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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 2 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Our security was definitely threatened during the Cold War. We were at the precipice of nuclear war multiple times over a period of roughly 40 years following WW2. There were many sleepless nights during that time.

    We also contributed quite a bit to the threat. So yeah it's easy to, for example, get all huffy about Soviet submarines in Cuba, but does that happen without Jupiter missiles in Turkey? Point being, any Russian schmuck could say the exact same sentence that you began with and he'd be every bit as correct as you are. But the way you put it out there (and I'm sure the Russian schmuck would too) makes it seem as if the US (or in the schmuck's case, the USSR) was some sort of victim in the Cold War. We (they) weren't. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    I don’t know if folks have been paying attention, but we are 1-3-1 in major conflicts since the end of WW2.

    I don't agree with the numbers, but the point that should have been made was that WWII was the last time we were actually defending ourselves, and Fudge Nuggets actually sold it a bit short. Yeah the Japanese did attack Pearl Harbor, but Germany also declared full on war against us just days later.

    Since then, we've never been in a position to enter into a war where our national security was at stake. 9/11 was a first strike by a rogue cell of the wahhabist movement (and it was actually condemned by large parts of same), not an attack by a foreign military. Every "war" we've gotten ourselves into since 1945 has been based on self-serving horseshit that our State Department was always able to sell to the public under some sort of guise. 

  3. 9 hours ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Don't remember anyone saying that. Trump is the MIC's wet dream. He will give them all the money of a Reagan-Bush Republican without any need for them to actually hit benchmarks or deliver a working product.

    That being said, Boeing is getting plowed because they tried to pull the same shit in the civilian aircraft market, and it predated Trump. 

    We should just steal the F35I schematics.  They aren't unhappy with the airframe. Israel has actual national security in mind while we are more concerned with pork. 


    They do?

  4. 23 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

    I have no idea. Are you asking me to come up off the cuff with a strategy that beguiled MLK, etc., or else using children as the marches did was morally right? 

    Like I said, I think there is room for disagreement on tactics and x's and o's, while still having the same overall and overarching ideals.

    Off the cuff? We've had 57 years to review this. How much longer do you need?

    Again, if your concern is kids participating in marches and not why the marches are happening to begin with, you're looking at it backwards. Much as you might hate Brisket's suggestions, the administration will never rise to a loftier level than that and it's beyond fantasy to speculate otherwise. What he said is correct: we're being forced to consider such things because that's how fucking low this insane power system has sunk. It's not about right and wrong any more; it's about better and worse. Yeah, we'd like to be able to settle this in a manner acceptable according to the tenets of Emily Post's Etiquette in Society, but that horse left the barn a long time ago, and with this latest bit of intellectual and moral bankruptcy in Portland, it ain't comin' back.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Rougarou said:

    The ideal/ends to which they were organized to achieve, was morally right. The SCLC Children's Crusade was morally wrong, in my opinion.

    What should they have done that would have resulted in the same ends?

  6. 20 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    The biggest mistake when you are in an existential fight is to outline rules of decorum and norms that you will follow, but your opponent won't.  When you realize how gruesome this process already is, then shit becomes real clear.  We don't win this fight without all of us being in it.  All of us.

    Absolutely this.

  7. 41 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    How many people are even paying attention to this? Yesterday (Sunday) I turned on the news stations to see what they were saying about Portland. Both CNN and MSNBC we rehashing the same stuff about Covid and then transitioned to something else unrelated to Portland. They remain lazy and hostile to news. I'm guessing that they're waiting for print journalists and local TV crews to provide them with grist for their opinion panels.

    Interestingly, back in the days when there were only three network who could fund news departments, there might be wall to wall coverage of Portland and more aggressive live reporting from hospitals about Covid. 

    I genuinely have no idea where this story ranks with the general public or if half of the public even knows about it. Maybe Wolf's oddball pronouncements will make people think they're watching a Harrison Ford thriller where he save the country from the Russians or Arabs or the Cartels.

    Remember what the media are: corporations that are owned by even bigger conglomerates. 

