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Posts posted by hpslugga

  1. 11 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

    I’m not really in your dreaming camp. Or talking about any sort of large scale shift. I’m just saying that Patrick, personally, is strongly disliked, even by otherwise reliable Republican voters. No one who has an educator in their family voted for him.

    And for good reason. In the GOP platform that the state released in 2012, their position on education was:

    "Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority."

    And everyone with a functioning gray cell understood that his fingerprints were all over that. He's pig-ignorant and proud of it. But he'd have been simply cast aside were it not for the fact that his voter base is filled with 1) people who agree with this mentality, which means they're as pig-ignorant as he is 2) people who don't know that's in their platform 3) people who don't care and 4) pseudo intellectuals that offer twisted apologetics in defense of this garbled verbal effluvia.

    • Like 3
  2. 8 hours ago, F250 said:

    It didn't quite work out for Sinn Fein despite coming in first in the general election. A centrist coalition was formed and they were able to keep Sinn Fein out of leadership with the appointment of Michael Martin as Prime Minister (Taoiseach). Sinn Fein is now the opposition party as of this weekend.


    Well motherfucker

  3. On 2/9/2020 at 5:54 PM, F250 said:

    Things are going to get interesting in Ireland.


    I've not seen any updates about this but am very curious. Anyone come across anything about how this is progressing (or not)?

  4. 13 hours ago, Fletch said:

    Yeah I’m pretty sure we’re fucked, dude. 

    I mean the UIL lifted its longstanding restrictions on live broadcasting Friday games, so that tells me they've already got their finger on the "No Fans In The Stands" button, which is just next to the "No Football At All" button.


    1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    In Illinois athletics, there was a rule---if you missed that day of classes, you could not participate in any interscholastic competitions.  This was if you were sick, got back from vacation, went to a funeral, or you had to work with your dad at the farm.  You could not play in a game.  And if you missed Friday school, that extended to Saturday games (our football games were typically midday Saturday, not Friday night like in Texas).  Only exceptions were if you were gone from class doing something else academic (academic/club competitions, visiting a college, scholarship interviews, etc.).  

    Is there something like that in Texas?  because the hard part is even if you have the money and resources to play high school football, half the kids (at least in our district) are going to be remote learning, they're not technically in school that day.  However, you could argue that they are still "attending class" from home, but somebody's gonna need to change that language toot-sweet. 

    No the only rule they have is No Pass No Play. There is no exclusion for missing class on that particular day. And even if they did, you're right in that such rules have to be modified in these specific times.

  5. 20 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I'll take your word.  Clarence has some weird ideas so you do kind of know he's thinking, if in an aberrant way.  I don't remember any Alito opinions off the top of my head.

    I was gonna say, Clarence has always stuck out at me more than Alito in the stupid category. Where Alito has it on him is dishonesty

  6. 7 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

    Fucking Abilene is defying an order from the governor to close bars?  That shithole town which has like 11 different Church of Christ colleges and which, according to Google, doesn’t even allow hard liquor sales on Sundays (so as not to burn in hell) ... that fucking place is making a stand to keep bars open?  

    Everyone in the GOP has lost their fucking minds.   If some Democrat scientist told them abortion clinics had to shut down because of Covid, at this point they’d probably all try to go get abortions and tell the clinic not to use any masks or hand sanitizer in protest.

    That's exactly how those idiots have been for quite a while. They've been groomed to believe, going back to the days of Barry Goldwater (certainly to the days of the Reagan Administration when it transcended into a level of vulgarity at which other countries laugh), that ANYTHING the Democratic Party advances has to be evil, and that they therefore must oppose it. They don't bother looking into the issue; they just vote against it first and then work it back with tortured "logic" and embarrassing apologetics. And nothing ever interrupts the very binary nature of their "reasoning," either. At least one of them is reading this post at this very second and they're thinking, because they have to get all the words in when they go derogatory, "you radical leftist stalinist fascist socialist communist anarchist, you love and support the DNC!!!HILLARY LOVER!!!"

