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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. It’s been fascinating to see certain people say things like this as if they’re quoting the same people…like they’ve been caught in some very obvious contradiction…and that it’s so widespread.
  2. Fractal wrongness
  3. There are many long, dark winding roads between Frisco and Jacksonville. A man could get lost…
  4. I’d watch the video but I’m a little busy
  5. Alright. Let's say you did that: By what logic/authority would you have any business using that label?
  6. That’s nice
  7. https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/9029054002
  8. yep. They always said they absolutely loved the fans and loved the city. It’s just that organization is shit and it’s been shit for a very long time. In fact, none of us have been alive during a period where their organization wasn’t shit.
  9. There actually was a team in 1995 that featured 3 1,000 yard WR’s in a season and it actually was a DSWM offense, but that was Atlanta with Metcalf, Emanuel and Mathis. Anyways, Moore/Perriman from 95-96 was a fleeting flirtation with success in the passing game. Overall, their passing game was ass over the entire span of Barry’s career, and it was especially upsetting considering the nature of their passing game in the early years. As far as the OL was concerned, to address a previous point, yeah Brown was great and Glover was serviceable but those other 3 positions were occupied by total chumps. When you’ve got bad QB play, bad WR play and overall bad OL play, you’re gonna have a back that’s constantly trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit, which is why they only had one truly great season, and that was 1991.
  10. Hell, “if you put Barry Sanders on the 1990’s Houston Oilers” But that’s how you can tell how special he really was: that he had a HOF career on a team that was arguably the least conducive to achieving that reality.
  11. We does
  12. Except in their case it’s “don’t care, jerked off.”
  13. So those effeminate losers just twisted in the wind for months only to reveal that their effeminate loser in chief lost by an even larger margin than the liberal pinko commie fascist CNN reported by the end? Clearly those guys are Biden plants. Sad!
  14. No, but Robertson (fuck you, no relation) and Falwell certainly were.
  15. Right the only thing I see in the video is shitty signaling and communication. That’s a bad look for sure, but it’s still hard to generate any more sympathy than that because NI was not “robbed” of a win.
  16. 1950. Sunset Of course taking that 1988 title away from Carter was complete bullshit, but that’s still a long time
  17. I don’t call it a gimmick because I want to; I call it a gimmick because it’s a gimmick
  18. LH’s offense is a gimmick
  19. I’m sure AWK has a perfect explanation for this. Well, at least he thinks it is.
  20. You're a degenerate to even watch the game. Think of the children, man! Toledo is playing this game on the final day of its exam schedule!!!
  21. What a shock The internet is where I found the documents of the depositions of all the relevant characters of the lawsuit. You claim to have “first hand knowledge,” yet you won’t say who you are and you won’t produce anything. Yet somehow, in your own mind, that means you apparently know more even though all you’ve provided is recycled Kent Hance lies. Again, if you don’t give us a reason to believe you, we have no reason to believe you. And yes, Hance absolutely did admit that they (not just he) had made the decision to fire him well before the lawsuit. And it wasn’t just him, either. You don’t seem to grasp the significance of Bingham’s revelation. She was saying the exact same thing that Hance said in the deposition. Hance was asked the same question Bailey was asked, and I point Bailey out because his answer to that question is in that amendment that I posted. So if Hance said what I said he said, then my assertion was correct: Hance conceded that the decision to terminate was made prior to (and therefore independent of) Leach’s decision to file the TRO. If I’m wrong, and you’re right that the decision to terminate was in retaliation for his filing of the TRO, then you’re saying that all these Tech guys lied in their depositions when they said it wasn’t that AND that they were in violation of their own policies. So you either sank the 8-ball in a pocket you didn’t call or you sank the 8-ball in a pocket you did call but the cue ball went into a pocket as well. You lose in either scenario. As to this offer of the money he’s owed, again what evidence is there of this? Your word? That’s gonna be a tough sell, especially since we know that Leach offered to settle the case and Texas Tech rejected it. https://www.seattletimes.com/sports/college/texas-tech-rejects-mike-leachs-offer-to-settle-suit-college-football/
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