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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 18 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    What I really mean is would not engaging in the malfeasances have inhibited establishment of the culture/civilization to the point of failure.

    I’m sincerely not trying to be a dick, but perhaps you could list what, in your view, constitutes these “advancements” of cultures and civilizations. And again it’s not to be tedious, but the reality is you’ve presented a vague topic and I cannot answer your question without knowing precisely what you mean in order to analyze the cost/benefit element, which is really what you’re posing here. Once you’ve demonstrated what you mean, it’s easy to identify the “malfeasances” and to estimate their severity in terms of their impact on world culture. Interesting topic.

  2. On 6/28/2018 at 4:45 PM, lemonlime said:

    The GOP will confirm anyone Trump names.  Given how sycophantic he's been on tv, I'm going with Alan Dershowitz.  Or Pirro.

    I would actually be ok with Alan. That lying sack of shit turns 80 in two months, so he won’t last long and he won’t lift a finger to overturn Roe or do any bidding of the religious right.

  3. 3 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Every employer-employee relationship. Nobody hires someone and pays them more than they would pay themselves if they did the job themself. (I think I got those pronouns right. Corrections welcome.)

    I believe there’s a cliche in capitalist circles that more or less states “no one ever got rich working for somebody else.”

  4. 2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    It takes a certain amount of antiintellectual chutzpah . . . or maybe it's just abject stupidity, I don't know . . . to observe data showing the trend in the wealth gap over the last few decades and then speak out on how money isn't actually flowing from bottom to top.

    I would say it’s neither.

    He’s knowingly asserting as fact that which is either not evidently true/evidently not true. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    The entire architecture of Corporate America is designed to transfer wealth up the ladder.  

    Forget it. He still operates from the mentality that society functions the way it’s taught in a civics course at some high school in the sticks.

  6. 2 hours ago, staboner said:

    i listened to the "fuck your human rights" talk by her to the UN. she sounds like a fucking raging idiot. she, like trump, epitomizes the childish American that wants to take their ball and home like fucking brat. fuck no she shouldn't president

    This. There's a reason Trump picked her.

    • Like 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Oh what a time we all had mocking that idiot. Until game day. FAT times. Bah.

    See? And I didn't even participate in that other than to mock his excessive overuse of "omg" and "lol."

  8. 4 hours ago, bularry1 said:

    How many years ago was that?  Do you recall every petty internet football argument you ever participated in?  because arguing about great college TE's is pretty high on the "petty" scale.

    I remember that one because it contained an outrageous element, namely the “I have a higher football IQ than all of you” line. It’s the same reason that if I were to utter the name “traveshamockery,” anyone familiar with that name would almost instantly associate it with “oh yeah, the kstate fan that wouldn’t stop bragging about Jordy Nelson.”

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    I wish you were wrong. I hope you are wrong. 

    I do too, but I’m mindful of the fact that:

    -They lost to GWB

    -They lost to GWB again

    -They lost to Trump 

    That all happened just within a generation. Those morons cannot get out of their own way. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, JimmyJames said:

    Well that’s simply because the answer is obvious. If the dems had nominated Bernie he would be the president right now. Its basically undeniable at this point but whatever, nothing anybody can do about it now. Should just work to make sure something like what happened in 2016 never happens again. 

    One can hope, but then again the DNC really is stupid enough to trot out some Clintonite, maybe even Hillary herself, in 2020. They’re a perpetual John Mackovic in the 4th quarter against Notre Dame in ‘96.

  11. 43 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Name one state that Hilllary won that Bernie would have lost. 

    Oh you’ll never get a constructive answer to that. I’ve been asking democrats this exact question since November 2016 and they cannot for the life of them even pretend to know of one.

  12. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    On top of being “the worst candidate ever” (which is objectively absurd), Hillary got rat-fucked every step of the way.

    Obama failed her by pussyfooting on Russia because “he didn’t want to look like he was interfering” -Thanks Obama

    The Bernie Bros being sore losers and making a scene fucked her.

    Donna Brazile fucked her with the unimportant debate question

    Jill Stein’s horseshit fucked her

    Comey fucked her twice

    The NY FBI field office fucked her with the leaks 

    Putin fucked her every single day of the campaign 

    The media fuck her by giving Trump nonstop wall-to-wall coverage when they weren’t talking about her irrelevant fucking emails which were stolen by a hostile foreign government with the explicit purpose to have the media cover them.


    But yeah, her losing the election was completely her fault because she didn’t have a resonating message.


    She didn’t deserve that nomination and you fucking know it. You bitch and cry about how she got screwed over, yet the biggest screw job in that whole election was that the DNC uses superdelegates, almost all of whom were in the tank for HC before the primary campaign even started. That party and its chair took great pains to make sure that any possibility of Bernie being nominated would be snuffed out, even though his message was far more resonant with the average voter. I seriously don’t think you understand how horribly Trump loses had he faced Bernie in the general.

    Do sane people wish that she would have beaten Trump? Yes

    Did they shed a single tear over poor her losing? Fuck off with that rancid corporatist shit.

    Clintonism is dead and that stupid party needs to quit wasting its time, energy and momentum that the GOP continues to hand it on a silver platter on trying to resurrect it.

    • Like 5
  13. 25 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Also, chain link cages aren't really cages.  The lies for this fuckup aren't remotely plausible.

    I wouldn’t call it a fuckup. A fuckup implies that an intent was established at producing an outcome drastically different than the one that took place.

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