    • Like 6
  7. 7 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    of course, on this very thread i explained to you that it was not merely about throttling, though that is an aspect. you clearly still do not understand this issue, and still cannot articulate why you are against net neutrality. it's kind of an amazing thing to behold.

    Dude, he’s against it because the Republicans and the Trump administration are against it. He’ll never admit to that, but that’s what the fuck this is.

  8. 22 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    On a serious note, I think BLM kinda fucked themselves, from a PR standpoint, by making Michael Brown their beachhead.

    They should have kept the focus on Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner. 

    And Botham Jean and a host of others, which is really the larger point: this isn’t about having beachheads or poster boys or anything like that. 

  9. My alma mater had to change a LOT more of its traditions than merely its school song back in 2004, and we’re perfectly fine with those changes. I really don’t see what the problem is if enough students no longer wish it to be a part of the culture. 

  10. 2 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

    Believe exactly like we do or you will be burned at the stake.  I briefly thought about staying out of the shit hole that is the Cloak Room because of this prevailing attitude but this whole groupthink plague is worth fighting against.  I know it's not a popular stance to take here but a man who was slightly smarter than even me once said  "Just because something is popular does not mean it is right and just because something is right does not mean it is popular." (Albert Einstein)

    Saying that Einstein was smarter than even you is like saying that the New England Patriots are better than even my 12 year old nephew’s flag football team.

  11. 16 hours ago, Blotto said:

    I can't decide if I am more dismayed about the the racism displayed by the Turletons in this country, or the galactic levels of retardation that always seem to accompany the racism. He is probably too fucking stupid to fix. 

    Well no one serious ever suggested that racism was in any way associated with some sort of lofty intellectual discipline, so yeah that seems to register in the “accurate” category.

  12. 4 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    This is still just internet rumor mill stuff, right?

    Nominally, yes, but in reality it has as much chance at being not true as it seems probable that the Generals are going to finally beat those damn Globetrotters.

  13. On 5/28/2020 at 11:04 PM, Gatorubet said:

    Some bad guy robbed a bank.  Let's ban all guns so the one time event does not happen again.   See how that works Trump peeps?  Or does the one guy who drove into a ditch and did not drown because he was not wearing a seatbelt - so everyone should not be able to have a seat belt - work?     The isolated and minuscule  instances of voter fraud should not be grounds for preventing millions of legitimate voters voting by mail.  

    Not only that but we need to be honest with ourselves about who's committing the very limited instances of voter fraud. It's not uppity negroes who work at Popeyes, it's not the hispanic lawnmowers, or any of that shit. No, the very few instances of voter fraud are being committed by those who scream loudest about it, i.e. those with a very visible skin in the game. Voter fraud, in that respect, is the new gay. If you see a politician screaming about it, chances are they're a pillow biter ballot stuffer.

    And if anyone is still confused by that, please answer the following:

    1. You would agree that our political system (like virtually all of them) court people who possess underhanded/unethical tendencies, would you not?
    2. You would agree that the aforementioned people share a common tendency of possessing a desire to win at all costs, would you not?
    3. You would agree that the people making claims of voter suppression are those most likely to vote against establishment figures, would you not?

    Final question, if you agree with the first 3:

    What sort of pattern of voter fraud, if any, would you expect to arise out of this when the number of those who are making claims of suppression far outweigh the number of those who claim fraud?

    • Like 2
  14. 11 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    The idea that the Union fought the Civil War to free the slaves is almost as absurd as the idea that the South did not start the war to keep their slaves. 

    Oh there’s no doubt that the Union’s intentions were far less than noble. Saying that they were trying to liberate African slaves is as naive as saying that the US was trying to liberate [insert name of country we fucked with] in [insert years spanning between 1947-present]. 

    That having been said, the motivations for the confederacy were far worse. I mean seriously, you got your panties in a fucking wad because some guy who may or may not have held abolitionist convictions won the election, so you literally took your ball, went home, and vowed to take up arms against Americans if they decided to do something about it?

    And as far as this heritage thing, that to me is a perversity that’s very hard to match: a four-year fad that arose because of the aforementioned butthurt is put to sleep 155 years ago, and that’s a heritage today? Kill that noise.

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