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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 22 hours ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Yes, but I also read what you wrote.

    "I think the idea that shouting down people with views you don't share or attacking them personally is horrendous.  I do not feel threatened by opposing views and don't understand why others do."

    It seems like you don't want an aggressive response when it comes to your viewpoint.  "Shouting down" someone isn't the same as shutting them up.  If you think your view has merit, shout back.  If everyone seems to be shouting down your views, perhaps you should actually take a hard look at your views and first, make sure that you truly believe them, and second, understand why those "shouting you down" feel the way they do.  What you want is for people to be required to sit and listen to your viewpoint.  You want a safe space.  However, when you say something like "a woman's place is in the home and the kitchen," most women, and many men, are gonna tell you to "fuck off." 

    The article itself is fine.

    100% this. Politics isn't a part of a person's little ghetto/cult. When you articulate publicly just about any view, you're going to have to deal with public opinion, to the extent anyone is listening to/reading you. If you cannot handle the negative feedback, you should retreat to your cult/ghetto and stop pretending like you have anything to say publicly. Yeah, Milo can speak and I think even the most left-of-center should go listen to him, but the tradeoff is that Milo has to suffer their questions/comments to the extent that they're valid against his insipid horseshit. If the speaker sets up a filter to where he only gets positive feedback directed at him/her, fuck them. They don't belong. They've proven themselves to be soft, numbskulled, indoctrinated buffoons that can certainly read canned talking points, but they cannot defend them. If you can't defend what you're saying, what the hell are you trying to do? 

  2. 10 hours ago, Hook1997 said:

    This is the least exciting mania buildup in a long time in my opinion..  What’s with not bringing out Undertaker yet to build up a match that is in two weeks, dumb.

    Possibly because he won't face him in a match, Cena will have to settle for someone else, and then Taker will do a run-in during that match. It's funny because I mentioned Cornette earlier and he's long speculated that Taker will, at some point (and maybe he's already there) act not as a competitor but as a specter that looms over Wrestlemania given his run of dominance for so long. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he spent a few years doing exactly that: fucking with other guys who call him out, they end up losing their matches, and Taker basically cuts a promo stating "even in death, people still lose when they challenge the Undertaker at Wrestlemania."

  3. 3 minutes ago, Clearlakehorn said:

    This is correct. Trump is an upstanding member of society and a billionaire who knows how to run this country. I bet he didn't even know she was a porn star and just met her to give an autograph and she's making up this whole story now as a money grab. 


    There's nothing believable at all about her story. Not like the Clinton Foundation murders what are Bill and Hillary saw to it that Foster and others were slain In Cold Blood while Chelsea watched. What is the investigation for that?

    It's funny because this is actually less stupid than the actual clear_lake_horn

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  4. 23 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

    Red leader....slugga, assume you'll not be posting after you get Randy Allen's gig?

    Don't want it. I want Kevin Kelley to have it. I'd be glad to join his staff, however. I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to be a part of that renegade madness?

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