    "In essence, the private media are major corporations selling a product (readers and audiences) to other businesses (advertisers). The national media typically target and serve elite opinion, groups that, on the one hand, provide an optimal “profile” for advertising purposes, and, on the other, play a role in decision-making in the private and public spheres. The national media would be failing to meet their elite audience’s needs if they did not present a tolerably realistic portrayal of the world. But their “societal purpose” also requires that the media’s interpretation of the world reflect the interests and concerns of the sellers, the buyers, and the governmental and private institutions dominated by these groups.”- Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media

    In that context, we should perfectly well expect that kind of pathological behavior you're describing. This image that we have of the media as "investigative journalists" that are "out to discover the truth" has no application to the outlets to which you're referring. That description is only applicable to independent outlets, which refer to those that are consumer-controlled, not state or corporate-controlled. It's the same problem with our government, too. It's the same problem because they're beholden to the same interests, albeit for different reasons. We're seeing a staggering level of unemployment, a massive increase in the disparity of income and wealth (which already was a problem), a pandemic which is wiping people out like nothing we've seen in 100 years...and the only thing half our congress cares about seems to be more tax breaks and bailouts to large concentrations of capital. Our president cares more about his own personal interests and image (playing golf, posing for pictures with Goya products, bragging about "acing" a fucking cognition test, etc). 

    Watching our government's attitude towards servility to corporate interests is like watching the dying emperor clutch his staff in The Dark Crystal.


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  8. 5 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    Just catching up on this after being relatively unplugged over the weekend.

    This shit is ridiculous and blatantly unconstitutional. Any other President would be impeached over this. I'm sure the saxks and onboards of the world are masturbating furiously.

    Oh they're already giving excuses for it (and by they, I mean dishonest right wingers in general, so maybe not them specifically as I neither know nor care what their flatulence about this is). They're saying "well they're destroying federal property and they have probable cause to arrest them!" It's just total bootlicker bullshit. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    A reminder that a court has already declared Cuccinelli’s appointment was illegal. And good luck proving up probable cause for these arrests.

    And that's the excuse I'm already hearing from the Trumpers I know personally...that these people were "destroying" or "vandalizing" federal property (they've yet to produce evidence for this) and that DHS/ICE/CBP/ETC were all justified in performing these actions. It's truly sickening how low these people have stooped. 12 years ago, if you'd told me that the worst things to come out of these degenerates' mouths were "I ain't votin' for no nigger," I would have been appalled. Now? That would be an improvement. 

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  10. 52 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    Any law that limits is a law against the 2nd amendment. You're not gonna make me budge.

    In your own tiny mind, you think you’re exhibiting strength with this sentence. You’re not. You’re displaying a level of cowardice and weakness that’s very hard to describe.

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  11. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    I don't want anyone to shoot them, but heckling them for looking like stupid dorks wearing camo in a fucking city would be beautiful.

    However, if unmarked guys start grabbing people and shoving them into unmarked vans, then it makes sense that others would use deadly force to defend that person being kidnapped.

    It won't happen, of course. :)

    Oh and if it did, you can full well guarantee that the crocodile tears about “domestic terrorism” from the Fox News crowd will be turned up to fucking 11. There is nothing honorable about anything those people say or do. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    Trump could shoot RBG in the middle of 5th Avenue and it wouldn't matter.  Susan Collins might be concerned, that's it.

    Susan Collins would assume he realized he “made a mistake” and since “learned” from it. She’s the embodiment of right wing politics in general: bottomless naïveté with a relentless pursuit of believing in pretend.

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  13. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    Oh....hpslugga....you're adorable.  We already know how this goes.

    All that talk about being "anti-gestapo" wasn't just off, it was a flat-out LIE.  They fucking LOVE the gestapo....they just wanted to make sure that it was a gestapo working for their team.

    Oh I have no doubt what the result will be. Just wanted it to be on record in advance that they had the opportunity to actually be brave for once in their useless lives and once again eschewed the opportunity.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 19 hours ago, MadBurgerMaker said:

    Why do they do things like that?  Massively over charge, I mean.  Is it to try to get plea deals or something?

