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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 52 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Dude, there is so much stupid coming from Trump’s propaganda boys on Twitter right now. It’s breathtaking.  Another example:




    • Fuck You 1
  2. 1 hour ago, George Morgan said:

    Really,  the great questions that all people have about life are, "Where did I come from?', "Why am I here", and "Where am I  going after I die?"  The Bible is the only book that can answer those questions because it is the Word of God, our creator.  To know where you are going after you die is of immense importance to most people.  We can trust God's word to tell us the truth without having to rely on our opinions.  There has never been a book written like the Bible.  Over 300 predictions have come true, and no other book in history has been able to predict future events like the Bible has for many centuries.  Hundreds of thousands of scholars have studied the Bible and have not been able to discredit it.  It is the most amazing book ever written.

    I farted

    • Fuck You 1
  3. Quote

    Me loving that Hillary didn't win and you fuckers crying vaginas weeping about it all the time is what I've done pretty consistently

    No, what you've done consistently is to delude yourself into thinking that this shit is some fucking game and that you are "winning." You have an incurable case of Dunning-Kruger the likes of which I haven't seen since Kent Hovind.

    • Fuck You 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Hey fuck you very much .  You'd have elected the  biggest, corrupt POS in American politics so you're welcome  that didn't come to pass .


    And just to shed a little more light on your insipid, hyperbolic rhetoric, were Richard Nixon to have lived through 2008, he would have taken an honest look at Hillary Clinton and said of her "HA! Fucking minor leaguer," at least as it pertained to the corruption department.

    • Fuck You 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    For those of you who don’t believe in Hell, I ask the following: if there is no Hell, where do you propose Satan lives?  And where do you think Jesus spent the three days between His death and resurrection, if not the fiery underworld of Hell?


    Loaded questions.

  6. 17 hours ago, BERT said:

    AH. Thought maybe she got fired after some of those home videos came out

    WBT beat me to it but no way in hell Vince would ever use that video thing as a reason. If anything that would have boosted her status. Sable got the most undeserved push in wrestling history because she was on playboy, Maria Kanellis got a push after playboy, so did Chyna, Torrie Wilson, et al. In fact if you’re a female and you can’t help yourself when it comes to exposing your naughty bits to the world, work for Vince McMahon when you do it because you’ll never get fired.

  7. 34 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    I'm down. It looks like the US long-term plan all along.


    That's not the US plan. That's some map that you dug up on a religious site.

  8. 28 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Part of me thinks Israel should just claim Gaza and the West Bank, officially make them part of Israel, and then face the consequences. Whatever happens, happens.

    They do claim them. 

    That's why they categorically rejected UN 242 when it first came up at the end of the year in 1967
    That's why they rejected Sadat's peace offering vis-a-vis the Jarring Mission in 1971, issuing a formal response that read "Israel will not withdraw to the pre-June 5, 1967 lines."
    That's why they practically begged the US to veto the two state settlement resolution in the UNSC in 1976 and would continue to do so both in the UNSC and the UNGA in successive years
    That's why they issued a formal response to the PLO's 1988 Algiers Declaration that included a statement that read "Israel opposes the establishment of an additional Palestinian state in the Gaza district and in the area between Israel and Jordan." They also stated in that same statement that "Israel will not conduct negotiations with the PLO," but think it through and you'll find that it effectively means they won't even bother negotiating with any party that claims to be the governing authority of the Palestinians

    These aren't behaviors exhibited by a country that isn't already claiming those territories.


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  9. 58 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    I'm curious, by who? Isreal or Iran?

    They're under an external military occupation by the country that:

    -controls its airspace
    -controls its borders (going and coming)
    -controls its water space (the sea blockade)

    Anyone who has to live in conditions like that does not have sovereignty and/or control over their own country. Period.

  10. 2 hours ago, zork said:

    Didn't  Israel give Gaza back?

    Gaza is under an external military occupation, so the answer to your question is "not really."

  11. 1 hour ago, ATLLonghorn said:

    Rousey's debut has been near universally praised by marks, smarks and people who cover and write about pro wrestling for a living. You're really swimming against the current here.

    Oh goddamnit. This is just like on an episode of Kitchen Nightmares where Ramsay tells the head chef that the food is shit, the person retorts with some insipid remark to the effect of "we get compliments from the customers." As Gordon would fire back, "the fucking dining room is empty!" 


    And 2016-2017 was even worse than 2015. In fact, 2017 barely stayed over the 2.0 mark (2.17 to be exact). With no other real competition, what I said earlier is accurate: this present period marks the lowest point in pro wrestling's history in terms of total TV viewership and ticket sales. They've botched every single opportunity they've had, and you're coming at me with the opinions of the very limited few people who still give a shit about this business.

    The people you're referring to are those who have a tendency to approve whatever product they're presented, which is why WWE gets away with (when it comes to those viewers) some of the dumbest angles in the history of wrestling. 

  12. On 4/6/2018 at 8:49 PM, BigDHornfan said:

    It’s not the worlds best, but the wife and I ate at Gordon Ramsay Steak at Paris last time we were in Vegas and the Beef Wellington was fucking incredible along with the lobster risotto.

    Oh believe me, you'd hear screaming in the kitchen if it wasn't sent out fucking incredible ;)

  13. 3 minutes ago, thrillhammer said:

    because he's a bully, unethical, and an idiot.  the gop could have done a better job of correcting, or redirecting trump.  he was new at this politics thang and it was a training opportunity. but they all just buckled and got in line.

    Where do they differ ideologically? Yeah, he is a bully, unethical and an idiot like you say, but where do he and Ryan diverge politically? Trump served as Ryan's useful idiot to distract people from what Ryan and his cohorts were doing in Congress.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    That's not a political question at all.  It depends on a plain-text reading of the Constitution, and I don't see how it fits any of the scenarios identified in Baker.  

    There's even a mechanism for bring that challenge: quo warrento.  

    Technically speaking you're not wrong, but practically/functionally speaking I hardly believe there's a court that would be willing to rule on such a case (at least that was the impression I came away with in reading an article by Steven G. Calabresi several years back, and I'm no fan of his by any means), and that's what you're left with. Of course, if you could find a court that's willing, that political question stuff is moot (which is why I said "likely"). By no means is it in the same ballpark as impeachment/removal.

  15. 14 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    The Constitution empowers Congress to "by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President . . . ."  U.S. Const. Art. II, sec. 1, cl. 6.  So only "Officers" can be in the line of succession.  Everywhere the term is used, "Officer" is defined as members of the Executive Branch.  Id. at Art. II, sec. 2, cl. 2.  And when you think about it--it violates the separation of power to have a member of the Legislative Branch able to step in and become president.  

    But sadly Squish is right--

    It's very likely a political question.

  16. 9 hours ago, Eastwood said:

    I haven't watched wrestling in forever, but you essentially described the playbook the WCW used for Bill Goldberg. 

    And that was one of the few correct things that they did, which actually slowed their demise until of course they hired Russo and Ferrara to commandeer an already leaking ship and steer it directly into the iceberg. They did that for Goldberg because he was new to the industry, he was a big strong tough guy and couldn't cut a promo, plus they needed some new blood because it had been all about the nWo for about a year and a half they didn't know how to follow up that angle. 

    If they really just had to have HHH and Stephanie in there (due primarily to the fact that Vince always kowtows to HHH whenever he wants to work with the guy that draws all the money), what they at least should have done was, instead of using Kurt Angle, allow Ronda to include her husband and have them squash the Helmsleys in a couples match earlier in the year (i.e. February PPV or Royal Rumble), which still opens the door to that year of terror I just described. 

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