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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. The preferred nomenclature is “social media personality.”
  2. That and the arguments they actually do come into contact with are not the ghastly straw men at which their favorite characters on radio or TV taught them to hack. It’s a pretty big shock…kinda like if you study for years to take an algebra test only to discover minutes before it begins that it’s actually a geography test.
  3. Just a small point of order that’s actually important: FOX and AM radio are not “sources of information.” They’re social media platforms for the exact kind of invective you described. But to even call them “sources of information” for current affairs is as accurate as saying you can learn everything you need to learn about the Civil War just by reading the plaques on all the confederate statues (something a lot of southern right wingers do believe but will never allow themselves to get caught saying it out loud). If FNC/AM radio is all one consumes, one does not know nearly enough. To me, this is the most embarrassing thing: that people honestly believe that they themselves benefit from all this Trumpist falderal. They can be talked into anything, up to and including outright fascism. They can also be talked out of anything like alleviating their own plight. But once again, this is what happens when people can’t help themselves but to feed their tribalist instincts (which are about as useful as an asshole on an elbow), and convince themselves that politics is a we/they team sport where the most important decision is choosing a red or blue hat. You’ll hear a lot of them say “I don’t view politics as a team sport.” Yeah, that’s about as honest as when Ray Comfort claimed he detested religion. It’s the exact same lie, and I wouldn’t trust anyone who said that shit even if their tongue was notarized.
  4. The Sikh hurdle is tall enough for a Democrat running for president. For a Republican? Forget it.
  5. Give that whiny-assed, performative dishonesty shit a rest.
  6. I would prefer that Bannon did that.
  7. They’re an ad hoc group of social media commentators who are constantly finding themselves having to do and say abominable things to get all the likes and subscribes. They believe this is a winning electoral strategy, largely because being a Republican has a prerequisite requirement known as “believing in belief.” Let them keep believing it…after all, it’s worked so well for them since they started doing it in 2018
  8. Yeah he’s attending some conference of nuclear physicists first and then he will address this issue just before his mission to the Moon.
  9. Well yeah, as long as that voter base happens to include “the civil war was about states’ rights” types. Blatant dishonesty is in their DNA.
  10. Dude… you’re responding to someone who couldn’t whip cream with an outboard motor.
  11. Wookin pa nub in awl da wong pwaces
  12. Matt Gaetz is living proof of the Theory of Evolution… if the theory was as Mrs. Harrison put it: five monkeys having butt sex with a fish-squirrel.
  13. Yeah they stole it as well.
  14. Yeah I have no idea where it came from and it wasn't for a lack of looking around, either. The alma mater is based on a song from the Broadway musical The Red Mill, but it seems the fight song is, as you suggest, completely made up.
  15. Yup. You’re dealing with really repugnant stuff when dabbling in the whole required beliefs/prohibited beliefs thing.
  16. Well this is what they had in their platform statement back in 2012: Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority. Of course, as previously mentioned, they’ve since scrubbed this off their main website and put something more tempered in its place…but who the fuck are they kidding? We’re supposed to believe that the 2023 Texas GOP is a more intellectual lot than their 2012 counterparts?
  17. Yes they updated it much in the same way chicken restaurants replace the word “fried” with “crispy.”
  18. Seriously our own state’s GOP has a formal position against critical thinking. If there’s a hurdle bigger than that one, I’ve yet to see it.
  19. Oh just the kind that fatty, incredulity, et al enjoy/tolerate. You know the kind…
  20. And uppity ones at that!
  21. Nothing that they do makes any sense…if you look at the GOP as a traditional political party and a bunch of elected officials. If you look at them as a group of social media commentators and provocateurs, then it all makes sense.
  22. He’s always been pretty mediocre in that area.
  23. You didn’t know? Robert Burns invented a time machine, went to America a century and a half into the future and stole it!
  24. It will trickle down!!!
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