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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. It’s the same as the football thing: people expect everything to come out perfect when cooked out of a fucking microwave
  2. And have George Foreman officiate?
  3. No, Dana. You ate queso and then shit into a pyrex. Just because it came out of you doesn't mean you "made" it.
  4. You’ve already exposed yourself as a complete moron who hasn’t the foggiest conception of what judicial precedent even is and now you want to make believe and pretend that you’ve read the the constitution when you clearly haven’t?
  5. Oh and side note, I’m hoping that somewhere there’s a Satanist football coach ready to shake shit up:
  6. It’s only possible if one thinks the world works the way it’s described in a Civics 101 course
  7. Either that or desecration of a human corpse.
  8. The two concepts are birds of a feather
  9. It must also be said that in addition to what you’ve already pointed to re: the Constitution, it is also the world’s first secular Constitution. Religious people don’t like to hear that. They like to thunder loudly the phrase “endowed by their creator,” wholly ignoring that 1) that line is deliberately vague and in no way champions the kind of theocracy these modern day losers want to live in and 2) it’s not even in the Constitution and whoever taught them to say that was teaching them how to play sleight of hand. The spirit of this Dobbs ruling absolutely stinks of a fundamental misunderstanding of one particular religious text. That can never be the basis of law here, nor can it be the basis of the laws they intend to pervert and distort if/when they actually do revisit the aforementioned bodily autonomy cases. I mean just I would invite those who are masturbating over this Dobbs ruling to read through amendments 1-8 and tell me that’s not the case. In each one, as I read them, it’s basically saying because we’re already entitled to do X, the government cannot do Y. And since that’s the case, yeah, the constitution bears no burden to enumerate what citizens can or cannot do. That’s what you lawyers like to refer to as “beyond the scope.” Geez talk about a losing proposition. And those old articles from that Tweet should tell you that on the abortion issue in particular, they no doubt would have sided with the majority in Roe. They certainly would have chastised White’s asinine dissent to it.
  10. Very worth the read
  11. Yeah but that's mostly independent of the groom. That mostly falls on the father of the bride, and it happens well before she ever gets engaged. The best dads in the world are the ones who teach their daughters at a very early age not to go into that shit. My father once told my sister "honey, I love you but if you ever decide to have your wedding during the football season, I'll be very disappointed and if you decide to have it on TX/OU Saturday, I won't even be disappointed: I'll just send a gift." She's happily married. Anniversary is in April. Did she do it out of fear that dad would keep his promise? No. She herself thinks fall weddings are the shits.
  12. The rest of the sentence is “should be a capital offense” and I say that as an ardent opponent of the death penalty.
  13. Right but I said “elective”
  14. Far be it from me to ever tell a woman how to handle a man in discussing abortion, but: When you see a male insisting in using the term “elective abortions,” just start with “who do you personally know that had this done?” When he inevitably tells you “no one,” you say “ok so you literally know of no one who did this, and yet you say it’s really a thing. Tell me, what happens more frequently: voter fraud or elective abortions?”
  15. And it’s a profound thing to uncover about any person who has a hand in shaping policy. If you’re a lawmaker and you have, let’s say, a 14 year old niece, and if she was raped, and she was impregnated, and her rapist was caught and absolutely bound for prison given the available evidence…and you tell us that you’re still ok with abortion being illegal under that set of circumstances, you are telling us that you have it in you to tell your niece “you know, you have an obligation to carry that baby to term.” If you say “no I don’t have that in me,” you have absolutely no business having hand fucking one in criminalizing abortion. It’s that simple and there are no two ways about it.
  16. Oh and the republicans even think so. It’s just that where as pro-choice people tend to think of it as a Red Keep (no pun intended), the republicans tend to think of it as either a Harrenhal or a Riverrun.
  17. And the thing is, it’s never been about “life” with them, and we need to be honest with ourselves and with people who take that position. For the most part, so-called “pro-lifers”: -Support the death penalty -Supported all of the death squads that the Reagan Administration supported in the 1980’s -Are against all or most measures of gun control -Are against nuclear weapons control -Are against environmental protections -Supported the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq -Support the Israeli government’s policies in regards to the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights (all under some bizarre make believe story about Armageddon, which is literally about global death) -Oppose single payer health care and everything that’s attached to that (obstetric care) -Oppose social safety nets that would help economically disadvantaged children -Oppose mandated paid maternity leave (and the few who do support it do so with bare ass minimum time limits) -Oppose birth control -Oppose sex education -Support punishments for LGBTQ lifestyle decisions Yeah, “pro life” my ass. That’s a canard, and it’s the abject failure that the immoral teachings of the religious right Have.Always.Been. If you want to get a sampling of what that sentence means, consider that the states most in favor of “abstinence only education” are also the states that rank the highest in terms of teenage pregnancy, repeat teenage pregnancy, and teenage abortion. So when they tell you that they are pro life, understand that whatever conversation you’ve been having with them at that exact point has lost any purpose and you should cut them off by simply saying “you are lying.”
  18. Dude, have some respect. Those women are in a band. Haven’t you ever heard of the Menopausal Karens? They first broke into the business with their big hit I wanna speak to the manager, which was actually the B side of You call that a latte, you lazy minimum wage-earning Hispanic barista? But their biggest hit was, of course, I’m calling the cops because you walked your dog while black. And who could forget the classic Speak English, bitch! That one was actually inspired by the one on bottom left going through the traumatic experience of being 3 spots in line behind an Arab millennial talking to her 90 year old grandmother at a Target in suburban Dallas. She still has not forgotten the experience of when she couldn’t figure out if she overheard the word “Allah” or “Holla.”
  19. Oh their explanation for that was so pathetic it was comical. “Well that line about the well regulated militia is a prefatory clause.” ”Really? So what other amendments have prefatory clauses?” ”Well none. It’s only in the second amendment.” ”I see, so it’s not that the well regulated militia part was necessary to the amendment and you’re just using that as an excuse?” ”Nope! Antonin Scalia said so, so it must be true!”
  20. No one ever said that it did, and it doesn’t have to, either. You’re really bad at this.
  21. Nah you ain’t about that life. You ain’t about that life that tends to suggest that you’re in a position to speculate on such subjects that are well past your pay grade.
  22. $9.95 to be donated to: The Fund to Help Those Who Are Too Busy Helping Themselves To Ask For Help I forgot fatty’s address though, so you’ll have to ask him
  23. $9.95 to be donated to: The Fund to Help Those Who Are Too Busy Helping Themselves To Ask For Help I forgot fatty’s address though, so you’ll have to ask him
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