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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. This just hurts so fucking much that this will be the last thing I'd like to say about him today. It's the same poem Carolyn Ellison read to her father, Glenn "TIger" Ellison, minutes before he died: An old man going a lone highway, Came, at the evening cold and gray, To a chasm vast and deep and wide. Through which was flowing a sullen tide The old man crossed in the twilight dim, The sullen stream had no fear for him; But he turned when safe on the other side And built a bridge to span the tide. “Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near, “You are wasting your strength with building here; Your journey will end with the ending day, You never again will pass this way; You’ve crossed the chasm, deep and wide, Why build this bridge at evening tide?” The builder lifted his old gray head; “Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said, “There followed after me to-day A youth whose feet must pass this way. This chasm that has been as naught to me To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be; He, too, must cross in the twilight dim; Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!”
  2. Yeah I had go through this for my grandfather, too. Had a massive stroke that left him brain dead. He was rushed to a hospital and they kept him on machines until documentation of his advanced directive could be presented and, of course, we had time to say our goodbyes. It fucking sucks.
  3. Just goes to show once again that this is an unjust world: that it's even conceivable that Mike Leach could precede Kent Hance and/or Craig James in death. Yes, I fucking said it. As many of you know, I had a brief foray in the football coaching profession before a series of circumstances forced a different life to happen. I had a lot of coaches whom I considered inspirations to push me in that direction, but Mike Leach was damn near at the top of the list. Had the pleasure of meeting him once before the 2008 season began. Great dude and not one of the ones who require a mythology to build that aura (i.e. Schembechler, Paterno, etc). Thank you, Pirate.
  4. Yes, in progress at the time of the call, not at the time of police arrival on the scene.
  5. Yes it was Hayden and it was a great story.
  6. You should have left them a burning shitbag
  7. I mean the moment anyone starts talking about “bipartisanship,” you need to hold your wallet. Bipartisanship is about the most stupid thing that appeals to ignorant people who seriously believe the US is a centrist country with two parties that are equidistant from the axis point of the political spectrum. So yeah, Kyrsten, go ahead and brag about the art of bridging the gap between the off-the-spectrum right and the center right. Go ahead and brag about how star spangled fucking awesome you think that is. Meanwhile, as others have already pointed out, you’re wildly unpopular in your own state for that precise and exact reason.
  8. That “Warnock is a wife beating asshole too” bit is perhaps the worst example of the pot calling the silverware black I’ve ever seen.
  9. Exactly. Just looking at the raw score by itself tells you absolutely nothing.
  10. If you haven’t heard commentary by James E. Cornette regarding that fucking clown, you are depriving yourself.
  11. Anal intercourse with a dildo doesn’t produce offspring. See I can ruin lunches, too.
  12. Well he did get this one right: Saturday is making a bunch of people look dumb.
  13. FIFY And this does bear examination because it's triggered a really stupid idea from dishonest morons who even today drag their feet at the idea of a playoff/expanded playoff. It reads like "well we should see what everyone's records are at the end of the year and that would dictate how many playoff teams there should be." "Should be" "belong" "should not be," etc. This all purely moralistic rhetoric. They want to base the structure of the postseason entirely around their own personal feelings. And they know full well that will never work because 1) it's never that simple and 2) it has nothing to do with the real world. In the real world, those playoff games are part of a contract that's in effect well in advance of any given season. Those contracts stipulate where the games are to take place, when they are to take place, how many tickets Team A and Team B are allotted, where they're supposed to be lodged, where they're supposed to be dined, where they're supposed to make public appearances, etc. Imagine going up to a stakeholder of one of those contracts and saying "sorry but we can't fulfill the contract because some random douchebags on the internet have...
  14. Yes, the ultimate "we're sorry""
  15. Let's not forget there was also the incompetent Big 12. The SEC and ACC had a built-in red herring rule, which meant that if such a 3-way tie for a division crown were to occur, the lowest ranked team would be removed from the equation and then it'd be decided by who won the head-to-head between the two highest ranked teams. In the SEC and ACC, Texas advances because Tech's existence in the whole thing would have been discarded.
  16. NFL does it right. They have the best product hands down from start to finish. Their playoffs blow any other sport out the water, especially college football. I mean the NFL, when being tossed into these CFP discussions, isn't any more relevant than the UIL, the NCAA, or any other football league (or team sports league in general) that uses a postseason tournament to determine its champion. There's nothing particularly unique about the NFL, but it makes for a great red herring, in the tiny minds of whiny bitches who whine and bitch about the playoffs, because they think that this kind of pseudo-elitism and snobbery passes as a valid argument. What I actually hear/read from people who throw in the "evil NFL!" schmatte is no more enlightening than the guy who said "he was on the internet and I'm in college." That having been said, if one claims to be a football fan and says they didn't enjoy the fuck out of the NFL playoffs last year in particular, then one is a lying asshole.
  17. You know full well his little rabbit ass doesn't have the first fucking clue.
  18. Ben Shapiro and his merry band of storytellers.
  19. That shit is embedded in their DNA, my dude. These are motherfuckers that would rather climb up a tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.
  20. All fair points.
  21. “The report was biased because Hunter Biden, COVID-19 lab origins, the homeless in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi, Vince Foster, and John Kerry hates the troops.”
  22. At least post the one with the right commentary…
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