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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. There was a poster from the old Hornfans days that went by the name Nuclear Bear who honestly believed that cloud of feculent matter was, in his words, "the greatest tight end in the history of college football." Part of me wishes his stupid ass was still around just so we could be entertained by his verbal effluvia attempting to defend that clown.

  2. 8 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Worth repeating over and over and over and over again.  

    And there you have it, folks.

    What you’ve just witnessed here is Onboard literally admitting he cannot tell the difference between baseless conjecture derived from Rush Limbaugh and his own hand stroking his penis.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Incredulity said:

    But the Huffington Post telling you "Europe is Bestest" does?  

    You’re offering ipse dixit and your own personal anecdote. Not doing much to help your case.

  4. Went to kicking camps that year with McFadden and Sims (Garland HS that signed with aggy but had to quit due to back problems). Texas went after the wrong one of the two, but turned out that it didn't matter either way.

  5. 2 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

    You're replying to someone who has regularly bought into insane conspiracy theories regarding the Democrat party, he's not worth the energy.

    And he never has been, either.

  6. That might be but again, they knew the SWC was going to croak and probably perceived no other place to go, so they made the first move instead of waiting to stand around with their little dick in their hand.

    Even if they could have foreseen the Big 12, does that really sound like something that appealed to them? Going on road games to fucking Boulder, Ames, Lincoln and Manhattan? It’s not like an All-Texas conference was a possibility because that’s just an SWC reboot. When Plan A fails, you go to Plan B, not Plan A Recycled.

  7. On 6/6/2018 at 7:51 PM, Vic Mackey said:

     1. Was Texas/Arkansas as big of a rivalry as Texas/OU back in the day?

    I’m told by people who were young in that age that it was damned close, certainly closer than aggy could ever be in its wettest fucking dreams. 

    On 6/6/2018 at 7:51 PM, Vic Mackey said:

    2. Is Fayatteville really a big shithole?

    No idea. My dad says it was, but that was almost 49 years ago.

    On 6/6/2018 at 7:51 PM, Vic Mackey said:

    3. Why did they leave the SWC before it disbanded?

    Perceived closer cultural identity with the SEC and the fact that they saw the writing on the wall that the SWC was going to die after SMU got the death penalty. They left after the 1991 season but they’d been contemplating that decision since the morning of 02/25/1987.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Oh I can't and wouldn't.   I'm not gonna call out posters, and get into a, I don't like her, yes you do like her, dead end loop of posts.  

    That’s because you’re too much of a fucking coward to own your little bullshit assertion. You’d rather climb up a tree and tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth, which is why you’d prefer to live in a bubble and pretend that anyone who detests Donald Trump is head over heels in love with Hillary Clinton. Such is the mind of our Land of Make Believe and Pretend residents.

    • Like 1
  9. Well I'll offer two things:

    1. As I wrote about 10 years ago, everyone with an interest in this game owes their appreciation to Michigan for defeating Ohio State two weeks before because without that outcome, Texas vs, Arkansas is a #2 vs. #3 game, Ohio State retains its UPI MNC (that was awarded pre-Bowl) and its AP title by default regardless of what Texas did to Notre Dame since the Big 10 had a rule that said no team could represent it in the Rose Bowl two straight years.

    As it was put to me by Carolyn Ellison in an interview that I did with her, Woody Hayes had a sit-down meeting with her father, then QB coach Tiger Ellison at some restaurant in Columbus during the spring time at Ellison's request. Before Tiger was even allowed to say a word, Hayes informed him (since he assumed the meeting was about this topic) that he was prepared to hand the reigns of the offense completely over to Tiger with the understanding that he was going to implement his Run-and-Shoot system full-time for the so-called "Baby Bucks," as the seniors of the '69 team were called in '66 when Ellison first came aboard to coach the freshman team. Ellison's response was more or less "thanks for the offer, but I'm retiring from coaching and I'm moving with my wife to Florida." Hayes then regressed to his pre-1968 offense with Earle Bruce and George Chaump at the helm, which got them by for the first 8 games until they ran into Michigan and turned the ball over like motherfuckers en route to a 24-12 loss. Years later, Hayes maintained that the 1969 team was the best team he ever coached. I've no doubt that with Ellison still on the staff and in full control of the offense, they thump Michigan and this game is an afterthought.

    2. My dad (pop999 from the old sites) wrote an essay called The 24 Hour Football Game, referring to the fact that he woke up at 4:30 am the day of the game to catch the Braniff flight at Love Field with his grandfather, R. Guy Carter (slorch and other Texas Tech fans may know who he was) and a friend of his. They had breakfast at some hotel at the table right next to Colonel Sanders', and then headed towards the stadium in a cab. Carter told the driver explicitly to meet them at that specific spot about 30 or so minutes after the game. They get there at that exact time and the motherfucker no-showed. They ultimately hitched a ride and headed to the Fort Smith airport in a limo with about 10 or so others. At the airport, the two elders of the group were so overcome with the adrenaline rush of the game, mixed very well with scotch, cigars and steaks at a restaurant in the airport that they fucking missed their return flight to Dallas. They had to opt for a rental car and drove all the way back to Dallas. By the time they got back to Carter's house, where this glorious journey began, Dad looked at that same clock when he woke up and saw once again that it was 4:30 am. Anyways, it's a great essay for a 14-year old and I'll try to re-post it as those motherfuckers at Hornfans lost it in one of their archive dumps. Not many can say they attended both the 1969 Arkansas game and the 2006 Rose Bowl, but he is one of them.

    • Like 6
  10. 26 minutes ago, DaggerHorns said:

    So, serious question. As Bomani mentioned, we’re there really no black players in the 60s and 70 championship team? (Paging RD???) I wasn’t a UT fan until I went to school there and I’m sometimes lacking in the history of the program.

    1969 Texas was the last all-white team that won an MNC.

    • Like 1
  11. 39 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Oh you've got at least 10 fingers on one hand ?

    5, and that's more than what I'd need to count them regardless of what your deluded mind has to emote about it.

    And here's another thing: you just made what's called a "positive claim," namely that there are "at least 10" posters here who "love Hillary." Would you care to name them?

    Go ahead, I'll wait.

  12. 9 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Jeebus the little boys who love Hillary are getting butthurt.  Well you've always between butthurt, but this really hurts I'm sure.

    I could count the “little boys who love Hillary” from this whole website on one hand and have fingers left over. You need to leave the Land of Make Believe and Pretend.

  13. 1 hour ago, Tennesseehorn said:

    You mean the 30,000 destroyed or "lost" emails and her illegal/unsanctioned/non-governmental server?  I guess most people would like to understand the process Comey et.al. went through to exonerate HRC before even doing the interview.  

    Just took a shit and realized I ran out of toilet paper.

  14. On 6/1/2018 at 4:20 PM, Fozzz said:

    Not only that, her cousin was similarly murdered days later.

    Also, Haley announced last week that the US would be vetoing a forthcoming Security Council resolution that calls for the protection of Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories. 

    Wouldn't you know who won the motherfucking pony?

    • Like 1
  15. I can't take seriously anyone who doesn't list Rasheed Wallace.

    The guy basically did whatever he wanted defensively, and in ANY instance where he was called for a foul, he made this facial expression as if to suggest that the referee who called the foul was a cop that witnessed some thug kick Sheed's mother in the face and didn't arrest him. 


    Goddamnit, that's pathetic.

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