Dershowitz has never done anything in his life that even remotely comes close to “help bring about peace in the Middle East.”
He claims that Arthur Goldberg consulted with him during the authoring of UN 242, though there’s no reason to believe he contributed anything meaningful (in fact when Finkelstein pressed him, he couldn’t even recall the fucking name of the British Ambassador that co-authored it).
It really doesn’t help that his other “contributions” include plagiarizing large chunks of Joan Peters’ fraudulent From Time Immemorial, yet he points to that book as a significant stemp to peace.
When he wasn’t stealing from a hoax and when he wasn’t reflexively blaming the Palestinians for everything, he was also falsifying Israel’s human rights record in the Occupied Territories. The truth is that not only has what Dershowitz done throughout his career not at all conducive to peace in the Middle East, what little he has done has been extremely harmful and counterproductive to those ends.
He asserts Larry’s jokes as being “bad,” as if that were a matter of fact, and it’s simply not.
He uses the word “while” as if the timing of those two things go together. Larry David’s career spans from 1980 to now. So even if we’re to grant his premise that he “had input” in 242, he can’t use that because that was in 1967 when Larry was working on his bachelors in history at Maryland.
So Alan wasn’t really involved in “trying to bring peace in the Middle East” at any point in his life, Larry David can hardly be accused of writing bad jokes, and even if he could, he certainly wasn’t doing it in 1967. Plus, everything Dershowitz has done since 1967 has been to produce self-serving and insipid drivel (that real academics tear apart on the regular) while Larry David had been writing award-winning TV shows.
That’s at least 5 lies in 17 words. Par for the course for Ole Al.