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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

    If abortion was as important to Americans as Republicans make it out to be, Republican Presidents and a Republican-led Congress would have acted on it years, even decades ago, when they had the opportunity.  Instead, it was a fund-raising gimmick. Now it's no longer a hypothetical or gimmick, and they have to defend it and run on that record.

    Time will tell but don’t be surprised if in the long run it serves as a “dog finally caught the car and he didn’t know what to do with it” moment. Not at all predicting that, but at the same time, if it turns out that way, I will say “well wouldn’t you know who won the fucking pony?”

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    "Surely the 150th time I do my Animal House 'ALL IS WELL' impression I'll finally be correct!"

    See the thing is, Kevin Bacon got flattened in that scene after saying that shit a couple times and he shut the fuck up after that. These naive morons keep saying “all is well” even when you need a spatula to pry them off the pavement. It’s like “all is well” had a bastard child with “‘tis but a scratch!!!”

  3. 14 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    i believe nixon had the capabilities for shame, something that is noticeably absent now from an entire party.  and it's not just lack of shame, it's going fully the other direction.  it's not confessing it's bragging, etc.  i do think nixon felt shame because i think he honestly loved his country and thought in his own paranoid fantasy of a brain that he was doing what was best for himself, but also for the nation. 

    i do agree with you that shame was not the primary factor in his resigning, as you pointed out, he explored several options that would allow him to stay, and there were none.

    i'm not a nixon scholar nor am i old enough to have experienced any of it in real time.  but i do have an ounce of respect for the fact that he lost in 1960 as the vp and accepted it.  it's not much, but it's way more than will ever see from the orange clown, also known as unpresident fuckface.

    we didn't even know what abuse of power was until we saw what the trump mob was capable of.  i still don't really know the guardrails that exist that would stop him had any of the shit actually been 'allowed' to happen.  it's mystifying.


    Right and that’s really my point of that whole thing. Did he have shame? Maybe. Possibly. But was it to such an extent that it made him resign? Fuck no. A shame-triggered resignation means you do it absent the political pressure that put you in that position. In other words, if he was told by those same people “look Dick, you screwed up but we will support you in the impeachment proceedings” and he resigned anyways? Yeah, that’s resigning out of shame. Doing so in response to that amount of pressure? Not so much.

    All this does is prove once again that the old saying “power never concedes anything without a demand” is absolutely true.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    She elected, a couple of months ago, to be tried in the district court on the ethics charges against her rather than be subject to the ruling of a private grievance committee.

    The bar filed suit, she moved to dismiss.  There is a hearing on the motion to dismiss tomorrow.

    All other information appears to be spurious.

    I would be pleasantly surprised if she is actually disbarred.  I might guess a few years of suspension, which would probably have a similar effect because you have to reapply for admission, usually, which is not a fait accompli, and she old. 

    Yeah I would say her legal career is over regardless of whether she’s disbarred based on that almost entirely. She doesn’t have enough time to rebuild her very much damaged reputation.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    Today's Republicans would make them throw them out.  I know Nixon was going to be impeached, but he left before that happened.  That's my point.  He did something that no current Republican would do.

    They wouldn’t do it because they wouldn’t need to. Maintaining their positions would be a realistic option for them. It wasn’t for Nixon and that’s the only reason he resigned. It wasn’t out of “shame,” it wasn’t out of “respect for the office,” it wasn’t out of “love of country.” It was a political calculation. He resigned for the same reason that I don’t attempt to fly off the Empire State Building and survive: the result I would desire is 100% not in the cards. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    He had enough shame that he eventually left office of his own accord.  Do you believe any current member of the Republican party would do the same?  

    Again, that’s just not true. He left office having no realistic path to maintain his position. He was told that he was going to be removed by members of his own party. That’s not “shame,” that’s taking the least humiliating path that’s available…again just like Bob Livingston. 

    And again, the republicans wouldn’t do the same because their party is filled almost entirely with degenerates who would defend them no matter what. No Republican president will ever be told by senate republicans “you’re going to be impeached and we will have a hand in removing you.” And again if Nixon had this current batch in congress, no way does he resign. He gets impeached, is acquitted in a straight party line vote, and serves his term.

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  7. 1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

    Great post. To be clear on my position, I use Nixon as the lowest example as a president. He abused power horribly. I think he liked yukking it up with J. Edgar Hoover over the compromat the FBI had. He had Hoover's successor hide Watergate evidence in his underwear drawer before burning it in his backyard.

    It's shocking to me that we got somebody worse in Trump. Nixon wasn't seeking to undo the republic. He did seek to use the powers granted him by the republic to do terrible things.

    The best way I can put the comparison of the two is in villains in TV/cinema. As Nixon was Emperor Palpatine, Trump was a bastard child of the Joker and Ernest T Bass.

    • Haha 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    COINTELPRO (1956-1971) was a hoover op that dick inherited and went after everyone in the "counterculture".    it was not targeted specifically and only at african-americans.   combined with the enemies list, anglos made up 75% of dick's targets/victims

    I’m quite aware of the whole scope of the operation and that wasn’t the point. The point is:

    1. he was a willing participant and it received next to zero press coverage even though the sheer depth and depravity of the whole thing was so far beyond Watergate as to render it a footnote. 

    2. Since that’s the case, it cannot be said that the Republican senators who were going to vote to remove him in his impeachment proceedings were acting on some sort of “principle” or “good of the country.” 

  9. Same ole clueless little Jimmy. Dude’s always like “look at me I have something to say!!! It’s important and I agree with it!!!”

    Nah Jimmy, you ain’t about that life.

  10. 9 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:



    Does this belong here or does this need its own coup thread?



  11. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    That’s 100% what it was. Pence feared for his life from elements INSIDE the secret service who might be loyal to trump. And he was smart to do so. He made the best choice: stand his ground with the people he knew would die to protect him.

    That’s where we were. The VPOTUS legitimately feared for his life, and the person he feared was the POTUS. Let that truth percolate in your brain for a minute. Holy fucking shit.

    And that’s not the kind of sniffing-glue-while-making-believe-LBJ-killed-JFK shit, either.

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  12. 28 minutes ago, Underdog said:

    You’d think one or two of the Herschel personalities could be spared to be an st-home daddy.  

    Has anyone stopped to notice that literally ALL of his “alters” just by fluke of fate happen to be giant dicks?

  13. 1 hour ago, horn4life said:

    I guaran-fucking-tee, that the only thing Donald Trump thought  after hearing the growing  newly admitted child count was "Stupid n-word, give the bitch money, and get the damn abortion!"

    Yes and then someone tells him "sir, the child is 13 years old."

    His response? *calls John Roberts* "John, do NOT overturn Roe!!!"

  14. 5 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    He hears Trump recite, “Man, woman, person, camera, tv,” and thinks, “Goddamn! That man is a genius!”

    He really does. Go back and watch that 30 for 30 about the USFL and Herschel is shown doing nothing but praising Trump…on a documentary about the USFL. Like motherfucker, you’re talking about the guy who was most responsible for killing it. This is like someone telling everyone what a great birthday party clown John Wayne Gacy was.

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