    Intimidation regarding anyone who has funny ideas about protesting in the future. The problem is that they think what we’re seeing when they flex their muscles like this is Hulk Hogan. What we’re really seeing is Barney Fife.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Yeah- men are called to so much more by the faith than modern secular humanism calls them to. We are also to live our wives sacrificing like Christ loved the church, even dying for them. 
    I’m not good at that stuff. But the people back in the day who used the Bible to “keep women in line” and make sure they obeyed them were so hilariously stupid and unchristian it makes my head spin. 
    As a man walking by the tennants of my faith I’m responsible for dying to my wife and her desires, spiritually guiding her and my kids, providing and protecting for them, and that’s just my reponsibility around my 4 walls, to say nothing of my fellow believers, advancing the kingdom, and humanity writ large. 

    I’m sure you believe that. There’s just no reason to.

  16. 52 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:


    Actually it’s a person (presumably a man) that fails their family. A lot of people, even atheists, think that it’s the sin of unbelief, but it explicitly says in First Timothy 5:8 “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

    But either way, as George Carlin would have said, it’s all bullshit and it’s bad for ya.

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  17. 2 hours ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    My evangelical in-laws are full on Trumpkins. On their entryway table they've built a small altar for Trump with matching MAGA hats placed, bills crossed, at the base of a cross & Bible. MIL stays out of politics for the most part, minus the occasional fwd>fwd>fwd> email my wife gets. But the FIL has told me multiple times how there is proof that Obama, Clinton, Gore, Carter--any president or high ranking official with a D by their name--is an agent of the devil if not Satan himself (Obama). Conversely, Trump is the living embodiment of King Cyrus: a POS that God is using for a bigger purpose.

    Fucking hypocritical morons who use their "teachings" to justify their deplorable stances.

    I wouldn’t engage. That’s a person that’s too far gone.

    I mean seriously, they’re suggesting that not only is there proof that an invisible being occupying a fictitious place really exists but that this invisible being in the fictitious place is plotting with mortal men, for whatever reason, and that they all happen to be Democratic Presidents of the United States? That’s just straight up insanity now that I think of it

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  18. Oh he's the most spineless of them all, yet people are so easily distracted by bells, whistles, smoke, mirrors, colors, lights, etc that they think his pseudo tough guy rhetoric makes him a tough guy. If you picked up Donald Trump's testicles and rolled them into a drinking straw, it'd look like two kernels of corn were rolling around in a storm drain.

    And as far as the rest of those goons and hooligans in that chickenshit organization known as the GOP, he surrounds himself with likeminded spineless buffoons. Rick Perry was the governor of Texas when Dan Patrick was a state senator that had his hands all over the statement enunciating the party's platform in 2012. In it, they said of education "We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority." Perry didn't have anything to do with the drafting of that statement, but he nonetheless gave every fucking word of it his dickless aggy blessing. Again, the bold phrase is a sign of weakness, not strength, contrary to what those morons imagine. You can go through Trump's cabinet, especially its initial edition, and you'll find the same thing: spineless cowards who pretend to be tough.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  19. 1 minute ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Let's break down both stories since you can't be bothered to read past the headlines


    Story 2 How Hydroxychloroquine can help patients survive?

    How are these stories in conflict with each other? 

    And even if they were 100% in conflict, I would appreciate if a journalist decided to flip flop 100% if they later discovered they were wrong. Only weak minded people stick to a narrative even once they're proven to be wrong. 

    Absolutely this. So many use the sentence "that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it" and they think it's a projection of strength. It's not. It's a very cowardly display of weakness.

    • Like 8
  20. 13 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    Prepare to puke y’all


    His picture suffices. Didn't need to know he likes to shake his little pee pee at Martha's Vineyard, though that certainly makes sense. Motherfucker is a goddamned reptile.

  21. 1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:



    That’s the kind of person he is. 

    And suppose that Epstein really did have videos. You know full well that Dershowitz will do what the fuck ever he can to prevent them from ever seeing the light of day. This is the same guy who, when he was caught plagiarizing that hoax of a book known as From Time Immemorial via that piece of fucking shit known as The Case For Israel, threatened to “own” University of California Press very shortly after they indicated their intentions to publish Norman Finkelstein’s Beyond Chutzpah, which is a front-to-back demolition of Dershowitz’ garbage. That’s how desperate he gets when he knows he’s been caught in a lie. He’s Rafael Palmeiro pointing the finger at Congress denying be ever took steroids, and then when he gets caught, he screams like a little bitch hoping that no one ever hears the exposure.

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