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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 58 minutes ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    Our offense averages around 31 points per game

    Which would have been impressive in 1988.

    And that's not to be critical of even anyone on the staff, but to act as if watching this offense isn't very often at times akin to pulling teeth is to live in a fantasy world. This team isn't out of the woods yet by any means. They're certainly getting to that point, but the OSU game was a sobering reality check.

  2. 22 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    really, i think it's fundamentally time to address WHY these people are in the caravan.

    That would require self-reflection, and that's not our strong suit.

    22 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    these people legitimately fear death and reprisal in their homeland. if there was ever a more clear-cut case for asylum, i'm not sure i've seen it recently. 

    Again, that would require abandoning ethnocentrism, and for the great bulk of just the posters here (forget the country for a moment), that's a biological impossibility.


    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Gaffords said:

    O the ass hat that thinks he knows Briles offense...  Im not breaking down plays for you i said what i THINK plain and simple. If you can't see Leach's dna all over Briles shit, then i can't help you..

    Who said I needed/wanted your help?

    And the contention that there are only bare-assed minimum, tenuous points of contact between those two offenses isn't rooted in opinions, i.e. what you "THINK." It's rooted in history and demonstrable fact, neither of which even remotely support what you said, which was absolutely wrong about absolutely everything it tried to assert/suggest.

  4. 3 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    Just because ESPN bitches abouy  his offense being a plug and play gimmick so his qbs suck in the nfl doesn't mean it a bad thing.

    ESPN has been rather supportive of him, and it's been for 2 reasons:

    1. They fucking hate Craig James for duping them into believing that fictionalized, melodramatic soap opera only to have the entire story fall apart at the deposition phase in the lawsuit. When you read the depo's of Leach, both Jameses, and Hance, you cannot possibly come away believing any of that fantasy story unless your feelingest of feelings wanted that strongly to believe it from the outset. At that point, I'd say that such persons are either delusional or dishonest with themselves. ESPN knew that.

    2. His success at Wazzu. Wazzu, historically, is a trash program and he has turned them into a viable contender for the conference title. When you can keep having that kind of success for that long, "plug and play gimmick" is a very out-of-court accusation that even talking heads on ESPN take care to avoid.

    3 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    He won a Hiesman at Kentucky with Couch and a #1 draft pick.

    Um, no.

    Ricky Williams won the Heisman and Couch finished a very distant 4th in the voting. It's true that he was the #1 draft pick for the lowly Browns, I will give you that.

    3 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    Take a look at Briles Offense... That has Leach's fingerprints all over it...

    Except it doesn't.

    Briles' offense was fully developed at Stephenville, as in before he ever worked for Leach. And he's not the only offensive coach that worked for him and refused to adapt his system in any way. Manny Matsakis was the Special Teams coach in the same years Briles worked there, and the Triple Shoot remained completely unchanged by the time he took another job.

    Here are the similarities between those 3

    1. They use a base 10/11 personnel set operated out of spread formations (Briles and Leach go primarily out of the gun, Matsakis is a 50/50 guy on that question)

    2. They operate their offenses at an accelerated pace.

    Seriously, that's it. They have as much in common with each other as Sid Gillman did with Bill Yeoman.

    3 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    I'm not saying Leach handed Briles a Veer and Shoot playbook one day. But Leach spent quite a bit of time grooming his young assistants to succeed as coaches later on.

    Again, that's bullshit. Briles was going to end up being an NCAA HC whether he worked for Mike Leach or not. 

    3 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    I would lay odds on the V-S being a joint project between the two.

    It's not. The Veer-and-Shoot is exactly what the name implies: a marriage between the Veer and the Run-and-Shoot (mostly Ellison's version as opposed to Davis), both of which significantly pre-date Mike Leach's time in 1st grade. Again, Briles was already running that offense at Stephenville and if he learned anything from Mike Leach, it was to stop being so quirky with his personnel sequencing. He would line up with 5 wides on one play, quickly shift off all 5 of the skill players and then bring in a tight wishbone set to run some sort of option on the very next play. So it was addition by subtraction.

    3 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    There are things in the Veer and Shoot that could only come from a Pirate's crazy genius.

    Such as?

    Mike Leach didn't invent a goddamned thing. He perfected a methodology, yes, but to act as if he re-invented the wheel strains credulity. The guts of that offense are nothing more than a fusing of concepts that were made available by people like Bill Walsh, Don Coryell, Norm Chow, Hal Mumme, and Mouse Davis.

