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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. The thing that you need to consider is the 90%+ approval of the IDF’s actions. Like he says at the end, they’re aware. And yet, 90+% of the population does not say that the IDF has gone too far. Well over 90% of their population either outright approved of what the IDF has been doing, or even more shockingly, they don’t think the IDF is being harsh enough. That’s a problem. It’s one of the leading reasons that saying “if Bibi and/or his policies were seen as so horrible in the country, why has there been no effective opposition?” is a valid argument. We also need to remember something else: when Labour was that equal counterweight to Likud, their policies in the Occupied Territories were not all that different from Likud. In fact in a lot of ways, they were worse. The only time Israel ever suspended the use of torture as being a legal tactic for the IDF used was by Begin (only for two years, but a suspension nonetheless). Labour never had a P.M. that suspended torture. Prior to his death, Yitzhak Rabin used to brag that he’d demolished more houses than any Likud leader. And speaking of Rabin, his record of settlement expansion in the West Bank was worse than that of Shamir. Housing permits and constructions went up faster during Barak’s tenure than under Bibi’s first regime in the 90’s. Of course Netanyahu is now clear in the lead on most of the aforementioned issues because he’s the longest serving prime minister in Israel’s history…but that also bolsters what Finkelstein says about him being a reflection of the society: he’s the longest serving P.M. in history. So it’s not like Bibi is facing a formidable counter from the Knesset or from the population in general. Israel’s record in the OT on human rights has been atrocious in generals. We are not living in a reality where any of us can paint a rosie red picture of “well the United States and the more-left parties in Israel could achieve a settlement, but it’s just those damn Likudniks with their right wing Barbarism.” To me, that’s every bit as reality-optional as this notion of blaming everything on the Palestinians.
  2. No, but it is wrong to think he’s the only piece of shit in the Israeli government…or Israel in general.
  3. That dude beat me to it. If anyone could be considered exhibit A for an argument in favor of post birth abortion, it would have to be Marjorie Taylor Greene..
  4. Oh the election will have precious little effect on the bu-fucking-foonery that’s gone on in this particular thread. Other threads? Yes. Even other boards? Maybe. But this one? No. No, the bullshit will continue as long as this needless cycle of violence persists. We’re gonna keep reading the same bullshit excuses and the same bullshit make believe stories.
  5. Again, it’s been like that for almost a year. The amount of bullshit, not to mention sheer moral depravity, that’s been slung around here since October 7th has been absolutely, unbelievably breathtaking.
  6. Are we projected to only feature one member of the All-NBA team again?
  7. You will wait forever
  8. Someone will be sure to tell sixdeadlycobras this.
  9. Marc Elias is a bad ass, which is why MAGAtards hate him so much
  10. Yeah this thread was so awesome before all that. That was the very first instance of shitting.
  11. Telling? Yes. The least bit surprising, given this thread’s embarrassing history over the past 9 months? No
  12. Well…yeah. I mean when a significant portion of the power system spends the better part of a half century singing the praises of how super duper star spangled awesome it is to be an anti-intellectual, you’re going to come away with people who think they can be informed without ever reading a relevant book about the topic.
  13. Oh no doubt. I would never own a chow. In fact I’d never own a dog whose breed (with a sufficient sample size) scored below an 80%.
  14. They score between 71-72% on the ATTS test. About the same as a chihuahua.
  15. Recently took Brea for a reunion with her best friend, Micah. Her parents still live in this apartment complex whereas we obviously do not.
  16. And this is where it begins. Fascism has precisely 0 intellectual foundation. It’s a stupid person’s idea of a smart thing to think. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, German working people were really saying that and the unwavering follow-up question they’d ask was “what happened to me?” They were legitimately seeking answers to that question and nobody in the power system would give answers. Adolf Hitler was pretty much the only person in any position of prominence to give answers to those questions… They were batshit insane, morally and intellectually bankrupt answers, but they were nonetheless answers and that’s why the kind of people @Beantown Express 2.0 is describing end up following this bullshit. When you have honest hardworking people go on the decline, they’re going to wonder why and they’re gonna follow the person supplying them with the answers, even if those answers are complete loony bin material…and even if said material is being supplied by people who couldn’t be bothered to give a shit about any of them. That’s exactly why working class people support this useless loser.
  17. Not sure if this is the right board for this, but… https://golfweek.usatoday.com/2024/07/01/popstroke-mini-golf-tiger-woods-texas/
  18. Those probably would be the only three they could name…and they would still be wrong
  19. Not sure if that’s the real story and that’s largely because I don’t know exactly at what point in the 1944-1945 offseason SMU picked up Russell. I’ve looked up and down for info regarding the exact date for his SMU hire but have found nothing. I do know that it was specifically done to entice Walker, so that scenario seems dubious because word traveled slowly back then and letting it get to the point where he’s got a fucking train ticket to Austin would have been dicey.
  20. I’ve seen so many people contend that the “Ten Commandments is a historical document,” and yet they can’t even for the life of them tell you what they are.
  21. This is correct. They were teammates at HP, but Layne was older and already in Austin when Walker was deciding where to go. More importantly, Rusty Russell was still Highland Park’s head coach when Layne was at Texas and Walker was a senior at HP. Again, SMU hired Russell as a backfield coach in 1945 specifically so that they could steal Doak from Texas.
  22. You think you’re making good points. It’s fucking hilarious
  23. They used Rusty Russell as the ultimate bargaining chip to lure him in. That was the only thing that stood between Texas and Walker.
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