Ten years ago on the old pre-scat shaggy site, I posted the DMN article commemorating pop999's (and our old Okie neighbor's) streak of 50 consecutive Texas-OU games attended.
Yes I'm aware of the DMN paywall.
A year later, HLN did a piece on them on Robin Meade's show in the morning. Before I post it, let me explain the following:
A preemptive "fuck you" to anyone who gives me shit about wearing a red shirt to this. I was given the wrong time for arrival and had no time to change out of that work shirt, which was for Gold's Gym in Garland. This interview was being shot from a bar on Ross and 75. When I was asked if I was coming, I had to cancel my next two PT sessions, jump into my 2008 Mustang and drive all the way from Belt Line and Garland Road to this spot. I had 27 minutes to make this drive of 16 miles on city streets. Not an easy task. I sped, ran red lights, whipped a quick left turn in front of oncoming traffic to get into the parking lot merely 5 minutes before this live shot took place.
Anyways, here it is:
Now for the rest of the story:
Ten years later, both streaks (as well as my own of 31 as of tomorrow) remain miraculously intact. I say "miraculously" because we did manage to get in for the 2020 COVID game, and that was no easy task, either. Pop999 does have the tiebreaker on Beamer by virtue of the fact that we both went to the 2018 Big 12 Championship game while he did not, so his streak is restricted to Cotton Bowl games only. Of course, those are the ones that matter. Anyone who's been to at least 3 of these games can attest to how both unique and special every one of them is, win or lose. Here's to hoping the 60th turns into the most special for him.