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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. Just now, WBT said:

    So what is your position on the assertion that an expanded playoff would devalue the college football regular season?

    You know better than that. That's apples and oranges. The two are not related, nor can they be. You're talking about one sport where a team plays roughly 30 games in the regular season, up to a few conference tournament games, and has to play 6-7 national tournament games to reach the mountain top and another sport where a team plays 12 games in the regular season and would have to play 3 playoff games to reach the mountain top.

    And that's to say nothing about the fact that you're comparing football to basketball in the United States. 

  2. Just now, Gene Parmesan said:

    No one even pays attention to college basketball until the 68 teams are in place.  There is no bitching about being #69 because nobody has a clue what to bitch about.

    In fact I'd wager that most people who watch the tournament rarely, if ever, watch those play-in games and a sizable chunk of even those miss the first round before they start paying any meaningful sort of attention to it.

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    That's what I mean when I say CFB shouldn't be forced into becoming the NFL.

    And you're still as wrong to assert that now as you were when you did it the first time. Invoking the NFL on a proposal for a playoff that would include 6% of the league is an abject strawman.

  4. 5 minutes ago, satyanash said:

    CFB is not the NFL, so please stop trying to turn it into the NFL.

    The NFL isn't the only football league with a postseason tournament, nor is it the first. That's a weaker-than-shit strawman argument that exists merely to massage the ego of the person making it, and essentially nothing else.

    And I just have to add, for the one millionth time, that even if the FBS playoff was fucking 16 teams large, as a percentage of their entire league, that would make it the most exclusive playoff in the sport of football at any level:

    In high school, roughly 40-50% of any given league gets in
    In the NFL, it's 37.5%
    DIII with its 32-team playoff means 12.8%
    DII with its 28-team playoff means 16.8%
    FCS with its 24-team playoff means 19.2%
    FBS with a hypothetical 16-team playoff would mean 12.3%
    With a hypothetical 8-team playoff? 6.2%

    So by using a playoff that incorporates 6.2% participation of its whole league, some of you dumbasses think that's too many and you think 3.1% is the absolute max that any human brain could possibly tolerate. That only makes sense in the Fairy World of Make Believe and Pretend.

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    My bad.  They play an 11 game season, I thought it was 10.  Maybe it's D-II that plays 10.

    DII does still play 10 with an option to go 11 if you play an FCS team (very rare that teams play FCS teams, let alone pursue that option, but it does exist a la the old Hawaii Rule from back in the day). And I should have said earlier that the 16-game season in HS is kinda unfair as a standard because I'm pretty sure that Texas is the only state that does that (Florida only plays 14, if I'm reading these schedules correctly, California doesn't even have real state champions, etc)

    Anyways, NCAA DII has expanded its bracket size twice just since I enrolled at Midwestern State, which was only 15 years ago. They've gone from 16 to 28 in that period. If they up it to 32 (very likely as DIII already has that), they'll have guaranteed that no matter who plays in the title game, they'll have to play an extra game than they did just 15 years ago.

    Now it's true that would only render it to 15, but again it would do so for everyone, and that's kinda the true underlying point in all this horseshit falderal about "wah wah wah they play too many games":

    The NCAA doesn't care about the number of games these kids are playing, and the schools don't either because they go right along with it. There's been 0 resistance to the growth of any of these brackets. Seriously, no conference or Athletic Department has protested this, which is why the expansions are happening fairly rapidly. It's the same reason FCS is toying with the idea of 12-game regular seasons in the wake of a recent expansion of their playoff (they're stretching the season from both ends, basically).

    And even if this is really an issue (which it clearly isn't and only serves to generate crocodile tears for the change averse), why is a 12-game slate for FBS teams such a sacred cow? And what evidence is there that the AD's at those universities care how many games their teams play? And why does anyone give a shit whether or not Texas has enough room on its schedule to squeeze in fucking Tulsa?

    The 12-game schedule only came out in 2006. Then the CFP happens less than a decade later, which again stretched the schedule from both ends within just an 8-year period. Did anyone say anything serious about returning to the 11-game schedule when the CFP came out?

    The point is that the players, coaches, AD's, universities, the conferences, and the NCAA doesn't give a shit about the number of games that are played, and it's beyond naive to assume that they do. The only way to logically presuppose that is if it makes sense to you to say the following sentence:

    "Well the players are much tougher now than they were in 2005, so it's ok to play them more often now."

    Does anyone say that? Do any of you say that? Well if you don't, then it makes no sense to protest an expanded playoff on the grounds of "too many games," especially when such a standard is so blatantly arbitrary. Again, this is just man-made mythology, there is no truth in any of it, and it's circular argumentation in order to route back to an assumed conclusion.

    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    The most you play in either division is 15.  

    Look, I understand that you're trying really hard to make a point, but you need to stop. It's common knowledge that the FCS has an 11-game schedule (and they're considering making 12 a permanent number and not temporary, i.e. 2019 will allow them to do that), and it's also common knowledge that they have a 5-round playoff. You can't get through 24 teams without 5 rounds.

    FBS is indeed 14-15: 12 reg, CCG (if applicable), 2 CFP's. I get that.