    3 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    not sure why everyone assumes Leach couldn't draw up running plays to begin with.

    It's not a question of his ability to draw anything up. That's a given, and he's not all alone in that ability, either. His problem has always been his unwillingness to dedicate himself to it. Bob Stoops once commented that very frequently, the argument of running vs. throwing came up when they discussed 3rd and short plays. Bob usually wanted to run, Mike wanted to pass. It's not that Mike doesn't know how or what to call w/r/t running the ball, he just rarely wants to do it.

    3 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    Leach attended BYU where he graduated law school

    As mentioned, he got his JD from Pepperdine.

    3 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    It's probably the reason Briles is so secretive with his playbook. It has Leach all over it. 

    That's a nice fairy tale.


    • Haha 1
  5. 27 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    I have never seen a defensive lineman almost make the big play as much as he does.

    But about a thousand things cost us this game. This team still has growing up to do.

    That’s really the bottom line. Even in the best wins, watching this team has been like pulling teeth. It’s a fucking arduous project, and nights like these are going to happen even with the best startup teams that any of us have ever seen. I’m not going to pretend that i predicted this loss, or any, but that #6 ranking should never have caused anyone to lose sight of the reality of where this team is. 

  6. First week of Regional Rankings were released yesterday afternoon


    Region 4:

    1. Minnesota Duluth (8-0)
    2. Minnesota State (8-0)
    3. Colorado Mines (8-0)
    4. CSU-Pueblo (7-1)
    5. Tarleton State (7-0)
    6. Midwestern State (6-1)
    7. Texas A&M-Commerce (5-2)

    So Mines actually is that unfortunate bastard that would have to host a first round contest as an unbeaten team (then again, so is Minn. State) if the season were to end today. Tough crowd this year. Midwestern actually should be in that mix too, but they were royally screwed over by a series of shenanigans in that horseshit "game" against Texas A&M Commerce a couple weeks ago. In fact of the whole of DII, Tarleton State is the lone unbeaten that is being outshined in the regional rankings by a team with a loss, and that largely has to do with the fact that Pueblo's loss was against none other than Colorado Mines. Regardless, Tarleton is going to get the piss smacked out of them this weekend when they travel to Wichita Falls, so that lone exception will be corrected.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Look, I don't know how many people have to tell you this. If Colorado School of Mines goes undefeated then they absolutely belong in the national championship playoff. Period.

    As someone who went to a DII school, I can tell you that when you go unbeaten, you not only qualify, but you go to the front of the fucking line in terms of seeding. If you're undefeated, the only way you don't get the first round bye is if there's another unbeaten team in your region (certainly possible). And even if that does happen, you're almost certainly going to at least host that Round 1 game. DII does not live in the Land of Make Believe and Pretend that the mileslongs of the world do.

    • Like 1
  8. 21 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    Can someone tell me how many ranked teams UCF has beaten?  Out of the 20 they beat. Texas beat 3 ranked teams in 4 weeks.

    How should I know? I only watch football.

    The question you ask can be answered by the bad comedy writers that perpetuate this asinine presumption of legitimacy of these stupid polls.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, slorch said:

    He’s had good backs that got a lot of touches. Johnie Mack was pretty explosive.  Taurean Hendrson lead the big XII in AP yards for a season. Shannon Woods was adequate. He’s had a couple of decent RBs at Wazzu.

    To your point, it was never ‘ground and pound,’ even if guys like Henderson and Woods were very productive.

    Right, their touches were mostly catches out of the backfield. I don’t dispute that...just this idea of Leach running the ball with any meaningful frequency.

  10. 6 hours ago, Gaffords said:

    That's because 12 of the 13 dwarfs have figured out what the rest of us already knew. There is only one Snow White in the SECSECSEC csrtoon.

    And Mack was right.  Too much winning isn't good for the kids...  I mean fans.

    It doesn't help when you play the exact same teams in your conference that you ]already own, then add cupcakes into the mix. If you do play a "somebody" it's at some random neutral side.  

    It will be comical watching the dwarfs as it starts to seep into their tiny pee brains that all those years ESPN spent cock gobbling the SEC just to hype the upcoming SEC network to guarantee it would come out of the gate competing with the already established Big 10/ Fox has tainted College Football. 

