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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 4 hours ago, Thetexashammer said:

    Well I don't care about Alex Jones, but I do care about free speech.

    Again, what’s been happening with that feeble-minded piece of whacko has fuck all to do with free speech. Same goes with Milo, Coulter and that whole hee-haw gang of hoots, and the thing is that neither you nor anyone else will ever in your life be able to convince a learned person that free speech was/is in any way in play.

  2. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Oh, here we go again.  Prepare thy anus for "Nazis were socialists, it says so right in the name".

    Ain’t my anus that needs the preparing as that argument is 100% rectally derived.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, FondrenRoad said:

    However, we got along better in those times.  That period of flexibility ended in 1971 with the 26th Amendment.  The 27th Amendment passed 11 years later although it was a holdover from the 1700s, and not reflective of any modern movement.

    21, but point taken.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    But Trump! 

    That's not "But Trump," that's a cold hard fact. Trump and his supporters are absolutely incapable of handling reality. You managed to sneak in a reference to pretending with regards to whether or not that tart in the picture was giving a white supremacist gesture. Here's the problem with that: it changes absolutely nothing about Kavanaugh either way.

    So yeah, ridicule certain people for pointing out a hand gesture, but that's just a distraction from the fact that this fucking cult is completely oblivious to the concept of reality. Trump's camp has a considerably large contingent of people who, on the basis of "there's no non-evidence," seriously believe that the world is run by an Eyes Wide Shut-esque cabal that operates a pedophilia ring out of pizza restaurants, that the cabal includes people like Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, and that Donald Trump has living the past 70-odd years of his life in this Andy Kaufman-esque illusion in order to covertly integrate himself with these people so that he could become President of the United States, put on a White Knight suit (or a robe and wizard hat) and defeat this evil cabal. And keep in mind, this is a subset of Trump voters totally separate of those who beat themselves over the head with this fictitious notion that he was the "lesser of two evils in the 2016 election," the believers of which are every bit as deluded as the QAnon crowd. You, on the other hand, are addressing literally less than a handful of people who are questioning an irrelevant hand gesture. If you came here looking for whataboutism, there it is.

    10 minutes ago, 936horn said:

    Do you have children? Serious question. If you do, you've done the ultrasounds. You've heard the heart beat. You maybe did the 3D ultrasound that I did, that hangs on the side of my fridge in which my daughter is sucking in her lower lip. Something I see her still do 18 months later. I posted the gif just to poke at him, because I know that I won't ever convince you that to me a fetus is indeed a baby, but hey, if you can do all that stuff (hear the heart, see the face) and still tell me that it isn't a baby until it's out of the womb, then that's your issue not mine.

    He said "scientifically," not "emotionally."

  5. 8 hours ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:

    Are you seriously going to argue that outlawing abortion wouldnt lead to a decrease in deaths? Sure some extremely small percentage of women might permanently damage their vaginas or worse, but the amount of childrens who's lives will be saved will dwarf that number in comparison. 


  6. 14 minutes ago, Washpark said:

    Bring it!



    Meh. It's a safe bet for Booker since expulsion requires a two-thirds vote in lieu of the implied finger-wagging that effeminate loser Cornyn suggested. You won't find 17 Democrats who are willing to expel Cory Booker, let alone will you find them all listed as United States Senators. Cornyn's just butthurt and he's definitely acting like it. Even if they did, it'd be political suicide for all those voting in favor.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    I thought his lack of employment was insane until we got desperate and hired him.  His tenure here was complete chaos and showed him to be a bit of a fuck head.

    Would love for you to elaborate as I don’t know much about his tenure there and I doubt a lot of people here do either. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    What, you think anything anyone says here means jack shit ?

    I've never said nor implied that because such a contention is as ridiculous as your very best post that you've ever had. Once again, you're absolutely wrong about absolutely everything that you said and you're beyond delusional if you think you're gonna stand and trade with me. Slink away and move on to your next abject failure.

    • Like 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, ousux said:

    I'll just be brutally honest, I hope Herman can get his shit together and make this thing work, don't think I can go through another new coach transition this soon.

    Yes, I know some of you don't like Herman and think he never should have been hired, idgaf, and yes he is a prick, but so are at least 90% of the names I've seen thrown around as replacements. You pretty much have to be a prick to run a high profile D1 program successfully..

    Not only that, but it's been proven that it's impossible to have sustained success when you keep changing HC's every 3 years and OC's every fucking season. To support such actions is to have an ADD brain mixed with a trailer park trash mindset.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    All of our running plays seem to develop at a snail's pace. I can't remember the last time we had a running back hit a hole at full speed.

    What is this "hole" of which you speak?

  11. 17 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

    How does them being at a strip club tirninto what Zach Smith did to his wife and urban Meyer failed to do anything about?

    It doesn't. It just seems scandalous in a country that, collectively, can't help but scream and giggle when peepee parts are involved even in the most remote context. This is akin to Eloise going into great detail on what her nightly routine is and she just suddenly blurts out "Nanny has a mole." It'd read like this:

    "Zach Smith beat his wife many times for many years.
    And then Urban Meyer learned about it.
    And then he kept Zach on staff despite learning about it, for Lord's sake.
    And then Urban Meyer lied about learning about it.
    And then he lied about lying about it. 