    FCS works like this. It's a 24-team playoff (10 auto-qualifiers and 14 at-larges):

    1st round: 24 teams remain
    2nd round: 16 teams remain
    3rd round: 8 teams remain
    4th round: 4 teams remain
    5th round: 2 teams remain

    If you play in the 1st round and advance to the title game, you by definition play 16 games. That's basic arithmetic.


  7. 7 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    They play 15 now just like FCS.  8 would be 16.

    Actually, exceptions exist in FCS but it's like the NFL. It's true you play 15 if you get a bye (their tournament includes 8 bye teams), but not if you don't. If you play in the first round, you play 16. 

    Regardless, HS' have to do the exact same, the other NCAA divisions have more, and the NFL has considerably more.

  8. 1 hour ago, 'stache said:

    Another point I should have made is that a broader playoff needs a shorter regular season.  That won't ever happen.

    That argument is as invalid as it was when it was shredded apart years ago.

    High school state champions have to play more games to get there than anyone does in FBS
    The other collegiate divisions have to play more games to get there than anyone does in FBS
    The NFL's Super Bowl teams have to play, at minimum 19 fucking games and a 20th is possible if a WC team is involved.

    8-team playoff=15 games played by the finalists. That's not even an excuse, that's just a series of useless words strung together to form an incoherent sentence that turns into a circular argument that routes back to an assumed conclusion.

    • Like 2
  9. 8 minutes ago, Thermos H. Christ said:

    I don't see it. If they had edged us out by a field goal after we mounted an epic comeback, then we fired our hypothetical terrible DC and made it all the way to the CCG, I'd be thrilled to get another shot at them.

    I think the bigger problem, from OU's perspective, is them getting there and not so much getting jacked to play Texas. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, Jack said:


    No man in their right mind would pursue a relationship with a woman who believed Ford's testimony.  It was clearly garbage from the get go.

    The only way you can say such a thing with such fake confidence is if you 100% wanted to believe Kavanaugh in the first place.

    This whole deal with Ford and the other women had 0 effect on me because there were well over 1,000 reasons that he had no business being a SCOTUS justice that were well established before anyone knew who the fuck this woman was, but please stop pretending like what you're posting with all of this chickenshit bluster is anything other than a circular argument routing back to an assumed conclusion.

    • Like 2
  11. 4 hours ago, Tailleur17 said:

    You guys need to quit celebrating in the game thread before the clock hits 0:00. This team can beat anyone and lose to anyone.

    And you need to hit fuckin' puberty because none of that finicky bullshit you've displayed thus far has jack shit to do with being an adult.

    • Like 2
  12. I need more info from those who were there in 1976. I'm currently writing a realistic fiction piece that incorporates different elements from different eras (the teams are the All-Time teams, played in the 2008-pres stadium with the expanded seating, State Fair attendance like in 2009 when they broke the record, commentators are Keith Jackson and Frank Broyles, etc). The actual atmosphere of the game I wanted to project is 1976 based on the very limited stories I've heard as it's the most egregious example of a toxic atmosphere, not to mention Switzer and Royal will obviously be the HC's. I'm asking for this because there isn't video goddamn 1 anywhere on the internet, at least not that I've seen. I've searched high and low for VHS/DVD, but similarly to no avail. Here's what I've heard so far

    -This was either the first or second year of the crowd saying "OU sucks" in the fight song and it was in response to the Tuck Fexas shirt that had debuted the year before
    -It was very hot and ice was being thrown across the 50 yard lines by both sides
    -"every hit was a train wreck" 
    -"Who are the two assholes with Switzer?"
    -Royal absolutely dreaded the entire experience from beginning to end
    -Switzer is an unrepentant asshole and this was Exhibit A
    -both offenses were absolutely brutalized by 2 suffocating defenses

  13. 8 hours ago, Sleepygrad said:

    And I remember it being hot as fuck for that 11am kick in 99. So hungover and trying to get it going again, was drinking a flask of hot Jim beam and smoking bowls right under that huge Dr Pepper sign on the back row of the stadium around the 35 yd line. Shitshow doesn’t begin to explain it. Good times

    ‘99 kicked at 2:30. You’re probably thinking of ‘98, which was when they started with that 11am nonsense 

  14. Oh and even if he did mean just the prison labor portion of the 13th, he is outside of his fucking mind if he thinks, of all people, Donald fucking Trump (or anyone from "the right") shares his views on that topic. So his defenders are screwed on this either way.

  15. On 10/1/2018 at 3:43 PM, BNB said:

    No, just the overall people that think that Kanye wants to repeal the 13th amendment to drive black people back in chains.    He may ( I don't know him), but that seems to be the conclussion on the left.

    No, the conclusion is that he's a fucking moron who talks about "think for yourself" when he cannot even take step 1 on that concept. This is stupidity masquerading as deep intellectual thought, and this is the worst ever, even more so than B.O.B's crusade against the oblate spheroid Earth.


    I guess I just brought up this thread is b/c he leans right and his main message is just to get educated and vote on your own.  

    He leans Kanye, and his main message is to disregard facts and history and just make shit up as you go along. What he understands about the world is self-created mythology and there is no truth in it. 

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