass nonsense and do any better than Beaty, he’s high as a kite and we’re looking at a facsimile of Bielema at Arkansas.

  13. On 11/17/2018 at 3:22 AM, maninblack said:

    He'll fail miserably but great hire

    Surprised it took this many posts to get to this one.

    EDIT: And that Mandel article is spot on. This conference is the absolute worst one for him to reestablish himself, and Kansas is the worst one of the 10 for him to do so.

  14. On 11/8/2018 at 12:51 PM, Cheeseweasel said:

    That being said, the Dems will probably nominate someone from California or Mass who is left of Bernie.

    Based on what? They railroaded him for a center-right corporatist. You really think that they'd railroad him again for someone who's on the complete opposite end? That's ludicrous.

  15. 57 minutes ago, Drew said:

    Before the whole “why can’t w woman be a coach” comments all over social media start...can we at least get a female positional coach or something before moving them to HC of an NFL team?

    And someone who actually knows about football and not, as Pat Dye explained 5 years ago when he heard she'd be on the freaking CFP committee, someone who "all they know about football is what somebody told her."

  16. On 11/15/2018 at 9:35 AM, hpslugga said:

    Oh that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    Yeah, there was a lightning delay and the game was postponed with a 10-10 halftime score. Without any agreement from the coaches, AD's, etc, Commerce's staff decided all on its own immediately to load up the buses and head back home. Upon hearing this, our AD immediately got on the phone with theirs and after what I'm told was a lengthy stand-and-trade, it was agreed that the game would resume at 2pm the next day...at fucking Apogee Stadium in Denton, TX. What that means is that Commerce was categorically refusing to play the game in Wichita Falls, which is where it was scheduled to play. When you refuse to play a game where it's supposed to take place, the other team has every right to lobby the NCAA to count that game as a forfeit. For reasons not explained, we decided to go along with it.

    But it gets worse than that.

    With around 3 minutes to go, we're down 20-19 and are lining up for a FG. It gets blocked, but then Commerce pulls a Leon Lett. One of their guys in the back makes very obvious contact with the ball, then one of our players picks it up and runs it into the end zone. The play is initially ruled a Midwestern State touchdown. Admittedly, that would be the wrong call is that would be a muff and muffs cannot be advanced. So the correct call would be Midwestern ball, First and Goal on the 5...

    Then the officials get into what seems like a 7-minute conversation and it's ultimately decided that it's Commerce's ball. The reason given to Midwestern Head Coach Bill Maskill? That because the ball crossed the line of scrimmage, it's a dead ball. Well yeah, that's correct, but the problem is that ball is turned live the instant the Commerce player touched it, which the referee never actually denied. There is no difference between a partially blocked punt and a partially blocked FG: in either case, if either cross the LOS, if a defending player touches the ball, it's a muff and it's fucking live.

    So they fucked us on allowing that game to be moved, and they fucked us again on what should have been a very obvious muff call.

    I have no issue with the Tarleton game because we had scored a late TD to cut it to a 1-point game and possibly send it to OT, but the holder couldn't handle the snap on the PAT and he was sacked. As I said before, them's the breaks. Still, that Commerce game was a total fraud.

    And to be fair, it's not all on the NCAA. The LSC should never have allowed that freakshow to go on either.

    Well it looks like the NCAA made the wrong call on Azusa Pacific after all.

  17. 33 minutes ago, Tommy Shelby said:

    Yeah, same thing at Tech except they ran him off during Christmas break so the students were gone and it was too cold for the locals to get out. Never underestimate old, entitled idiots

    Actually the timing mostly had to do with the fact that they had to do it in order to fuck him out of his completion bonus. The guys who were behind that are what you find under a rock.

  18. 21 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    What was the problem with the Commerce game?  Was that the one that took two days to play?

    Oh that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    Yeah, there was a lightning delay and the game was postponed with a 10-10 halftime score. Without any agreement from the coaches, AD's, etc, Commerce's staff decided all on its own immediately to load up the buses and head back home. Upon hearing this, our AD immediately got on the phone with theirs and after what I'm told was a lengthy stand-and-trade, it was agreed that the game would resume at 2pm the next day...at fucking Apogee Stadium in Denton, TX. What that means is that Commerce was categorically refusing to play the game in Wichita Falls, which is where it was scheduled to play. When you refuse to play a game where it's supposed to take place, the other team has every right to lobby the NCAA to count that game as a forfeit. For reasons not explained, we decided to go along with it.

    But it gets worse than that.

    With around 3 minutes to go, we're down 20-19 and are lining up for a FG. It gets blocked, but then Commerce pulls a Leon Lett. One of their guys in the back makes very obvious contact with the ball, then one of our players picks it up and runs it into the end zone. The play is initially ruled a Midwestern State touchdown. Admittedly, that would be the wrong call is that would be a muff and muffs cannot be advanced. So the correct call would be Midwestern ball, First and Goal on the 5...

    Then the officials get into what seems like a 7-minute conversation and it's ultimately decided that it's Commerce's ball. The reason given to Midwestern Head Coach Bill Maskill? That because the ball crossed the line of scrimmage, it's a dead ball. Well yeah, that's correct, but the problem is that ball is turned live the instant the Commerce player touched it, which the referee never actually denied. There is no difference between a partially blocked punt and a partially blocked FG: in either case, if either cross the LOS, if a defending player touches the ball, it's a muff and it's fucking live.

    So they fucked us on allowing that game to be moved, and they fucked us again on what should have been a very obvious muff call.

    I have no issue with the Tarleton game because we had scored a late TD to cut it to a 1-point game and possibly send it to OT, but the holder couldn't handle the snap on the PAT and he was sacked. As I said before, them's the breaks. Still, that Commerce game was a total fraud.

    And to be fair, it's not all on the NCAA. The LSC should never have allowed that freakshow to go on either.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    How do you feel about Azusa Pacific getting a bid over a team with with two 1-point losses to ranked teams?

    My alma mater? I was pissed at the NCAA, but mostly for allowing all of what transpired in the Commerce game, which was an abject disgrace to humanity. Regardless, them's the breaks. Even with a win vs. Commerce, we still wouldn't have won our conference (Tarleton was unbeaten) and had to rely on outside help to get in. I hate being in that position and fully recognize its perils.

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