    The ESPN "Every Saturday is like the championship" vomit helped send many top recruits to the SEC schools, but it didn't takr long for recruits to figure out the SEC is a one elephant race and now the dwarfs are in the same boat wiith the rest of us.

    If it's any consolation to the dwarfs, it was supposed to have been Florida, but their golden child blew it with the alligator tears after beating mighty Cinci. No matter how much they loved the Tebow pecker, the weeping was a bit too much. Tebows emotional victory sobs over a hyped cupcake gift was a bit too much for even ESPN.

    Bama's big win, and Colt choking down tears that no one would have held against him if they got the better of him, had that Elephant cock looking really inviting... ESPN has been on it since.

    So take your medicine, you fucks. You are the ones ESPN served shots of fermented shit while telling you how pretty midgets are, stubby legs and baby arms and a huge head are sexy and you lapped it up... If ESPN was going to swallow Bama cock, they were going to get not only their cock, but both balls and the taint sucked, while getting their asshole rimmed too...  

    All the slob job of how great you are from top to bottom just to drive the up the money they could nail you for to watch programming that can only serve to point out that 13 of you are drowning in a pile of elephant dung you blindly helped ESPN create.

    Once you dwarfs start dragging yourselves and each other out of the shit hole you helped dig, you will notice one of you is in teouble. Out there flailing and flopping around some will reach out and try to save their brother dwarf to no avail, there is no helping him because you cannot save he who doesn't want to be saved. While desperately clawing to get out of the septic death trap,  it's  easy to mistaken a fellow dwarf drowning with aggy having the time of their life.

    Wallowing in elephant dung is much better than being treated as an equal by an inferior sip.

    tu just can't admit that aggy is superior, with the best traditions, and best band, and the best mascot, and the best colors, and the best stadium, and that we make make more money, and we have the best endowment, and that our football team is better than theirs,  and that our football is just as much historic as theirs, and our football record is also as good even if we didn't win as many times as the sips, and we are one of the elite teams and they aren't. We are at least one of the top five of the super elites,  They know that JFF was better than VY, RW, and EC put together, but they are too stupid to admit it. They won't admit that our academics and superior to theirs and that our diplomas are just as good. Everybody wants to Texas A&M and not tu, and we are the flagship and not them, and the only way they ever win is by cheating while aggy never cheats. They won't admit that once aggy left the big12 that all school from the other conferences would beat all the big 12 schools if they would play them instead of just scheduling g5 teams they have to pay to let them win.

    The sips won't admit they were to scared to play us in the bowl game so they refused to play in a bowl if they played us, and how they are the ones that ran from us when we left for the SECSECSEC and not us, and they aren't sec good like us.



    Now go get your fuckin’ shine box.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Loco said:

    You say ucf has an argument about being good this year

    What I said was that precisely 0 people are making the argument that you say they're making. You're constructing a strawman.


    yet you post about a win streak from last year

    Actually the OP did.


    It's disingenuous to argue

    1. ucf this year = ucf last year (despite staff changes)
    2. Aubarn this year <> Aubarn last year (with the same staff)
    3. When you say ucf is on a streak you're not talking about last year

    No one is saying any of those things. You, on the other hand, said "It's funny that ucf's justification rests on one game last year." And I said, correctly, that's a load of horseshit.


  12. 4 minutes ago, Loco said:

    You're almost there...   and who did they beat?

    Again, that's not the point. I'm not sure what you feel you're accomplishing with these smart ass lines like "you're almost there" when you're playing Make Believe and Pretend about the whole subject matter that was posted in the first place.

    How you derive "this is just about the Auburn game" from "An undefeated UCF for the 2nd year in a row may force the issue with re: expanding the playoffs" is mind boggling.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Loco said:

    Maybe you can point out any other argument I missed for why ucf is a legit contender ...

    Uh it's in the OP. Two years undefeated.

    And that's not even the point. You don't prove the existence of an argument by pretending there exists no other argument. Like I said, literally no one is suggesting UCF gets in the CFP in 2018 because of their win vs. Auburn last year. Absolutely no one. 

  14. 20 minutes ago, Loco said:

    There's no reason Auburn should be a dumpster fire this year, yet, here we are.

    It's funny that ucf's justification rests on one game last year with a different head coach...  seems legit

    Who said they were stating their case based solely on that game?

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