    Tom Herman went to see boobies with Zach Smith once."

    • Like 2
  12. 8 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    I agree abou the relative talent levels of the lions and cowboys in the 90s, but the Dallas offensive line wasn’t considered great before emmitt got there

    And at no point would anyone with a functioning grey cell ever argue that the Lions' OL was even good, let alone great. That's the point. 

    8 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    And, how many of the Dallas OL are now in the HOF?  Just Allen, right?

    How many of the Detroit OL have even been seriously considered for nomination? Just Brown, right?And far beyond the OL, the surrounding skill players and QB were an outright joke. The reason Emmitt did so well is because that OL didn't have to deal with constant disadvantages in the numbers game. If you stacked the box with 8-9 guys against Dallas, yeah you might hold Emmitt to under 100 yards, but they'd still whip your ass for doing something that stupid. Detroit's offense was supposed to work like that on paper, but the collective suckitude of those skill players quickly took away what should have been an obviously inherent advantage.


  13. On 8/24/2018 at 3:23 PM, oSuJeff97 said:

    And a HOF QB/WR combo to complement the running game.  You couldn't just game plan to stop Emmitt or Troy and Michael would eat you up... (not to mention Novacek, Alvin Harper, etc.)

    I don't think it's a stretch to say that every team who played the Lions during Barry's time had a defensive game plan that was singularly focused on slowing him down.

    And I don't think people understand how damning that is to the Lions in general. Again, they were running that Double Slot Mouse Davis offense for a large chunk of his career. You're not supposed to focus on one person when you face those offenses, and if you do, it has to be the QB. If keying the RB is a viable strategy against a Double Slot offense, then you're facing a shitty offense. Any OL Detroit had not named Lomas or Glover was the shits, their WR corps was a joke (Aubrey Matthews wouldn't make 3rd string for any other NFL team, and he started for them), they rotated QB's like NASCAR drivers go through tires, and their defense didn't really do them a lot of favors either. Of course it's a useless hypothetical discussion, but it is nonetheless a valid point that Smith had a wealth of support that Barry simply did not have.

  14. 1 hour ago, oSuJeff97 said:

    And a HOF QB/WR combo to complement the running game.  You couldn't just game plan to stop Emmitt or Troy and Michael would eat you up... (not to mention Novacek, Alvin Harper, etc.)

    I don't think it's a stretch to say that every team who played the Lions during Barry's time had a defensive game plan that was singularly focused on slowing him down.

    Yep. They ran an offensive system that 27 NFL teams were better suited to run than the Lions were. On top of that, any OL on that team not named Glover or Brown was pretty much pure trash. 

    As productive of a career that Barry had, he’d have been stratospherically better had he played on:

    Houston, Buffalo, San Francisco, Dallas, Philadelphia, Washington, NYG, Miami, both of the LA teams, Green Bay, Denver, Pittsburgh, and even fucking Cincinnati.

    Can’t say that about Emmitt. He was on the perfect offense if ever there was one crafted for a particular player.

    • Like 1
  15. 10 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    History always repeats itself...you just need to wait long enough.  If these new age Christians want to see how this goes down they can read a book...not that book, one on the fall of the Romans.  

    Why would they read a book that conflicts with their fixed beliefs? They've been raised since childhood to believe in a complete horseshit religion whose teachers instruct them that these beliefs are not to be questioned...

    ...the religion I speak of, of course, is American Exceptionalism.

    • Like 1
  16. On 8/13/2018 at 8:00 PM, David Dennison said:

    Dan Patrick might be the worst human being to ever hold office in this state, and that's saying something.

    He's the only one I've ever seen that literally declared open war on critical thinking. That's not rhetoric, that's a literal fact.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    But that wasn't the case with hpslugga's statement. He wasn't framing a proveable positive assertion as a negative. He was very clearly saying, in effect, that if Jesus didn't exist then it can't be proven that he didn't exist. You seized on his wording of "you can't prove a negative" in order to take us on a little irrelevant tangent. 

    Actually, it's worse than you think.

    See, I didn't say "you can't prove a negative." I didn't say that because I know that's not true. What I, in effect, did was point out to American Swindle that by saying "What proof do you have that Jesus did not exist?" he was effectively demanding (I said "asking," but that's splitting hairs) proof of a negative. So Aphellion's argument is a complete strawman, in addition to the things you said.

  18. 1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

    We are a constant stream of drivel congratulating ourselves on our generosity, greatness, and how we are the envy of the world. Her mistake about Japan is the cherry on top of the bullshit self-aggrandizement we feed ourselves all the time. 

    That didn't surprise me. It's incontrovertibly obvious that there isn't a living soul working for News Corp, or any of its subsidiaries, that has the first damned clue as to what socialism/communism is. They just throw around those words to describe anyone that they don't like (or that would hate them), and they've not an ounce of shame for being absolutely wrong about absolutely everything any of them has ever said about it. 

    Seriously, if you can portray Hirohito's Japan as "communist," then you can portray any government as communist because the word ceases to have meaning.

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