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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 54 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Dude- I used to hear it. Or Cheney was an evil genius and Bush was a puppet. But the point was still cognitive dissonance when speaking about the administration being cunningly, strategically evil and bumbling and incompetent, simultaneously. 

    Heard it from whom? 9/11 Truth nuts? That’s hardly a valid representation of...well, anything. 

    Oh and which claim was it? Because Bush being an evil genius or a puppet are two very different claims. One is not a lighter version than the other. One is the opposite of the other. 

    Also, hardly anyone suggested idiocy of the entire administration. The idiocy claims were limited to Bush and maybe a handful of much lower level nitwits (Brownie, Gonzalez, Goodling and the rest of those idiots that went to Regent University), but no one serious said that about Cheney, Rummy, Powell, Bolton, et al. Did they have absolutely insane political views? Yes, but hardly an indictment of their education and/or overall intelligence.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    These guys aren’t helping.  Fox News headline.


    I should have elaborated.

    So earlier this week I encouraged the sane and moral people here to utter the words "DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST."

    I was half right, and I say "half" because there's another important part to that which I omitted unintentionally:


    • Like 2
  3. On 5/20/2020 at 6:48 PM, TwiceHorn said:

    Yep.  It didn't really seem like it, but in retrospect, Obama and events had us on a pretty even keel economically and most other ways.  Many of our problems were perceived, theoretical, or aspirational.

    And that persisted through most of the Trump administration, despite his best efforts.  Until now.

    I mean there were still a lot of problems economically with a great number of Americans under Obama, but Trump was the guy who invented additional problems in his own tiny mind and offered insane solutions that exacerbated the symptoms of the actual problems. It's like a heart surgeon who took a bunch of mushrooms and ripped a guy's balls out in a triple bypass operation, and when asked why he did it, he says "his balls were singing Layla, and I hate that shit because the very sound of it summons aliens to my fortress in Guatemala!"

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. On 7/22/2020 at 5:13 PM, MC Fresh Breath said:


    Liberals:  "You crazy radicals need to understand change happens incrementally. You can't just change the system all at once."

    Lefties: "OK, how about just 10% of the already incredibly hyper-inflated military budget?"

    Liberals: "No."


    Liberals are fucking insane. They're the guy who's riding shotgun in a corvette that's traveling top speed towards a cliff that goes thousands of feet down, and when the driver realizes he has to slam on the brakes and turn the fucking car sharply to avoid an inevitable catastrophe, he says to the driver "don't stop that hard and don't turn that much!!! MODERATION FOR MODERATION'S SAKE!!!"

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Radical Larry said:


    I saw the Mochrie name and read that post in his Whose Line voice when he did the 6 o’clock news. “Good evening, it’s time for the 6 o’clock news. I’m your anchor: Oswald Thatendswald.”

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Bill Brasky said:

    questioning why conservative gun owners aren't putting their lives on the line to defend people who want them dead is a brilliant take 

    I’ve seen some pretty dishonest shit on this board. This one is pretty fucking low

    • Like 2
  7. 13 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Look I think I get what you're saying, but let me make sure. Are you saying that DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST? I want to be clear that the exact words you're using are "DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST," so when I quote you as saying "DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST" I'm not misquoting you. 

    Look, I get why you might be hesitant.

    See, when we say that CRAIG JAMES KILLED 5 HOOKERS AT SMU, we only do it at most about a quarter tongue in cheek. Like Dale Hansen said regarding the idea that Plano East parents were responsible for the investigation into Carter High’s grades in 1988, “I have no proof of that, but I have no doubt of it either.” We don’t have any evidence that CRAIG JAMES KILLED 5 HOOKERS AT SMU, but it’s very likely. Nonetheless a judge would kick our ass and dismiss the claim if we ever went to court with it.

    But if we ever went to a judge and said DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST, and presented the evidence for which said judge would doubtlessly ask us, he’d review it and say that “in conclusion, I find that DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST.”

    • Like 3
  8. 39 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    Did someone say that DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST, or was I imagining that?

    No it happened. I did say DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST and it was precisely, exactly and only because DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST.

    • Like 3
  9. 33 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    And understand this, which is very, very important.

    The reaction of LARGE segments of law enforcement to a justified and widely supported public movement complaining about rampant abuses of power and authority by law enforcement, up to and including flat-out murder of citizens.....has been to punish the populace and beat them into submission.

    These are the actions of an occupying enemy force, NOT a local civilian law enforcement agency.  Never, ever forget that.  And never, ever forgive it.  The number of people who will need to be subjected to the criminal process and eventually imprisoned is growing quickly.  If we handle this as a civilized country, within the next two years, we may well need additional prison beds for every federal troop that committed unjustified criminal assault and/or attempted murder (just for starters).  We will also need those cells for the superiors who ordered the crimes to be committed.  We need to be committed to that path.  That's how you restore "law and order," that this regime SAYS it's so concerned about.

    This is openly criminal activity, meant to terrorize our own population.  Stew on that for 1/10th of a second, and then fucking puke.

    You know I just had three thoughts cross my brain wiring and I wanted to run this by the board as a ground zero of sorts.

    Ok, so...

    1) everything you said is true, especially the italicized portion.

    2) The criminal definition of terrorism, originally articulated by US Army Tradoc Pamphlet No. 525-37 (1984), is "the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious or ideological in nature. This is done through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear."

    3) I belong to a Facebook group where all they talk about is football in Texas (all levels) and recently a discussion about the SMU death penalty came up. Invariably, the unfortunate and uncomfortable subject that Craig James Killed 5 Hookers at SMU came up and we had to explain the history of what that actually meant (other than the fact that Craig James Killed 5 Hookers at SMU).

    So...it occurs to me that as long as we're protesting both on the internet and in the streets, we need to be able to utter these 6 words ad nauseum:


    I'm only saying this because DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST and we need to be able to inform our less informed brethren that DONALD TRUMP IS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST.

    • Like 2
  10. 55 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    I'm not sure I buy this with the exception of the most feeble. I think they know and are lying to themselves. Otherwise, how could they not parse down to the very specific word and action when other instances have occurred that don't paint the perpetrators in a positive light? The elderly protestor, for example. 

    What makes you think that they're coming up with those parses on their own and not regurgitating shit they heard on Fox News?

  11. 23 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    But that is not an excuse or a license for the feds to brutalize everyone just for being nearby to someone else committing a crime. Nevermind that DHS has been abducting people to question them without probable cause or charges just to interrogate them about the guy they happened to be next to.

    That’s what they (those who support this hideousness) don’t get. They’re completely incapable of completing the most basic of syllogisms. Poor chaps, they never could do that. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Do you have evidence of an attempted burning with people inside?

    I'm not saying it didn't happen, but that's a very big claim.

    If 10,000 people are out demonstrating and 20 people do something non-peaceful, does that mean the whole protest is now violent/not peaceful?

    That’s the one thing they will not say. They will not admit that their logic is so warped and beyond reality that if any 1 of 10,000 does more than stand perfectly still with a sign that has no profanity, that apparently either negates the entire legitimacy of the protests or puts their actions on the level of fucking secret police.

    This is exactly how US propaganda works relative to the Israel situation. The government and its alleged supporters LOVE to critique every fucking thing the Palestinians and Hamas do to resist the occupation, but the one thing they won’t say is that they have an obligation to walk outside with hands raised and line up like ducks. 

    And they wonder why we refer to such sycophants as bootlickers. 

    • Like 3
    • Fuck You 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It's defined as lawlessness.  And it's absolutely happening in Portland....just not by the actors he thinks.  A loose bunch of tens of thousands of protesters has some people within it who are lawless.  A cadre of paramilitary irregulars are acting under systematic orders to violate the law and deprive people of their constitutional rights.  That's anarchy.  And it's dangerous as fuck.  When the forces of the law act as if they are ABOVE the law, that's 1,000 times more dangerous than a random citizen doing so.

    Every accusation is a confession.

    Well what you’re describing is happening in Portland, but that’s not anarchy.

    Anarchy simply means “without rulers.” There’s a huge distinction between “without rulers” and “without rules,” the latter of which is actually favored by very few actual anarchists. As someone who’s been one for the past 13 years, I would definitely know. 

    But yes, what’s happening in Portland is a gigantic shit show and to favor it is to display a level of moral depravity that goes well beyond the darkest scenes in Deliverance.

    • Like 1
  14. 9 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    yeah, for every hippie, you had ten okies from muskogee. i used to wonder the same thing, but came to realize that the protesters from the 60s were a minority, and that's why they had to be so vocal with their protest. nixon started his second term in 72 with something like a 65% approval rating before watergate.

    Which is why I never bought into the bullshit story of "oh well the baby boomers started out as rebellious hippies and turned into yuppies when they got older and wiser." Bullshit, the few hippies they actually had either died or just got tired and the assholes we always knew the rest of that generation were took over.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Brisketexan: "The soliders WILL commit acts of violence. It's who they are."
    JBJ: "You could just as easily be talking about the protestors."
    Huckleberry: "What a stupid thing to say."
    JBJ: "How many times have they set federal buildings on fire? That's why the federal soldiers have to be there and protect buildings."
    Huckleberry: "Good question. How many?"
    JBJ: "I dunno."
    Huckleberry: "I thought you knew. I don't know of any. They set local municipality buildings on fire twice."
    Many others: "Yeah, they haven't set any federal buildings on fire."
    JBJ: "Nobody can answer me, that's why my point is awesome."

    I literally see Mike Nifong stating JBJ's comments. That's how fucking dishonest it is, and it's as if he has no idea how it comes off.

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